Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 80 Xu Damao’s father deserves to be sentenced to death for this crime

Chapter 80 Xu Damao’s father deserves to be sentenced to death for this crime

After interrogating Xu Fugui, Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing left the interrogation room together.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the door of the interrogation room, before Bi Xueqing could speak, Lin Chen took the lead and said, "I'm sorry, Captain Bi, I lost a little control today."

Bi Xueqing shook her head: "What you said is not wrong."

"if not you."

Bi Xueqing took a deep look at Lin Chen.

"Maybe I was the one who said those words in the interrogation room just now."

Lin Chen met Bi Xueqing's eyes. For some reason, he always felt that this look was a bit familiar. It seemed that Captain Bi also looked at him with this look when they came out of the interrogation room when dealing with Ran Qiuye.

However, before Lin Chen could take a closer look, Bi Xueqing had already taken the lead and walked forward: "Let's go quickly, there are still a lot of things to do at hand."

"Okay, Captain Bi."

Early the next morning, Xu Fugui's crime announcement was posted on bulletin boards throughout the street.

Residents of the cinema's residential building pointed at Xu Fugui's name on the bulletin board.

"When I was at home yesterday, I saw many police comrades surrounding Xu Fugui's house. I was thinking something had happened, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

"This Xu Fugui is so unconscionable that he actually collects illegal money from villagers in the name of showing movies, and also forces rural women from the countryside?"

"Otherwise, let's just say that he knows people but not their hearts. We are all neighbors. If it weren't for the impartial investigation by the comrades of the patrol team, who would have thought that he would do such a thing."

"How long ago did their son Xu Damao get into trouble? Xu Fugui was taken away again. Comrade Chen Meijuan is really unlucky to have such a father and son."

"There are two death row inmates in the Xu family. They won't be punished by our family home at that time."


When Chen Meijuan came back from asking for information from the street office, she happened to hear what the neighbors were talking about. For fear of being recognized, she hurriedly pulled the scarf on her face, buried her head lower, and walked quickly through the residential building. The courtyard gate.

However, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a few familiar faces standing in front of her home made her heart lift again.

Xu Qing was also standing at the door of her house. Seeing that she was fully armed, she hesitated for a while before calling out: "Mom."

Several people standing in front of their house also followed Xu Qing's gaze and looked at Chen Meijuan, who was the leader of Xu Fugui's team at Chunfeng Cinema.

Seeing this, Chen Meijuan pulled off the scarf from her face in embarrassment.

"Why is Leader Xu here? Let's sit inside first."

"I won't go in and sit down."

Xu Yang, the leader of the group, shook his head.

"Comrade Chen Meijuan, I am here to inform you that Xu Fugui has been fired from the cinema, and he will have nothing to do with Chunfeng Cinema from now on."

Chen Meijuan nodded inaudibly, her whole look already a little tired.

"This is what the theater should do. Fugui has caused you so much trouble after all."

"there's one more thing."

Xu Yang sighed.

"Since Xu Fugui has been fired from the theater, the theater will take back the house that was previously assigned to you in accordance with the rules. I will give you three days to move out of here as soon as possible."


This news was like a bolt from the blue, causing Chen Meijuan's whole body to tremble. She looked at Xu Yang with a pale face for a moment.

"Leader Xu, can you give us a few more days of grace? Just take pity on us, mother and daughter. We just found out about Xu Fugui's mistake and we were not mentally prepared at all!" "Just three days. What can I do with my time? I just lost my son, and something happened to my husband. If you kick us mother and daughter out now, wouldn’t you make it clear that we are going to live on the street? "

Seeing Chen Meijuan's eyes filled with tears and her whole body crumbling, several people in the cinema looked at each other. In the end, Xu Yang saw how pitiful she was and said.

"Seven days at most, Comrade Chen Meijuan, it's not that I don't want to be reasonable, but I am actually following the orders from above."

"The mistake Xu Fugui made this time was of a very egregious nature. He was involved in a lot of money in the countryside, and it also involved forcing women. I'm afraid he will be sentenced to death."

"death penalty?"

Chen Meijuan felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and then burst into tears.

"Xu Fugui, Xu Fugui! Look what evil you have done!"

"If you die, you'll be done with it. If you leave us orphans and widows to clean up this mess for you, how can we live?"

As the leader of a cinema, Xu Yang naturally did not want to have anything to do with Xu Fugui's family.

After all, the other party has two death row inmates in one family.

If this has anything to do with people like this.

Will Xu Yang be promoted in the future?

So although he saw Xu Fugui and his wife crying at the door and saying that they were going to end everything, Xu Yang really had no intention of staying here to persuade her.

Just said to them.

"I have already conveyed what my superiors asked me to convey. It is my greatest right to give you a seven-day grace period before letting you leave."

"There are other things at the cinema, so I can only go back first."

After Xu Yang finished speaking, he turned around and left with his men.

"Leader Xu, Leader Xu, please give me a few more days of grace."

Chen Meijuan didn't have any delusions that she could keep the house assigned to the cinema. It was just that the house in their Hongxing Courtyard had already been taken back.

So if this house is taken over, their family will have to return to the countryside.

Chen Meijuan also knew that before the death-row inmate was executed, the family members of the prisoner could see the death-row inmate for the last time.

Therefore, the reason why Chen Meijuan wanted to postpone her move was because she hoped to see Xu Fugui one last time after Xu Fugui was sentenced.

So at this time, Chen Meijuan couldn't help but wailed at the door.

"How can this be happening? How can this be done?"

"I just want to see my husband, what's wrong with seeing him one last time? My husband is about to be sentenced to death, can't I be allowed to stay in the city to see him one last time?"

"Do you have to drive me away from here now?"

Xu Fugui's family lives in the Tongzi Building of the cinema, which is the kind of building that has nearly 10 households on the first floor without separate units.

As soon as Xu's mother cried here, other people on the same floor also walked out.

"Xu Fugui, his wife, your husband did such a thing, how can you blame the factory leaders for driving you away?"

"That's right. The movie theater leaders are already kind enough. Your son was sentenced to death before, but they didn't even fire your husband."

"Who says it's not the case? You don't feel ashamed that you have embarrassed people in the cinema, but you are actually complaining about the cinema."

(End of this chapter)

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