Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 70 Liu Huairen reported He Daqing, and the investigation team knew that He Daqing had arrive

Chapter 70 Liu Huairen reported He Daqing, and the investigation team knew that He Daqing had arrived in the capital.

Lin Chen and Chen Ming left the street office and walked to the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

Now that the guard had already known the two of them, he naturally did not stop them.

But when Lin Chen and Chen Ming arrived at the investigation team's office, they didn't see Bi Xueqing. Instead, they saw another member of the investigation team on duty.

"Comrade Zhang Cheng, have you seen our captain?" Lin Chen stepped forward and asked.

Zhang Cheng heard Lin Chen's inquiry and said to him: "Qiulan came to see her in the morning, and the two of them went to the infirmary in a panic, saying that there seemed to be some criminals again."

"Okay, I understand, let's go to the infirmary right now."

Lin Chen and Chen Ming looked at each other. They were obviously a little shocked. After all, the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill had just settled down for a few days, and there were criminals again. However, going to the countryside to investigate Cui Dake cannot be delayed now. So after Lin Chen and Chen Ming thanked Zhang Cheng, they hurried towards the infirmary.

When they arrived, Bi Xueqing happened to be explaining things to Qiulan. Lin Chen took a look inside the infirmary room and immediately recognized Liu Huairen who was lying on the hospital bed.

Isn't this the Liu Huairen he had been planning to find in the factory with excuses?

At this time, Liu Huairen had short hair. He was dry and hungry due to long-term malnutrition, and maybe because he had eaten bad and vomited all night. Although he was much younger than Liu Huairen in the TV series, his face looked younger than Liu Huairen's. When Lin Chen watched the TV series, he looked even more charred and haggard.

According to the plot in the TV series, Liu Huairen's hometown in Baoding is next door to He Daqing and Widow Bai's home. Maybe he knows some clues about He Daqing.

It's just that there are so many people now, and it's hard for Lin Chen to reveal that he knows too many things that others don't know, so he just wants to find an opportunity to ask Liu Huairen in private later.

Unexpectedly, after Liu Huairen waited for Bi Xueqing and Qiulan to finish talking, he rushed directly to Bi Xueqing and begged for mercy: "Team Leader Bi, if I report criminals to you, will it be regarded as a crime and meritorious service? Can you treat me sternly then?" Is it a shame?"

"Report criminals?" Bi Xueqing was a little surprised: "Who do you want to report?"

She paused and then added: "Don't worry, the investigation team is all impartial. If you know something and report it, and it is verified to be true, we will definitely apply to the superiors for meritorious service."

"Thank you, Captain Bi." Liu Huairen: "Captain Bi, the person I want to report is He Daqing, the cook who ran away from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill more than ten years ago."

"He Daqing?" Hearing this name, Bi Xueqing also straightened her expression. After arresting He Yuzhu, the street office naturally investigated He Yuzhu's relationship network and found out that He Yuzhu's father is still a missing person. The 7-year-old daughter eloped with the widow, and she was considered a criminal who committed the crime of child abandonment.

However, Bi Xueqing was also a little confused at this time. After all, Liu Huairen looked less than 20 years old, and it was impossible for him to work in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill more than ten years ago.

Lin Chen looked at Liu Huairen with excitement and said, "Do you know the clues about He Daqing? Have you met him?"

Lin Chen originally wanted to find a chance to ask Liu Huairen in private, but he didn't expect that the latter actually said it himself, which saved him a lot of effort.

Liu Huairen also didn't expect that the people in the investigation team in front of him would have such a big reaction to the name He Daqing. For a moment, he seemed to be grasping at a life-saving straw, thinking that it seemed that he would be given a lighter sentence.

"Yes, yes." Liu Huairen nodded: "My hometown is in Baoding, Hebei, and the neighbor who lives next door is He Daqing." Bi Xueqing heard this and gave Lin Chen and Chen Ming a look. They immediately understood and transferred the medical information to Lin Chen and Chen Ming. The door behind the room was closed.

"You continue." Bi Xueqing then signaled Liu Huairen to continue speaking.

"I have only heard of the name He Daqing before. He is the father of He Yuzhu who committed a capital crime in our factory. He was also the chef in the factory before. But I only joined the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill last year. He ran away more than ten years ago. So I only heard people in the factory talking about He Daqing, but I don't know him." Liu Huairen swallowed nervously: "My mother was sick some time ago, so I went back to my hometown."

"When I went back, Uncle He, who lived next door to us, came to visit me when he heard that my mother was ill."

"Uncle He?"

"Yes, it's that He Daqing. We all called him Uncle He before. This person has never been willing to reveal his name to us before. For so many years in the neighborhood, everyone only knows that he also has the surname He and that he is a cook."

"He came to my house at that time, and I was chatting with him. I accidentally mentioned that I heard that a chef here named He committed a crime and was sentenced to death. He became anxious. Then I realized that this chef named He was going to The father of He Yuzhu who was shot was the cook He Daqing who ran away from our factory before I came to the factory."

Speaking of this, Liu Huairen punched his leg with some annoyance: "It's my fault that I didn't go to the brigade in Baoding to report him."

"What happened next? Is He Daqing still there?"

"Gone long ago." Liu Huairen shook his head: "After he heard what I said that day, he took me and asked Keduo about the situation, and then I didn't see anyone else the next day."

"I heard from the neighbors that he seemed to have come to the capital overnight."

As Liu Huairen finished speaking, Bi Xueqing understood. No wonder the street office couldn't find the whereabouts of He Daqing after ten years here. Unexpectedly, he hid back in Baoding.

Bi Xueqing also frowned: "Okay, we will verify this matter as soon as possible. If we really find He Daqing's whereabouts, we will definitely apply for a lighter punishment for you."

Liu Huairen nodded and bowed twice in response: "Thank you, comrades from the police, and thank you, Captain Bi."

At this time, Lin Chen was also thinking about He Daqing. After all, He Daqing was related to whether Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady could finally be brought to justice.

As long as He Daqing is found, he can investigate Yi Zhonghai's secret possession of the money He Daqing gave to He Yuyu. Moreover, after arresting Yi Zhonghai, it is very likely that he will be able to ask Yi Zhonghai about the deaf old lady's fake identity.

In this case, there is hope that the last criminals in the Red Star Courtyard will be eliminated.

Now that the tofu was stolen came to light and there was a result, Bi Xueqing glanced at Liu Huairen, who was still lying on the hospital bed, and pulled Lin Chen aside: "Lin Chen."

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"Cui Dake came over to report the crime this morning."

(End of this chapter)

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