Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 71 How dare you, a small worker, eat what I respect my leader?

Chapter 71 How dare you, a small worker, eat what I respect my leader?

"Well, Cui Dake reported to me just this morning that the Gaobei dried tofu in the factory was stolen, and it was Liu Huairen who stole it."

Lin Chen also felt strange when he saw this. In the original drama, Cui Dake was very good at petty theft. He started stealing things in the commune when he was a teenager, and even stole the cattle in the commune. He didn't expect that he would report others. day.

"Now that the person who stole the dried tofu has been found, go and notify Cui Dake to come over."

"I understand, Captain Bi, I'll go now."

Lin Feng agreed and went to the purchasing department to look around but could not find Cui Dake. Later, he asked the workers inside and saw Cui Dake in a workshop.

At that time, Cui Dake was bragging about his past experiences to the female comrades in the workshop. He was talking about it in a very dazzling way: "Oh, comrade! If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you don't know how powerful I was back then."

It actually frightened the lesbians into a daze.

This Cui Dake is really restless wherever he goes.

"Comrade Cui Dake." Lin Chen knocked on the door and interrupted him.

"Who is it!?" Cui Dake, who was in the middle of his speech, was interrupted for no reason. He became a little irritated and turned his head cursingly. When he saw it was Lin Chen, he instantly changed his face to a flattering one: "Lin Police, it turns out to be you."

"You will come over now, but what progress has been made about the stolen tofu from our kitchen?"

"Yes." Lin Chen responded: "The person who stole the things has been found. Captain Bi asked me to call you over."

"Really!? So fast?" Cui Dake's eyes widened in surprise: "Let me just say that the police comrades in our investigation team are very efficient in their work. They helped find the thief who stole the things so quickly. .”

"Thank you so much to the comrades of your investigation team. Where is the person who stole the things right now? I'll go over now."

"His stomach became bloated after eating dried tofu and he vomited all night. He is lying in the infirmary right now. Come with me."

Lin Chen finished speaking and walked ahead, leading Cui Dake to the infirmary.

Liu Huairen was lying on the bed in the infirmary, still talking to Qiulan about what was wrong with him. The next second he saw Cui Dake rushing in, his whole body wiltd instantly, and he quickly retreated to the bed: "I'm wrong Sorry, I was wrong! Cui Caimai, don’t report me to the factory director!"

"Okay, you're a little brat, you're so brave, you dare to steal food from the kitchen!" Cui Dake couldn't calm down as soon as he saw Liu Huairen.

Nan Yi's cooking was delicious, and Cui Da originally wanted to use the dried tofu to show his filial piety and please his superiors, but he didn't expect that this boy would ruin his good fortune.

"I have to show you something today to see if you dare to steal things again!" Cui Dake became more and more angry as he thought about it, thinking that the things he had brought out to please the leader were actually stolen by a little boy. If a small workshop worker eats it, doesn’t that mean he should respect the workshop workers?

After Cui Dake said this, he reached out to grab Liu Huairen's ear on the hospital bed.

Liu Huairen also quickly begged Qiulan and Bi Xueqing for mercy.

"Team Leader Bi, Comrade Qiulan, my injury has not healed yet."

Qiulan couldn't see it and scolded Cui Dake: "This is the infirmary. This is a place to save people, not a place for you to beat people!" Bi Xueqing also immediately stood up to maintain order and said: "Cui Comrade Dake, we asked you to come here, not to cause trouble."

"Then, if my dried tofu is eaten by him, is this the end of the matter?"

"Our investigation team has found out the truth and will definitely report it to the superior leaders. How about Liu Huairen? When the time comes, the public security will come to convict him. This is not a personal grudge between the two of you."

Cui Dake wanted to say something more, but when he raised his eyes, he met Bi Xueqing's cold eyes: "Or do you want to come with us for violating discipline?"

Afraid of Bi Xueqing's background, Cui Dake naturally did not dare to make mistakes.

"No, no, of course I didn't mean that. I definitely believe that Captain Bi and the police comrades will give us justice when the time comes."

Cui Dake made a show of hitting his head: "Look at me, I was too impulsive just now. I apologize to my comrades and make amends."

"Since I have also seen the person who stole the things, I will leave first. There are still many things to do in the kitchen."

After Bi Xueqing nodded, Cui Dake retreated from the ward as if he was receiving amnesty.

On the way back to the purchasing place, he became more and more angry after thinking about this matter. He really couldn't swallow this breath. This kid Liu Huairen stole something from him. If he doesn't teach him a lesson this time, he will do it again in the future. ?
But he didn't dare to really attack Liu Huairen in private. After all, he couldn't afford to offend people like Bi Xueqing. Cui Dake was thinking about it, and suddenly he thought of Yang Aiguo, the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

"Yes, I can go to Factory Director Yang and file a complaint against this guy. Then the factory director will punish him. The police won't be able to say anything."

Cui Dake thought so and did so.

After leaving the infirmary, he went directly to Yang Aiguo's office.

"Come in." There was a knock on the office door. Yang Aiguo had just made a pot of hot tea. The tea he brewed was the same Sichuan bamboo leaf green tea that Director Bi of the Metallurgical Bureau liked to drink. After all, Yang Aiguo's favorite thing to do was He wanted to please his superiors, so he would naturally do what he liked. When he had nothing to do, he would study the hobbies of his superiors. Yang Aiguo just took a sip of tea and was a little surprised when he saw Cui Dake coming over: "Cui Dake? What's the matter with you coming here?"

"Director Yang, I want to report someone to you."

"Report someone?" Yang Aiguo put the tea cup back on the table suspiciously: "What happened?"

"That's right, director!"

Cui Dake took a step forward and immediately showed off his tearful acting skills.

"Yesterday, Comrade Nan Yi made some dried bean curds and put them in our purchasing department. But early this morning I went to the kitchen and saw that the things were missing. They were stolen by unclean thieves in the factory."

"Oh?" Yang Aiguo asked without raising his eyes: "The thing has been stolen. Please ask the Security Department to investigate. Ask Chief Xu of the Security Department to help you look for it."

"Director, the thief has been found. It was Liu Huairen from the workshop who did it."

"Director, you don't know something." Cui Dake took a step forward, looked at Yang Aiguo and said, "I originally prepared the dried tofu for you and the leaders in the factory, but Liu Huairen ate them all. Yes, now Liu Huairen has been arrested by the investigation team."

(End of this chapter)

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