Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 72 The 4-yard building will not be broken up for now, Lin Chen will live in the 4-yard build

Chapter 72 The courtyard will not be broken up for now, Lin Chen will live in the courtyard
After hearing this, Yang Aiguo finally raised his head and looked at Cui Dake.

After all, being caught by the investigation team is no small matter. This is another criminal in their Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Yang Aiguo has lost count of the number of criminals his Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant has committed in the past three months.

The superior leadership unit had already warned them before, so this time he had to deal with Liu Huairen seriously.

"It's against him!"

Yang Aiguo slapped his palm on the table.

"You actually stole things from the factory? Cui Dake, go to the Publicity Department right away and ask the clerk at the Publicity Department's publicity booth to draft a notice and hand it to the Broadcasting Office to criticize him throughout the entire factory!"

"How long has it been, and you still dare to do such illegal and criminal things? This is really an embarrassment to our Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill." Yang Aiguo was so angry when he thought of the people who had troubles one after another in the factory: "And let People from the Publicity Department wrote about this and posted it on the bulletin board, so that other people in the factory would take this as a warning."

"Liu Huairen, please notify him directly, and he will no longer have to work in the factory."

"Okay, director, I'll do it now." After getting the result he wanted, a smile appeared on Cui Dake's face where Yang Aiguo couldn't see it.

If he dares to steal something that Cui Dake is prepared to honor his leader, Cui Dake will not give up until Liu Huairen is stripped of his skin.

Now Yang Aiguo plans to fire Liu Huairen, which is exactly what he wants.

"Then director, please continue your work, and I won't disturb you anymore."

Yang Aiguo waved his hand, and Cui Dake retreated from the office.

After solving the problem of the missing dried tofu from Gaobei, Bi Xueqing remembered that she had to go to Nantai Commune to investigate Cui Dake.

So Bi Xueqing looked at Chen Ming and said, "Chen Ming, I asked Lin Chen to tell you yesterday that you were going to go to the countryside to investigate Cui Dake's affairs. How are you preparing?"

Chen Ming had been waiting impatiently: "Captain, I have already prepared everything. I am just waiting for you to open a letter of introduction for me."

"Okay, let's go back to the street first."

Bi Xueqing also said that Liu Huairen took a lot of time to do this. They left the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill as soon as possible and returned to the street office ten minutes later. After that, Bi Xueqing arranged for Chen Ming to go to the countryside. Investigation procedures.

Then he said to his instructions.

"Comrade Chen Ming, go to the countryside to investigate by yourself, and remember to pay attention to safety."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

After Chen Ming took the procedures for going to the countryside for investigation issued by the street office, he and Lin Chen went to the station together.

When the car arrived, Chen Ming looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Don't worry, Officer Lin, don't worry."

"I will also investigate Cui Dake's matter as soon as possible and give you and Captain Bi an explanation."

Lin Chen heard this and patted Chen Ming on the shoulder.

The latter smiled and waved to him, and then went to the countryside alone.


It’s time to get off work at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

A broadcast criticizing Liu Huairen sounded throughout the factory. "A notice is being broadcast now. Liu Huairen, formerly in Workshop 4 of our factory, has been caught stealing dried tofu from the kitchen of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant. The factory leaders have discussed and decided to give Liu Huairen a full round of criticism and expulsion."

Soon people from the Publicity Department also posted notices on the bulletin board in the factory.

After work, the workers in the workshop started talking about this matter in small groups.

"Our factory has only been in peace for a few days, why are there criminals again?"

"It seems that Liu Huairen is new here. He is not yet 20. If he is punished at such a young age, his life is over."

"He deserves it. So many people have been arrested in the back kitchen before, but he is still so brave and dares to steal things in the back kitchen."

At night, Ran Qiuye's house.

She came back from teaching at school, took off her clothes, washed them, and hung them to dry on the pole outside.

After eating something simple, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep. With the faint light of the bedside kerosene lamp, Ran Qiuye's thoughts drifted away for a while.

Lin Chen's tall figure that day appeared in her mind unconsciously.

Thanks to Officer Lin Chen, the school not only refunded the double class fee that had been fined to her before, but even the teachers who were hostile to her because of her parents' mistakes have softened their attitude towards her a lot.

Life seems to be getting better and better.

It's just that her parents are still sent to the countryside to support education, and she is the only one at home.

It would be great if I could have someone like Officer Lin by my side. I'm sure no one will be able to bully me anymore.
Ran Qiuye bit her lip, holding the quilt tightly between her legs, imagining the scene of being rescued by Lin Chen again, her face turned red.

Ran Qiuye's beautiful little feet were exposed outside the quilt, and they couldn't help but shrink in and out.


After a while, Ran Qiuye's heavy breathing subsided. She wiped the fine sweat on her forehead, hugged the quilt and took a deep breath. Her face was rarely stained with the pink color that a girl only has when she is pregnant.

"Public Security Lin has helped me so much, why don't I go to the subdistrict office tomorrow to find him and thank him."

Early the next morning.

Bi Xueqing arrived at the gate of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill early. Yesterday, she left two members of the investigation team to watch Liu Huairen in the infirmary of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Then she went back to the subdistrict office to give Chen Ming a certificate for going to the countryside for investigation. Because the things done by the street are gone.

Bi Xueqing came here early this morning to check on Liu Huairen's condition in the infirmary of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

But as soon as she arrived at the factory gate, Bi Xueqing was suddenly stopped.

"Xueqing, Xueqing, wait for me."

Bi Xueqing stopped and turned around to look, and found that it was Director Wang from the subdistrict office.

Director Wang was just 50 years old this year. He looked at Bi Xueqing and smiled very kindly: "Are you going to the investigation team so early today, Xueqing?"

"Yes, another criminal was arrested at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill yesterday. I'm here today to handle the follow-up matters." Bi Xueqing also smiled back and said, "What's the matter, Director Wang?"

"I've heard about this too. I didn't expect that the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill has just been peaceful for a few days and there are criminals again. But I really have something to ask you." Director Wang followed Bi Xueqing, and the two of them Walking side by side: "The thing you mentioned to me last time was that you wanted to arrange for Lin Chen to live in the Red Star Courtyard. I have discussed it with the leaders of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and the superiors, and we can let Lin Chen live in it." In the Red Star Courtyard, we will not break up the Red Star Courtyard for the time being.”

"Thank you very much, Director Wang." Bi Xueqing did not expect that this matter would come to an end so quickly, which exceeded her expectations: "I must have caused you a lot of trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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