Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 67: Write a report letter and report Cui Dake

Chapter 67: Write a report letter and report Cui Dake
"This is what our patrol team should do. Comrade Ran Qiuye, if you encounter any teacher or school leader in school again and punish you for improper reasons, you can come to the street office to see me."

"Thank you, Public Security Lin. Thank you, Public Security Lin."

Lin Chen then sent Ran Qiuye out of the street office.

After sending Ran Qiuye away, Lin Chen turned around and noticed Bi Xueqing staring at him.

Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a little chilly as Bi Xueqing kept looking at him like this, so he asked.

"Captain Bi, is there anything else?"

Bi Xueqing shook her head towards Lin Chen.

"It's nothing, you did a good job."

Then Bi Xueqing headed towards her office.

Lin Chen felt a little baffled, but he didn't think much and went to the patrol team's office.

Seeing that Lin Chen had returned to the patrol team, Chen Ming went over and asked about the issue of the Red Star Courtyard.

"Lin Chen, I forgot to ask you about the arrest of Li Xiuhua before. Captain Bi didn't agree with it? What should we do with the Red Star Courtyard?"

"I guess we don't need to break up, but I will probably live there in a while. Captain Bi also said that if there are any more criminals in the Red Star Courtyard from now on, I will be held accountable. He also said that I will be hung up and whipped."

"Tell me you're fine. Why did you cause such trouble?"

Chen Ming sighed with emotion and said nothing more.

Day 2.

Because the patrol team hasn't come to the school yet.

So Ran Qiuye arrived at school early on the second day, took a broom in the guard room and started cleaning.

But not long after cleaning, he was spotted by Ding Jianguo, the principal of Hongxing Primary School who wore glasses and looked like an old scholar.

Ding Jianguo panicked when he saw Ran Qiuye still cleaning.

He hurriedly walked towards Ran Qiuye and took the broom from Ran Qiuye's hand.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, why are you still cleaning here? We have investigated this matter clearly. The fact that your class fee was stolen has nothing to do with you. It was all done by that Li Xiuhua."

"After a while, I asked Teacher Zhang, the school's publicity officer, to post a notice on the school's bulletin board, and the whole school criticized Li Xiuhua."

Because Hongxing Primary School is the primary school for children of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

After this incident, Ding Jianguo was scolded by Yang Aiguo from the Red Star Rolling Mill on the phone yesterday.

When he came to school today, he saw Ran Qiuye still cleaning the house. Naturally, he became anxious. He was afraid that he would be reported again. It would be terrible if he was labeled as Li Xiuhua's accomplice.

Lin Chen went to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill early in the morning.

Today it is his turn to be on duty in the special investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

But as soon as he entered the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, several people wearing workers' uniforms came towards him.

"You must be Public Security Lin, who arrested He Yuzhu and Wang Jianhua from our cafeteria."

"Public Security Lin, thank you so much. He Yuzhu used to treat them differently when he was cooking. He would hit more female employees when he met them. We male employees with few male employees couldn't even get enough to eat. Now the new Chef Nan, with his cooking skills Not only is he better than He Yuzhu, but he also gives me more when serving food."

"Yeah, before He Yuzhu relied on his ability to cook, but everyone looked bad. Now after eating Chef Nan's food, I really feel that He Yuzhu's cooking is worse than anything."

"It's just that the new Cui Caimai doesn't look like a good person. I heard that the factory plans to make him the section chief of the canteen."

At first, Lin Chen naturally felt happy after hearing the thank-you words from the factory employees to him.

But then I heard about Chef Nan and Cui Caimai.

Lin Chen couldn't help but be stunned.Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Lin Chen immediately saw Cui Dake, a traitor wearing military green clothes, walking towards him with a smile on his face.

Just now Cui Dake was with Zhang Qiang, the cook of the Red Star Rolling Mill. When he saw someone wearing a police officer uniform, Cui Dake asked about the situation.

Zhang Qiang and Cui Dake explained Lin Chen's identity, and Cui Dake naturally wanted to go over and please him.

Seeing a few workers still gathered around, Cui Dake said to them.

"What time do you guys in the workshop have? They're still here."

When several workers saw the person they had just spoken ill of coming over and knew that he was likely to be promoted to the canteen director position, they naturally did not stop and hurried to the workshop.

After Cui Dake drove away a few workers, he immediately put on a smile on Lin Chen's face.

"You are Officer Lin from the investigation team. I am a new buyer from the Red Star Rolling Mill. My name is Cui Dake. Officer Lin, if you need anything, just ask me in the future. I have a new Jinhua here. Ham."

When Lin Chen heard what Cui Dake said, he waved his hand towards him.

"Think hard about how to improve the food supply for your comrades."

After saying that, Lin Chen turned around and went to the investigation team's office.

"Officer Lin, Officer Lin."

Cui Dake shouted a few more words behind him, but Lin Chen didn't look back at all.

Lin Chen returned to the investigation team's office and prepared to write a letter to report Cui Dake.

After all, Cui Dake did a lot of bad things in the original drama, such as forcing widows, stealing cattle, and stealing commune property.

In the original drama, when Nan Yi and Liang Ladi went to investigate Cui Dake's crimes, a whole book of Cui Dake's criminal records was recorded.

Just talking about these things with the people in the security department lasted all night.

However, although Lin Chen knew these things, he had no way to report them in his capacity.

Therefore, the only method is to use anonymous reporting letters.

Lin Chen found an unmarked piece of paper from the drawer.

Then I used my left hand to write the words on it, deliberately making the words ugly, so that I couldn't tell that they were my own words, so I felt relieved.

After everything was done, Lin Chen took the letter with him and patrolled around the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. When it was time for dinner, he went to the kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill to get food.

I made a meat dish and a vegetarian dish, and two steamed buns with two sides. The vegetarian dish was shredded potatoes, and the meat dish was called a meat dish, but it was actually just broth poured over the winter melon.

However, Nanyi's cooking skills are really not to be boasted. Even with such simple ingredients, the taste is so good that even Lin Chen, a person who has traveled through time, finds it good.

After returning to the duty room of the investigation team in the afternoon, Lin Chen waited for some time, feeling that it was almost time for the handover.

Then he put the envelope under the door.

About half an hour passed.

Lin Chen heard footsteps outside the house, and then saw Bi Xueqing pushing the door open and walking in from the outside.

After Bi Xueqing opened the door, she saw the paper originally under the door.

Then he bent down and picked up the paper.

Bi Xueqing opened the folded paper and saw the crooked words on the paper.

The three big characters at the top of the paper are the three characters "Report Letter".

(End of this chapter)

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