Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 69 The dried tofu was stolen from the front, and the culprit from the back was caught.

Chapter 69 The dried tofu was stolen from the front, and the culprit from the back was caught.
"I have only been working in the factory for a short time, and I don't know which dirty thief did it. Don't let me catch him, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

"Nothing, nothing." Cui Dake put away the stern look on his face for a second, and looked at Bi Xueqing charmingly: "I mean, if I catch this thief, he will definitely be handed over to you comrades from the police as soon as possible. , leave it to the state to punish him accordingly, haha."

Bi Xueqing then nodded and responded: "Okay, I understand. Our investigation team will arrange manpower to investigate this matter as soon as possible."

Cui Da didn't expect that the beauty in front of him, who looked so modest, would have such great power.

"Thank you very much. I don't know what you call me, comrade from the police."

"Bi Xueqing."

"Bi Xueqing, that's a good name... You mean your name is Bi Xueqing?" Cui Dake was dumbfounded.

Although he had only worked at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill for a short time, he had heard a lot of rumors about Bi Xueqing, such as the existence of the person behind Bi Xueqing.

"Anything else?"

"No, it's okay." The cold sweat on Cui Dake's forehead was almost falling. Fortunately, he didn't get carried away by the beauty and said something he shouldn't have said: "I think this matter should be left to you." Captain Bi, you can do it, I’m so relieved!”

"In that case, I'll leave first."

"Yeah." Bi Xueqing responded noncommittally.

After Cui Dake left, she held her chin and fell into deep thought.

Logically speaking, there are not many people who have access to the back chef of the Red Star Rolling Mill. Thinking of the previous report letter, I thought to myself, could this Cui Dake be calling for a thief?
However, there is no way to draw a direct conclusion on this matter yet. We still have to wait until Chen Ming and others return from the investigation from the Nantai Commune.

Just as Bi Xueqing was thinking, the door of the duty room was knocked from the outside again.

Bi Xueqing raised her eyes from her thoughts: "Please come in."

The door to the duty room was pushed open, and it turned out to be Qiulan from the infirmary: "Team Leader Bi."

"Comrade Qiulan? Why are you here? What happened?"

The duty room was really not peaceful today. Cui Dake had just left for a while, and someone came here again.

Qiulan clenched her clothes and seemed hesitant to speak.

"Captain Bi, we received a patient in the infirmary yesterday. His name is Liu Huairen. He said he had a bad stomach and was vomiting."

"I gave him medicine, and it took a long time for him to recover. I then asked him what he was eating to make him feel bad. When I first asked him, he didn't tell me. Later, I told him that I didn't understand the situation clearly. , there is no way to prescribe medicine for him, and his disease will be difficult to cure."

"Later he told the truth. It turned out that he secretly ate the dried tofu made by Chef Nan of the steel rolling mill. He ate too much and became like this."

"Dried beans from the steel rolling mill?" Bi Xueqing was a little surprised.

This is a bit too coincidental. Cui Dake had just reported the case on the front foot, and the criminal was found on the back foot.

It seemed that the guess she just made was a bit overly worrying.


Qiulan nodded: "That man looks very pitiful, but stealing is a crime. I was confused for a while, but I came to you to report him."

"Comrade Qiulan, you did a good job." Bi Xueqing praised him: "Is that person named Liu Huairen still in the infirmary now?"

"Yes, he was very weak after vomiting for a day, so I left him in the infirmary to observe you, and I secretly came to find you while he was asleep."

"Then take me to meet him."

*When Qiulan took Bi Xueqing back to the infirmary, Liu Huairen had just woken up from his sleep.

He took a closer look and saw clearly that Bi Xueqing was wearing the clothes of the investigation team. His legs were frightened, but he still forced himself to ask: "Doctor Qiulan, who is this?"

"This is Captain Bi of the investigation team."

"Dr. Qiu, why did you tell the comrades in the investigation team what I told you?"

Liu Huairen was also panicking now. Qiulan had just inserted the infusion tube for him and went out. Liu Huairen thought Qiulan had gone to get him medicine, but unexpectedly she went to the investigation team to file a complaint against her.

Bi Xueqing glanced at Liu Huairen who was lying on the hospital bed, and asked straight to the point: "Liu Huairen, have you done anything to steal the beans from the back kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill?"

As the leader of the investigation team, Bi Xueqing had arrested the deputy director of their factory before. In addition, Liu Huairen had a guilty conscience as a thief. When Bi Xueqing asked this question, his strong posture instantly weakened. Thinking that Qiu Lan had already reported him, she could only confess and be lenient.

"I, I admit..."

"But Captain Bi! I have my own reasons!"

"I was really, really hungry so I ate secretly. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done such a thing."

Liu Huairen spoke so sincerely that he almost burst into tears. He looked really pitiful.

Qiulan on the side also nodded, which was why she was so confused at first about whether to go to the police to report this matter.

But if everyone ignores the nature of their crime just because they look pitiful, wouldn't this society be in chaos?

Bi Xueqing also knew this, so she didn't feel soft when she looked at Liu Huairen: "But these are not the reasons why you can commit a crime."

"When the disease is cured, it will naturally be handled in accordance with the rules and regulations."

After Bi Xueqing said this, she secretly called Qiulan aside: "Comrade Qiulan, I would like to trouble you to keep an eye on him while he is recovering from illness. I will call two more people from our investigation team over later. "

"Captain Bi, don't worry, I will do it."

Chen Ming packed his bags and came to the street office early.

He was just waiting for Bi Xueqing to issue him a certificate, and then he would go to Nantai Commune to investigate.

Now that Chen Ming has the rank of police corporal, he can be regarded as a serious police officer in the establishment.

According to Lin Chen, the crime Cui Dake committed was no small crime.

Chen Ming thought that if he went to the countryside, he could really investigate Cui Dake's criminal behavior. It would be a big achievement after he came back.

Maybe his level can go up even higher.

But at the subdistrict office, Bi Xueqing was not there when I waited, and Bi Xueqing was not there when I was waiting on the right.

Chen Ming couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

So he looked at Lin Chen aside and said.

"Officer Lin, why did our Captain Bi come so late today?"

"I don't know about that. Do you think she is with the investigation team? Otherwise, let's go to the investigation team and have a look."

"Okay, Cui Dake is a big deal and we can't delay it. Let's go to the investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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