Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 66: Arrest Li Xiuhua and gain gratitude from Ran Qiuye

Chapter 66: Arrest Li Xiuhua and gain gratitude from Ran Qiuye

When Ran Qiuye took the few bills handed over by Lin Chen, she felt that these banknotes looked very familiar.

When she took a closer look, she couldn't help but be stunned.

I only saw Jia Wuwei's name written on the one-cent coin with a car on the front. Although it had been wiped with an eraser, if you look closely, you can still see the traces.

Ran Qiuye looked at the next coin. Li Haoyun's name was written on the two-cent coin.

The next few coins also have the names of students in their class.

Now Ran Qiuye was completely shocked.

Then she realized that this was the class fee she had lost for her class.

A month ago, Ran Qiuye was reported by her fourth-grade teacher Li Xiuhua for losing her class's tuition. Not only was she fined for cleaning the school for three months, but she was also fined twice as much.

The class fee for a student was five cents, and the total for one class was one dollar and a half. In the end, three dollars were deducted from Ran Qiuye's salary.

Ran Qiuye was naturally happy to see that the money could be recovered, but she was more curious about where the money was found.

So she raised her head and looked at Lin Chen.

"Comrade from the police, where did you find this money? This is the class fee that our class lost before. Li Haoyun, Jia Wuwei, and this Wang Dazhuang are all students in our class."

"The money was found from Li Xiuhua's home."

"What was found from Li Xiuhua's house?"

After Ran Qiuye heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, may I ask where Li Qiuhua is."

"She's in the fourth grade teacher's office on the second floor."

After asking about the situation, Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Go, go up."

Soon the patrol team arrived downstairs of the teaching building, followed the stairs to the second floor, and arrived at the door of the fourth grade office.

Bi Xueqing asked Lin Chen to open the door directly.

Then Lin Chen saw four teachers he didn't know sitting in the teaching group, and Li Xiuhua, who had appeared in the TV series and stood aside to scold Ran Qiuye while Ran Qiuye was cleaning.

However, he still stood at the door and said inside.

"Excuse me, who is Li Xiuhua?"

The teachers in the teaching group were startled by the sudden intrusion of the patrol team.

However, a few people were only slightly shocked.

Then they all looked in the direction of Li Xiuhua.

When Lin Chen saw that everyone was looking in Li Xiuhua's direction, he walked towards her.

"Are you Li Xiuhua?"

Li Xiuhua nodded blankly towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took out the copper bracelet directly from his waist.

He pressed Li Xiuhua on the table and put handcuffs on her.

Seeing their colleague being handcuffed, other teachers in the teaching team asked about the situation.

"Comrades from the patrol team, what has Teacher Li done?"

"Yes, Teacher Li will teach the children tomorrow."

Lin Chen listened to other teachers' inquiries and explained to them.

"Li Xiuhua is suspected of stealing class fees from Ran Qiuye's class and framed others, so she wants to go back to the neighborhood office with us for investigation."

Several teachers couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this.

After Lin Chen handcuffed Li Xiuhua, he naturally stopped staying.

He directly escorted Li Xiuhua and left.

Ran Qiuye, who was holding a broom downstairs when he walked downstairs, was also stunned when he saw Li Xiuhua being taken down in handcuffs.When Li Xiuhua saw Ran Qiuye, she yelled at her.

"Ran Qiuye, you stinky bitch actually dare to report me."

Lin Chen pressed hard on Li Xiuhua's back.

"Li Xiuhua, please be honest. Ran Qiuye didn't report you."

Then Lin Chen looked at Ran Qiuye and said.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, please come with us to the street office and cooperate with the investigation."

Ran Qiuye nodded towards Lin Chen.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

ten minutes later.

Nanluo Street Office.

Ran Qiuye looked at Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing and told them everything that happened a month ago.

"When I found out that my class fees were lost a month ago, I wanted to pay for it myself, but Li Xiuhua brought the school leaders over and said that I must have stolen the money, saying that I was the same as my father and mother. Bad elements."

Ran Qiuye couldn't help but feel aggrieved after hearing these words.

Bi Xueqing looked at Ran Qiuye's appearance and felt a little unbearable.

"And then what?"

"Then they deducted double the money from my salary, and then punished me by cleaning up the school."

"This is really unreasonable. Lin Chen, you come with me to the interrogation room. I want to ask Li Xiuhua why she did this."

in a few minutes.

trial room.

Bi Xueqing took a dozen coins with her name on them and said to Li Xiuhua.

"Li Xiuhua, aren't you going to admit it now? The stolen goods have all been found from your home. What else do you have to say? Why did you frame Ran Qiuye for stealing the money?"

In fact, Bi Xueqing also didn't understand.

Li Xiuhua's monthly salary is 32 yuan and 5 yuan, and the class fee for this class is only 1 yuan and 5 yuan.

Bi Xueqing really didn't understand why Li Xiuhua took such desperate risks to steal the money?
"This Ran Qiuye's parents are both bad elements, and they are both targets of criticism. As a result, so many male teachers in our school are still courteous to this Ran Qiuye. What I do is also to punish the bad elements."

Li Xiuhua also knew that now that the evidence was complete, she would have no chance no matter how much she tried to quibble.

So he told Ran Qiuye that his parents were bad elements.

Lin Chen, who was sitting opposite, felt even more angry after hearing this.

He also didn't expect that what Li Xiuhua said was so reasonable.

It seemed as if Ran Qiuye's parents had problems, so it was natural for her to punish Ran Qiuye.

"Li Xiuhua, just because Ran Qiuye is popular in your school, did you deliberately frame Ran Qiuye? And what does the matter of Ran Qiuye's parents have to do with Ran Qiuye? Even if Ran Qiuye's parents made a mistake, it is not their turn to punish them under the law. You punish me."

"You stole students' class fees and deliberately framed others. Do you admit it now? If you admit it now, you still have to take the initiative to plead guilty and accept punishment. If you don't admit it, just wait and deal with it seriously."

Because there was anger in his heart, although Lin Chen was asking, it was more like yelling.

This made Bi Xueqing next to her startled.

But in the end, Li Xiuhua honestly confessed her crime.

Lin Chen left the interrogation room and went to find Ran Qiuye again.

Because Lin Chen specifically warned him before going to the interrogation room, Ran Qiuye is still at the street office and has not left.

After Lin Chen saw Ran Qiuye, he said to her.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, Li Xiuhua has already confessed that she stole your class's class fee. Tomorrow I will also ask people from the patrol team to go to the school to help you explain this matter clearly to the school leaders and ask the school to remove the ban on you. punished."

"Thank you, Public Security Lin. Thank you so much this time."

(End of this chapter)

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