Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 63 If ​​there are any more illegal criminals, you are finished

Chapter 63 If ​​there are any more illegal criminals, you are finished
Chen Ming stood up when he saw this situation.

He explained to the residents of the courtyard.

"Comrade residents of the courtyard, Officer Lin and I have no choice but to do this. This decision was not made by Officer Lin and me."

"This is a decision made by the leaders of the street, the leaders of our patrol team, and the leaders of the Red Star Rolling Mill together."

But when Chen Minggang was halfway through his explanation, a woman in front of them, who looked to be in her 60s or [-]s and had half-white hair, suddenly walked towards Lin Chen and grabbed Lin Chen's sleeve.

"Officer Lin, if Aunt Sun begs you, can you go and beg your street leader for mercy? Aunt Sun will bow to you."

Sun Xuejuan took a step back after saying this, and then prepared to bow to Lin Chen.

How dare Lin Chen let a man who looks three to 40 years older than him bow to him?

He quickly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the other party.

"Aunt Sun, what are you doing? I can't stand this."

"Officer Lin, please help me plead with the street leaders."

After Sun Xuejuan finished speaking, other residents of the courtyard also came over and began to say good things to Lin Chen.

Every household has also poured out the bitter water of each household.

For a moment, Lin Chen looked at the people in the courtyard and felt really compassionate in his heart.

I thought that I had traveled back in time from modern times and became a policeman. Naturally, my job was to punish evil and promote good.

In the courtyard, although most of the people who appear in the TV series are animals, the Red Star Courtyard is a courtyard with more than 20 households and more than 100 people.

The protagonists in the TV series are only 30 people plus one, and the other 70 people are ordinary residents who are doing their jobs honestly.

Lin Chen really didn't want to let the other residents in the compound be affected by the beasts in the courtyard and be forced to move out, so Lin Chen looked at the people in the compound and said.

"Dear residents of the Siheyuan, I understand all the situations you told me. I will tell the street leaders about your situation. But in the end, the street leaders will not decide what to do, and it is not our ordinary patrol team. The team members can intervene.”

"Thank you Comrade Lin Chen, thank you Comrade Lin Chen."

"Officer Lin, you are such a good person."

Seeing the residents of the courtyard thanking Lin Chen, Chen Ming couldn't help but tugged at the corner of Lin Chen's clothes anxiously.

Then he whispered beside him.

"Our Captain Bi is not that easy to talk to."

Lin Chen also responded to him in a low voice.

"I know, just let me talk to her when I get back. This has nothing to do with you."

When Chen Ming heard what Lin Chen said, he didn't say anything else.

After all, Lin Chen's level is now three levels higher than his. If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to support him. Lin Chen himself is willing to poke a hornet's nest like Bi Xueqing.

Chen Ming decided to give up helping others and respect the fate of others.

A few minutes later, Chen Ming and Lin Chen walked out of the Red Star Courtyard together. On the way to the street office, Chen Ming looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Officer Lin, have you thought about how to tell Captain Bi when you go back?"

"Almost figured it out."

"Okay, just think about it."*
A few minutes later, Lin Chen and Chen Ming returned to the subdistrict office. After arriving at the subdistrict office, Chen Ming gave Lin Chen a look that made Lin Chen wish for blessings, and then returned to the patrol team's office.

Lin Chen went to Bi Xueqing's office, knocked on the door and got a response, then walked in.

When Bi Xueqing saw Lin Chen pushing the door open, she asked him.

"How about it? Have all the residents of Red Star Courtyard signed?"

"Captain Bi, the residents of the courtyard are having a hard time. They have all lived in the courtyard for more than ten years, and many of them have built their own vegetable sheds."

"Lin Chen, what do you mean by this?"

Bi Xueqing's expression immediately changed when she heard Lin Chen explaining to the residents of Hongxing Courtyard.

"Captain Bi, no one in the Red Star Courtyard wants to move out. When we passed there today, there was an aunt who was almost 60 years old."

"Lin Chen, do you think you are great because you have made some contributions these days? There have been so many criminals in Hongxing Siheyuan in just three months. If someone commits a crime in the future, will you, Officer Lin, be responsible, or will you? As the patrol leader, I am responsible.”

"I am responsible."

"What are you responsible for?"

Bi Xueqing did not expect that at this time, Lin Chen would dare to talk back to her.

Everyone in the sub-district office knows her family’s background, and even the sub-district director is polite when talking to her.

Bi Xueqing did not expect that a person she had promoted would dare to contradict her not long after.

"Captain Bi, now that the Red Star Courtyard has been arrested, there are so many illegal criminals and so many rooms have been vacated, which can be used by people from our patrol team."

"Captain Bi, I can live there if necessary. I guarantee that no new criminals will appear in the Red Star Courtyard. If there are new criminals, you can just punish me."

Bi Xueqing looked straight at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes, but there was quite a bit of anger in her eyes.

It was actually she who proposed the dismantling and reorganization of the Red Star Courtyard. It was only after her initiative that the street director and the leaders at the steel rolling mill agreed.

"If Captain Bi's compound is broken up and reorganized, other compounds will definitely be affected."

But slowly, Bi Xueqing suppressed her anger again. She looked at Lin Chen who sincerely considered the residents of the Red Star Courtyard.

He also thought about Lin Chen's previous request to her to compensate the deaf old lady's illegal income to the residents of Hongxing Courtyard, and about helping the villagers of Hongshan Commune get compensation.

Then she realized that Lin Chen probably wasn't sincerely opposing her, but that he was a person who sincerely cared about the residents.

Then he thought that the plan proposed by Lin Chen was indeed a solution, allowing Lin Chen, a member of the patrol team who had arrested so many criminals, to live in the Red Star Courtyard.

Presumably the people in the Red Star Courtyard would no longer dare to engage in illegal and criminal activities.

So he looked at Lin Chen and said coldly.

"If you tell me the problem, I will punish you however you want."

When Lin Chen heard what Bi Xueqing said, he knew there was something serious about it, so he assured Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, I promise that there will be no new criminals in the courtyard from now on. If there are new criminals, I can deal with them however you want."

"Okay, if there are any new criminals in the courtyard, I will hang you up and whip you."

"However, this decision was previously made by the street director and the leaders of the Red Star Rolling Mill after discussions. I can't guarantee that they will agree to let you live in the Red Star Courtyard and not break up the courtyard."

(End of this chapter)

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