Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 65: Go search and find the stolen money

Chapter 65: Go search and find the stolen money
After hearing what Lin Chen said, Bi Xueqing thought of the situation, and it was indeed the case.

When she was in elementary school, she saw many classmates who would write their names on the money with a pencil when paying tuition fees.

She thought that if she could find money with her name written on it or money with eraser marks at Li Xiuhua's house, it would prove that Li Xiuhua stole Ran Qiuye's class fee.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing returned to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office.

Naturally, the Nanluo Subdistrict Office has information about each household.

Bi Xueqing asked the clerk in charge of this aspect to search and found the address of Li Xiuying's home.

Li Xiuying's family lives in No. 7 Yongtai Hutong, which is under the jurisdiction of Nanluo Street.

After checking the address, Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Lin Chen, go to the patrol team and call a few comrades from the patrol team, and then we can go there together."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

A few minutes later, Lin Chen, Bi Xueqing and two members of the patrol team left the street office together and went to Yongtai Hutong.

We arrived in less than two miles.

Courtyard No. 7 in Yongtai Hutong is smaller than the courtyard house with three entrances. It looks like it only houses about a dozen households.

Seeing the patrol team coming, the people in the compound couldn't help but become nervous.

Previously, the Red Star Courtyard was designated as a key compound for criticism and rectification due to too many criminals, and notices were posted throughout the street announcing the criticism.

So now the people in this compound are watching the patrol team coming, and they are also worried about some criminals in their compound. Finally, the whole street bulletin board publishes criticism.

However, those who were still in the compound at three or four o'clock in the afternoon were mostly older mothers who didn't have to go to work. Many people came forward and asked the people on patrol.

"Comrades from the patrol team, what are you doing in our compound?"

"The comrades of the patrol team are not criminals in our compound."

Lin Chen listened to the questions from the people in the courtyard and said to them.

"Someone reported that Li Xiuhua in your compound was engaged in illegal and criminal activities. We are here to investigate."

"Why did Mr. Li from our compound do something illegal and criminal?"

"This Teacher Li doesn't look like this kind of person."

"It's a comrade from the patrol team. You must have made a mistake. Teacher Li is still working at the school."

"Whether she has done anything illegal or criminal, we will know after an investigation. Please, fellow residents, tell us which house in the compound belongs to Li Xiuhua's family."

"The one on the west side of the central courtyard."

Soon the patrol team arrived at the middle courtyard of the compound.

After arriving at Li Xiuhua's house, she only saw Li Xiuhua's mother-in-law, who was in her 60s.

When Grandma Li Xiuhua saw the patrol team coming in, she suddenly panicked and said to the patrol team.

"What are you doing?"

"After someone reported that Li Xiuhua was suspected of hiding stolen money, our patrol team came here to investigate."

In those days, there were no formalities for searching a home. Bi Xueqing explained to Li Xiuhua's mother-in-law and ordered the patrol team to search.

"What are you doing? Why are you looking through my things?"

Li Xiuhua's mother-in-law, Mrs. Wang Zhang, shouted anxiously when she saw that all the things in her home were turned over by the patrol team.

But at this time, the residents of the same courtyard at the door also shouted to Mrs. Wang Zhang.

"Aunt Zhang, don't panic. We are all watching from outside. You can't lose anything at home."

"Yes, the patrol team also conducts a routine investigation after being reported. If nothing is found, doesn't that prove your daughter-in-law's innocence?" At the same time, a member of the patrol team opened the door of Li Xiuhua's house. cupboard, and then found a small iron box inside.

After opening it, I saw a roll of money inside, all of which were one-cent, two-cent and five-cent notes.

And I also saw names written in pencil on many coins.

After the patrol member took out the roll of money, he said to Bi Xueqing.

"Captain Bi, I found the money. There are names written on it in pencil. It's probably the class fee that Li Xiuhua stole."

The patrol member handed all the banknotes he found to Bi Xueqing. Bi Xueqing looked at the various handwriting and names on her forearm and confirmed that it could not be written by Li Xiuhua.

Li Xiuhua's mother-in-law, Wang Zhang, couldn't help but panic when she saw this scene.

She shouted at the patrol team.

"What are you doing? Why are you taking my money?"

Now that he had the evidence and watched the other party acting recklessly, Bi Xueqing was naturally not polite and said seriously to the other party.

"You said this is your family's money. Why are there so many people's names written on it, and the handwriting on each piece of money is different."

Bi Xueqing raised the coin, and many people in the courtyard behind Bi Xueqing also saw it.

"Did this Li Xiuhua really hide the school's money?"

"This has all been found, and there are still fake ones. I heard my children say two days ago that the fifth grade class fee at Hongxing Elementary School was lost."

"I've also heard about this. Now it seems that this is what Li Xiuhua did."

"It's over. There are also criminals in our compound. I heard that the Red Star Courtyard is going to be broken up. Isn't our compound going to be broken up too?"

The evidence has been found, so Bi Xueqing will naturally not stay here for long.

So Bi Xueqing said to Sun Chuan, a member of the patrol team on the side.

"Sun Chuan, take this mother-in-law to the street office to make a record. Lin Chen, Wang Chu, follow me to Hongxing Elementary School."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Then Bi Xueqing left with Lin Chen and Wang Chu and went to Red Star Primary School.

A few minutes later, several people arrived at Hongxing Primary School. They showed their IDs at the guard room and entered the school.

As soon as he entered the school, Lin Chen saw Ran Qiuye sweeping the floor with his head down.

After watching the TV series so many times, Lin Chen naturally knew Ran Qiuye, but naturally he couldn't show it at this time.

So he just walked to Ran Qiuye and asked her.

"Hello, comrade, I would like to ask which office Comrade Ran Qiuye of Hongxing Primary School is in."

When Ran Qiuye heard the other party saying that he was looking for her, he raised his head and panicked when he saw that the other party was still wearing a public security uniform.

She began to worry that her father and mother would be held accountable for making mistakes.

But Ran Qiuye also knew that she couldn't avoid this kind of thing, so she said to Lin Chen.

"Hello, comrade from the police, I am Ran Qiuye. I don't know what you want to see me for."

"You are Ran Qiuye, that's great."

As he spoke, Lin Chen took out the stolen money that he had previously searched from Li Xiuhua's house, and handed a few pieces of money with his name on them to Ran Qiuye.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, look at the names on this money, do you recognize them?"

(End of this chapter)

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