Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 76 A country woman reports Xu Damao’s father’s beastly behavior

Chapter 76 A country woman reports Xu Damao’s father’s beastly behavior
When the two of them found Li Cuihua's house along the road pointed by the uncle at the entrance of the village, and walked to the door, they saw that the woman had just washed the clothes at home and took them outside to the yard to dry.

"Is this Comrade Li Cuihua's home?" Qin Chen poked his head outside and looked at the woman and asked.

Upon hearing their inquiry, Li Cuihua, who was about to hang her clothes to dry, suddenly became frightened in her eyes, and subconsciously wanted to drop her clothes and run into the house.

Upon seeing this, Lin Chen quickly said soothingly: "Comrade Li Cuihua, you don't have to be afraid. We are from the Beijing Street Patrol Team. We just received a report from the masses about Xu Fugui, and we want to find out more about the situation from you."

Li Cuihua, who was originally frightened, burst into tears after hearing Lin Chen's words: "Is what you said true, Comrade Public Security Officer?"

"Of course it's true. Are you willing to cooperate with our investigation?"

Li Cuihua obviously hesitated for a moment, and tugged at the hem of her clothes again and again with her fingers, before she nodded as if she had finally made up her mind: "I am willing, I am willing to cooperate."

After saying that, she wiped her tears and said, "Comrade Public Security, please come in and sit down first."

After saying that, the woman put down the clothes in her hands, welcomed Lin Chen and Qin Chen into the room, poured two cups of hot tea, and then sat across from them, lowering her head and clasping her fingers.

When Qin Chen saw this, he became anxious again: "Comrade Li Cuihua, someone reported to our investigation team that Xu Fugui had acted inappropriately against you. Is it true?"

The already very nervous woman trembled when she heard Qin Chen's question, and her fingers that were already clenched tightened even tighter.

Lin Chen and Qin Chen couldn't help but look at each other when they saw her appearance.

When the two of them came in just now, they noticed that she was the only one living in Li Cuihua's house, and the house was bare. I am afraid that what Wu Yonggang reported was probably true.

Seeing that Qin Chen was eager to make a contribution and was about to ask more questions impatiently, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Comrade Li Cuihua, if you have any grievances, just tell us. Our investigation team has always been fair. If Xu Fugui really did something to you, we will report it to our superiors as soon as possible. The law will definitely punish him severely."

Li Cuihua, who was originally silent, finally raised her head after listening to Lin Chen's words, but she was already in tears: "Comrade Public Security, you must make the decision for me."

"That Xu Fugui, Xu Fugui is really nothing!"

"I, I was actually abducted here... My husband fell seriously ill a few years ago and passed away early. My parents-in-law were also gone, so I was left to live alone in the house."

Li Cuihua talked about her sadness and wiped the tears on her face with her sleeve: "Although there is no hope in life, I can barely live it."

"Until, until Xu Fugui came to the village to play a movie and saw me alone, he forced me to do that kind of thing..."

"This Xu Fugui actually did something like this." After getting the answer he wanted, Qin Chen patted his thigh: "But he forced you to do that kind of thing, and you didn't want to, so why didn't you report him?"

"Of course I didn't think about reporting him. But after Xu Fugui found out, he came to my door every day and threatened me. He said that if I dared to tell this, he would make me walk around without food. In the end, he only gave me ten yuan. Money, just send me away.”

"During those days, I also thought about just giving up and dying, but I was abducted here for more than ten years..."

The more Li Cuihua talked, the more tears she shed. In the end, she just covered her face with her head and cried bitterly. "Although I can't remember many people and things in my family clearly, I still want to go back and take a look... so I have endured it until now."

Lin Chen and Qin Chen walked out of Li Cuihua's house after receiving confirmation from Li Cuihua that what Wu Yonggang reported was true.

"I didn't expect that Comrade Li Cuihua's life experience would be so pitiful."

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, Qin Chen first sighed with emotion, and then became eager to make a contribution. He looked at Lin Chen excitedly and said, "Officer Lin, since what Wu Yonggang said is true, can we go back and arrest Xu Fugui? ?”

As long as he can successfully arrest Xu Fugui, he will be considered a meritorious service in the team, and he will definitely be appreciated and rewarded by the leader.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen shook his head after hearing what he said: "There is no way to convict Xu Fugui just based on Li Cuihua's words."

"Isn't Wu Yonggang a witness?"

"Wu Yonggang just overheard some conversations between Xu Fugui and his wife at Xu's house and made assumptions that he had hurt Li Cuihua. This is not considered a witness testimony. It requires someone who was at the crime scene or witnessed the process of Xu Fugui coercing Li Cuihua. Talent can do it.”

Qin Chen saw that the duck in front of his mouth was about to fly away, and he became anxious for a moment: "Officer Lin, where can I find the kind of person you mentioned? Isn't this just like finding a needle in a haystack?"

Because of Lin Chen's words, Qin Chen lowered his head and thought, completely unaware that Lin Chen, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped.

Qin Chen, who almost hit him head-on, poked his head from behind Lin Chen in confusion and asked, "What's wrong, Officer Lin? Why did you stop suddenly?"

Lin Chen stood in front and motioned for him to look at the wall of the courtyard next to Li Cuihua's house.

At this time, a child about seven or eight years old was leaning on the wall, looking at the two of them. After noticing Lin Chen's gaze, he quickly retracted his neck.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look."

After Lin Chen said this, he led Qin Chen and knocked on the door of the house next door to Li Cuihua where the child just stuck his head and looked out.

After a period of dog barking, a woman who looked slightly older than Li Cuihua came to open the door for the two of them.

After the woman opened the door, she just glanced at the two of them and said, "My husband has gone to work in the fields. If you want to find him, come back later."

Qin Chen was a lot smarter this time under Lin Chen's instruction. Seeing that the woman was about to close the door after saying this, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop her and said: "Comrade, we are not here to find your husband. We are distant relatives of Comrade Li Cuihua who lives next door to you. This time we came back to visit relatives. I heard from her that you take good care of her, so we came here specifically to thank you."

Hearing this, the woman paused as she was about to close the door. She looked at the clean and tidy clothes of Lin Chen and the others again, then opened the door and let the two of them in: "Come in."

"I didn't expect Comrade Cuihua to have relatives like you." The woman muttered as she walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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