Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 68 Cui Dake was reported, but he came to report the crime

Chapter 68 Cui Dake was reported, but he came to report the crime

"Report letter?"

Bi Xueqing opened the letter, but the content inside surprised her.

It was a page of letter paper with crooked handwriting, but there were a hundred or two hundred words written on it.

"Leader of the investigation team, I want to report Cui Dake, the new canteen purchaser of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. He is a bad element. He has stolen cattle and commune property in Nantai Commune, and also attacked widows in the commune. Please investigate the leader of the investigation team .”

According to the content of the letter, Cui Dake is now a new purchaser of the Red Star Rolling Mill, and is involved in the Nantai Commune. It is not a trivial matter. Who put this report letter under his door?

After reading the letter, Bi Xueqing put it away, frowned and raised her head, her eyes falling on Lin Chen in the duty room.

"Lin Chen."

"Here." Lin Chen responded: "What can I do, Captain Bi?"

"You are on duty here, have you seen anyone come here?"

"No." Lin Chen knew that she was asking about the report letter, but at this moment he could only pretend to be confused and shook his head: "What's wrong?"

"Someone placed a report letter at the door of the duty room." Bi Xueqing put the opened envelope in her hand on the desk in front of Lin Chen.

"I've read the contents. It's about reporting Cui Dake, the new buyer at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill."

After saying that, she didn't know what she was thinking of, but she said coldly: "This Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is really not peaceful."

Bi Xueqing also didn't expect that not only were there so many criminals among the original employees of the Red Star Rolling Mill, Cui Dake, the buyer who had just been transferred from another factory, would also be reported.


Since we are doing a show, we naturally have to do a full set.

As the letter writer himself, Lin Chen continued to act stupid, and even glanced at the door pretending to be shocked: "I have been in the duty room, and I really didn't hear anything, otherwise I would have gone out to see it. "

After that, he read the report letter very "seriously": "If what is written in this letter is true, then Cui Dake is really doing bad things, stealing things and forcing widows? He has everything. Him."

"Also, this handwriting doesn't show any sign of origin. I'm afraid it was written by a worker who worked with Cui Dake in the Nantai Commune?"

After saying that, even Lin Chen said with emotion, now his acting skills have reached the level of proficiency. If placed in modern times, it would be more than enough to win an Oscar.

After listening to Lin Chen's words, Bi Xueqing's frown instantly deepened.

She tapped the table with her slender fingers: "No matter who wrote this report letter, Cui Dake's crimes cannot be underestimated."

"Lin Chen, you should go to the sub-district office immediately to inform Chen Ming and ask him to prepare. Tomorrow he will leave for Nantai Commune to investigate whether what is stated in this letter is true."

"Understood, Captain Bi, I'll go now."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he stood up and left the investigation team's office, heading out of the gate of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Because it is afternoon, just after lunch time, people are more likely to feel sleepy.

When Lin Chen rushed to the office of the sub-district office, Chen Ming was taking a nap at his workstation with his head propped up.

Lin Chen walked to him and knocked on the table.

Chen Ming was suddenly frightened and became alert.

Seeing Lin Chen coming over, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief: "Lin Chen? Why are you here at this time? I thought it was Captain Bi, and I was shocked." "Captain Bi has received a letter of accusation." Lin Chen concisely told Chen Ming the various deeds Cui Dake had committed.

After Chen Ming heard this, he no longer felt sleepy in an instant, and his eyes widened in shock: "Are all these things you said true? I'm afraid this Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill has been hit by evil spirits, why are all the criminals gathered here? They did."

"Okay." Lin Chen slapped Chen Ming on the back: "Captain Bi ordered you to prepare and go to Nantai Commune to investigate and verify the situation. I am here to inform you."

Chen Ming also knew that this matter was important and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately became energetic: "Then I will go back and prepare now."

After Chen Ming finished speaking, he stood up and left the patrol team's office and walked out.

That night, when all the employees at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill got off work, Bi Xueqing did not go back to the street office and went directly to her home.

But at night, Bi Xueqing kept thinking about Cui Dake, wondering if such a buyer for a large factory with tens of thousands of people was really as heinous as the letter said.

Maybe if you become a buyer, you will line your own pockets and poach the public.At that time, it will probably cause losses to the public.

So Bi Xueqing decided to find some employees in the factory the next day to find out about the situation.

The next morning, Bi Xueqing went to the office of the investigation team of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

As a result, as soon as she entered the door with her front foot, an uninvited guest came in with her back foot.

Bi Xueqing looked at the man in front of him, who had traitor hair, tanned skin, and was wearing military green clothes. He rushed in in a hurry.

"Comrade, what's the matter with you?" Bi Xueqing asked, looking at the person in front of her.

Cui Dake looked at it, and Bi Xueqing looked at the red sign of the special investigation team in the room, and knew that he was on the wrong track.

The dried tofu Cui Dake asked Nan Yi to make was lost. Cui Dake originally wanted to file a complaint with the security department of the factory and asked the people from the security department to help investigate.

As a result, he accidentally entered the office of the special investigation team investigating the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

However, when Cui Dake saw Bi Xueqing's appearance, he was stunned for a moment, and then thought that the investigation team were also comrades from the police. If he lost something in the kitchen, it would be the same for him to report to his comrades from the police.

So Cui Dake said: "Hello, Comrade Public Security, I am a new buyer at the Red Star Rolling Mill. My name is Cui Dake."

"Cui Dake?"

Hearing this, Bi Xueqing looked the person up and down. She only received the report letter about this person yesterday, but she didn't expect it to be delivered to her door today.

"What's the matter with you?"

Cui Dake secretly looked at the other party.

Then he realized that the police officer in front of him, both in appearance and figure, was countless times better than the widow named Liang Ladi whom he had fallen in love with when he was in the eastern suburbs machine repair shop.

Cui Dake was fascinated for a while, but he didn't come back to his senses until he heard Bi Xueqing's question.

"Comrades from the police, that's it! I'm here to report the crime!"

"Report a crime?" Bi Xueqing frowned.

According to what was said in the report letter, Cui Dake was a man who had done very bad things. It would have been a good thing if others didn't sue him, but instead he came to sue others.

"Yes! Comrade Public Security, the Gaobei Dried Tofu made by Nan Yi who is the back cook of our canteen has been stolen."

(End of this chapter)

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