Chapter 78 Capturing Xu Damao’s father

After taking a bus for several hours on the second day, a few people arrived near Xizhimen.

Then Lin Chen hurriedly took Huzi and Li Cuihua to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office. Lin Chen first arranged Huzi to the reception room of the subdistrict office, and then went to Bi Xueqing to explain the situation.

Ten minutes later, Bi Xueqing met Huzi in the reception room on the street.

After arriving in the reception room, Lin Chen looked at Huzi and said.

"Huzi, tell me again what you told me in the village before."

Huzi looked at Lin Chen and nodded, and then talked about what Xu Fugui was doing in the countryside in the reception room.

"At that time, after Xu Fugui finished showing a movie in the village, he asked Aunt Cuihua to stay and help him in the name of helping to clean up the movie equipment. It was very dark at that time, and my mother asked me to go back, but I was more playful. I just wanted to hide behind Aunt Cuihua’s house and wait for my mother to finish looking for me before I go back later.”

"I saw Xu Fugui pulling on Aunt Cuihua's clothes. I heard her shouting for help, so I ran home to find my dad, but my dad said I was wrong and told me to stay out of my own business."

"I'm absolutely not wrong, everything I saw is true."

In the reception room, Huzi recounted everything he saw that night about Xu Fugui forcing Li Cuihua.

Bi Xueqing was listening on the side, her face could no longer be darker. Everyone else in the reception room also fell into silence.

After listening to what Huzi said and looking at the signed testimonies given by Lin Chen to other villagers, Bi Xueqing understood that the crime committed by Xu Fugui was not much lighter than the crime committed by his son Xu Damao.

After Huzi finished speaking, he saw Bi Xueqing's dark face and shrank his neck in fear: "Gongan Lin, did I say something wrong?"

"No." Lin Chen stepped forward and rubbed Huzi's head: "You said it very well."

At the same time, he also looked at Bi Xueqing and asked.

"Captain Bi, what should we do next?"

"Yes, captain, this Xu Fugui is really nothing. Not only did he collect illegal money in the name of showing a movie, but he actually did such a thing."

"I remember that he still had a wife and children at home. I had met him several times before, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing. I really know people but don't know their hearts."

Other police officers in the interrogation room were also filled with indignation at what happened to Li Cuihua.

"Go and capture Xu Fugui now."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

Xu Fugui's family.

The previous marriage between Xu Qing and Wu Yonggang broke up in discord. Xu Fugui was concerned about the prosperity of the Xu family and immediately found a son-in-law for his daughter Xu Qing.

Although the other party's conditions are not very good, he is still willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law and is willing to pass on the incense to their old Xu family.

At this time, he was leading people back to his home: "Qing, don't stay in the house, come out and meet people."

Because Xu Fugui beat the mandarin ducks, Xu Qing and her father did not get along very happily during this period.

Even after hearing Xu Fugui's words, there was still no movement in the direction of Xu Qing's house.Li Huaming was a little embarrassed: "Uncle Xu, why don't I come visit you another day."

When Xu Fugui heard this, he immediately became anxious and grabbed Li Huaming's hand. It was difficult to find someone who was willing to be his son-in-law. For the sake of the Xu family's continuation, Xu Fugui naturally couldn't let him go like this: "Don't be anxious. , that girl may be sleeping, you sit in the room for a while, and I'll call her."

After that, he went to the door of Xu Qing's room and shouted several times, but the door still didn't move at all.

When Xu Fugui saw that his daughter was so disrespectful to him in front of outsiders, he immediately wanted to get angry, but was stopped by his wife.

"There are outsiders here, let me call her." Chen Meijuan said and knocked on Xu Qing's door: "Qing, are you sleeping? There are guests at home."

Chen Meijuan finished speaking, and after a while, the closed door of Xu Qing's room was finally opened from the inside.

Xu Qing walked out with a dark face and sat down directly opposite Li Huaming. She was stunned without even looking at Xu Fugui.

Xu Fugui was so angry: "Look at her, look at her? What is she like? I'm not doing this for her own good?"

"Are you really doing it for my own good? Are you doing it for the incense of your old Xu family?"

Xu Qing choked Xu Fugui in dissatisfaction. Long before Wu Yonggang's incident, she actually had trouble getting along with Xu Fugui and Chen Meijuan. The couple had old-fashioned ideas and were very patriarchal. They had always loved Xu Damao and treated her very much. But he was always beaten and scolded, and showed little concern.

Originally, their family lived in the Hongxing Courtyard, but later they all moved out because their brother Xu Damao got married.

At first, when she and Wu Yonggang were in a free relationship, both her parents were worried about Xu Damao's son-in-law, so they didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until Xu Damao's accident that the two of them tried their best to find a son-in-law to continue their relationship. How could Xu Qing not complain when she and Wu Yonggang were separated?
Over there, Xu Fugui was also furious at Xu Qing's words: "Look at what you are saying. Have you ever talked to your own father like this?"

"Let me tell you, that Wu Yonggang is not a good person. As long as I am still breathing, there will be no chance of you having anything to do with him."

Xu Fugui was so angry that as he spoke, he lowered his head and took the broom in the living room, and was about to swing it at Xu Qing: "I must teach you a lesson today, let you know that there is no such thing as a little girl like you in this family. room."

Seeing that the broom swung by Xu Fugui was about to fall on Xu Qing, there were suddenly several knocks on the door.

Chen Meijuan glanced at the father and daughter, stepped forward to open the door, and immediately saw Lin Chen in the crowd: "Comrades from the public security department? What's the matter?"

Chen Meijuan's face looked a little confused for a moment. When Xu Damao was arrested, she had met Lin Chen once before and was deeply impressed by this man. This time when he came, the people following him were still wearing police uniforms.


At this time, Xu Fugui also came to his senses and followed Chen Meijuan to the door.

Lin Chen, who was in the crowd, saw Xu Fugui and walked directly towards him.

This was his first meeting with Xu Fugui, but having watched the original drama before, he still recognized Xu Fugui's identity at a glance.

"We are the street patrol team."

After Lin Chen revealed his identity to several people, he continued.

"Xu Fugui has been reported by someone to be suspected of showing movies to receive benefits, forcing rural women and other illegal and criminal activities. Please follow us back to the subdistrict office for investigation."

"How is this possible?" Chen Meijuan asked, still holding on, but her face was already pale: "Our rich family has always been honest and honest, how could we do something illegal?"

(End of this chapter)

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