Chapter 77 Find other witnesses

Lin Chen and Qin Chen looked at each other, but didn't say anything more. It wasn't until the woman led them into the room to sit down that Qin Chen raised his head and asked pretending to be unintentional: "Comrade, do you recognize me?" Do you know someone named Xu Fugui?"

"Of course I know Xu Fugui. He is a comrade who often goes to the countryside to show us movies."

The woman replied without hesitation: "From what you put it, he does seem to come to see Comrade Cuihua often. The relationship between the two should be quite close."

Judging from the woman's attitude, she probably didn't know that Xu Fugui had forced Li Cuihua. Qin Chen was a little disappointed for a while.

While the woman was boiling water for the two of them, he sneakily approached Lin Chen and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Officer Lin, although this woman is a neighbor of Li Cuihua, she doesn't know anything at first glance. You know, I’m afraid we won’t return in vain this time.”

The two were talking when something like an iron ring suddenly rolled down to their feet. The two looked up and saw one wearing a gray-blue top and trousers full of patches. He looked only seventy-eight years old. A boy as young as [-] years old was standing in the yard looking at the two of them.

Qin Chen immediately thought of the child he saw peeking out from the wall just before they came here.

Qin Chen was staring at the child, but he didn't expect that the child suddenly looked up at Qin Chen and said.

"Aren't you relatives of Li Cuihua?"

Qin Chen was dumbfounded. He never expected that his fake identity would be exposed by a child so quickly.

He looked at the child nervously for a moment, and then at Lin Chen. After seeing that the latter was still calm, he felt a little relieved.

"You're quite smart." As for Lin Chen, he had already struck up a conversation with the boy.

He picked up the iron ring that had fallen by his and Qin Chen's feet and handed it back to the child's hand. At the same time, he asked, "What's your name?"


The child took the hoop and replied calmly: "I just met my neighbors at the entrance of the village and they told me that you are the police, police from the capital."

"Then Huzi, you are so smart, do you know why we are here this time?"

After all, the child was only seven or eight years old. Under Lin Chen's coaxing, he quickly let down his guard: "I know, you are here because of Xu Fugui's forced Li Cuihua. I saw it at the time."

"What? You said you saw it all? How many did you see?" Qin Chen became excited again when he heard Hu Zi's words.

"Huzi! What nonsense are you talking to the guests?!"

It happened that the woman had just boiled hot water and came back from the kitchen. Seeing this scene, she hurriedly grabbed the child's arm and pulled him behind her: "I'm sorry, comrades, my child is ignorant and talking nonsense, how can you do it?" Don’t take it to heart.”

Seeing the woman's posture, Lin Chen looked at her and said, "What Hu Zi said just now should be true."

After saying that, he paused and looked into the woman's eyes: "You and Comrade Li Cuihua are neighbors. It's impossible for you to believe and hear nothing about her being forced by Xu Fugui. Don't worry, as long as you say It's all the truth, I guarantee that Xu Fugui will never have the chance to retaliate against you."

"Our relevant units will definitely bring Xu Fugui to justice and let him accept legal sanctions."

Unlike Qin Chen, who had only one muscle, Lin Chen noticed from the first moment he entered the door that the woman's eyes would occasionally dodge when looking at them, and that she was too quick when she answered Qin Chen whether she knew Xu Fugui. Those words seemed to have been planned and said countless times in advance.

Lin Chen also guessed that the other party also knew about it.

I just didn't dare to say it because I was afraid of getting into trouble.The woman was finally defeated under Lin Chen's sharp gaze: "It's not like I never thought of helping her."

As a woman, she pitied Li Cuihua's plight, and naturally she was also threatened by Xu Fugui.

If you want to know her life experience, she is no better than Li Cuihua. In the end, her husband promised not to mention the matter again under Xu Fugui's coercion and inducement, so she could only swallow her anger and keep silent about it from then on.

"When Xu Fugui forced Cuihua at first, it was not like she didn't call the police. But later, Xu Fugui sent her away with ten yuan. After all, he came from the capital."

"We are the police from the Beijing Street Patrol Team." Lin Chen interrupted the woman's worries and gave her a firm look.

"When I came to the countryside this time, I received a report from the masses, so I came here specifically to investigate him. If you are willing to testify that the things Xu Fugui once did are true, then our investigation team will definitely arrest him in time, and we will not If he is allowed to continue to be at large, Comrade Li Cuihua, the villagers of Nanta Commune, and all the people will have an explanation."

"I am willing to testify."

Before the woman could speak, her son spoke first.

"Huzi, what kind of testimony can you, a little kid, do?"

When the woman heard what her son said, she said sternly to him.

"Mom, didn't you teach me before that I should help others and help others when they are in trouble? Now Sister Li is being bullied by outsiders. I have seen it all. How can I not help them. "

"You, you."

When the woman saw that her son had confessed everything, she naturally knew that there was no room for repayment.

If you are forcibly keeping your son and not letting your son go with the patrol team.

Maybe when Xu Fugui is arrested, his family will be accused of harboring the suspect.

So the woman looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Comrades from the Beijing Public Security Bureau, my son is still young and doesn't understand anything. If he follows you to testify, you have to help and look after him more."

"Comrade, don't worry. Huzi will follow us to the capital. We will take good care of him and prevent him from making any mistakes."

"Two police comrades, please wait, I'll go talk to other people in the village."

After Huzi finished speaking, he ran out of the house.

Lin Chen and Qin Chen naturally followed him out.

When people in the village heard Huzi explain the situation, many people decided to cooperate with the work of the two police comrades, so Qin Chen and Lin Chen quickly approached the villagers about Xu Fugui forcing Li Cuihua. After reading the transcript and signing it, I went to Hongta Commune again.

When the villagers in Hongta Commune heard that Lin Chen said that they could help recover the overpaid movie fees, the workers, who had long been dissatisfied with Xu Fugui, naturally signed their names on the transcript testifying against the former's crimes.

After finishing all the finishing work, Lin Chencai and Qin Chen set off back to the capital with Hu Zi on the second day.

(End of this chapter)

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