Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 81: Go to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and arrest Cui Dake

Chapter 81: Go to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and arrest Cui Dake

After all, it was an era where collective interests and group interests came first.

A death row prisoner appeared in their cinema, and everyone in the cinema was ashamed.

"Do you people still have any conscience? My husband is about to be shot, and you are still talking like this here."

When the other residents in the Tongzi Building saw that Chen Meijuan had reached this stage and dared to refute what they said, they suddenly couldn't help but become angry.

"Chen Meijuan, was it our instigation that your husband did that kind of thing?"

"Chen Meijuan, your husband has smeared the entire cinema, and you still have the nerve to beg for nothing. Do you want us to drive you away now?"

"What a shameless thing. Because of that old man in your family, our Spring Wind Cinema will definitely not be qualified to be selected as a civilized unit this year."

Chen Meijuan planned to argue with others at this time, but Xu Qing saw this scene and understood that these people would not give up so easily.

Her mother would definitely not be able to explain it to so many people alone.

"Mom, let's go back first, let's go back first."

Xu Qing helped his mother back to the house.

Nanluo Subdistrict Office

Qin Chen and two other clerks from the street office escorted Xu Fugui out of the street office.

Now Xu Fugui has confessed all his crimes.

Now it is time to send him to a detention center and prepare him for trial.

After Bi Xueqing finished admonishing Qin Chen, she saw Lin Chen waiting aside.

"Captain Bi, I have something to ask you for advice."

"Comrade Lin Chen, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Chen Meijuan, the person before Captain Bi, said that she was abducted to Hongta Commune. I was wondering if there was any way our subdistrict office could send her back."

When Bi Xueqing heard what Lin Chen said, she understood in her heart that this was another sign of kindness from her good comrade in the street office.

"We still need to contact the leaders of the district about this matter. I will ask someone from our subdistrict office to take her to the relevant departments in the district in the afternoon."

"Thank you Captain Bi, thank you Captain Bi."

Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen were standing at the door of the subdistrict office, and they were about to return to the subdistrict office.

At this time, they heard voices calling them from a distance.

"Captain Bi, Officer Lin, Captain Bi."

The two of them turned their heads as the voice sounded familiar.

Then I saw Chen Ming, who was sent to Nantai Commune to investigate Cui Dake's crimes some time ago.

It was Chen Ming who came back.

According to the original plot, Cui Dake did all kinds of evil in Nantai Commune. In the original TV series, Nan Yiguang reported Cui Dake's crimes to the chief of the security department for a whole night.

It is the kind of serious crime that in the old society could be directly punished by Ling Chi.

When Chen Ming saw Lin Chen and Bi Xueqing, they stopped and ran two steps quickly to the door of the street office.

Behind Chen Ming was a man who looked a bit like a farmer.

After Chen Ming ran over, the farmer-looking man also ran over.

When Lin Chen saw Chen Ming coming, he asked him.

"Comrade Chen Ming, how was your investigation in the countryside? What kind of person is this Cui Dake?"

When Chen Ming heard Lin Chen's inquiry, he quickly explained to them what Cui Dake had done in Nantai Commune.

"If you want to say that this Cui Dake is really evil, when I went to the countryside to go to the Nantai Commune, the people in the commune told me, if I ask who this Cui Dake is? Most people in the commune can't answer." But if you want to ask Cui Bad Seed, Cui Bastard, Cui Minggui, everyone in this village knows that he forced the widow in the village not long after reaching adulthood."

"Captain Bi, Officer Lin, you see this is a report written by comrades from the countryside, reporting on Cui Dake. Is there such a whole report? There are also signatures of more than 30 villagers from Nantai Commune at the back."

"Captain Bi, this is Comrade Liu Mingyuan. He happened to be coming to the capital from Nantai Commune to do something, so I brought him here with me."

Li Mingyuan also said to Bi Xueqing at this time.

"What the leader of the patrol, Comrade Chen Ming, said is true. This Cui Dake had a good relationship with the captain of our commune before, so no one could treat him."

"Later, our commune had a new captain, and I don't know what kind of connections this Cui Dake had. He actually became the canteen section chief of the machine repair factory. If he didn't return to our commune, we wouldn't have the chance to come to the capital to sue him. "

After listening to Chen Ming and Liu Mingyuan's narration.

Bi Xueqing carefully turned over the report in her hand several times.

Dozens of citizens in the village accused Cui Dake of what he did in Nantai Commune. He was simply a big bad guy.

Bi Xueqing did not expect that such a bad guy could suddenly become a buyer of a large outsider factory, the Red Star Rolling Mill, and might even become the canteen director of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

"Lin Chen, call the special investigation team to go to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill now and bring Cui Dake back for interrogation."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

A few minutes later, everyone from the special investigation team of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill came out.

Bi Xueqing called Liu Mingyuan again.

Several people went to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill together.

After another ten minutes, we arrived at the entrance of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

When she arrived at the door, Bi Xueqing only said a few words to the security department staff.

"The special investigation team investigates the case."

Then he took the people in.

Today's security department simply doesn't dare to stop people from the investigation team anymore.

After all, there have been so many criminals in their Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. No matter how hard it is for the people in the investigation team, they will most likely be labeled as being associated with criminals.

Who among the ordinary members of the security department would have the guts to wear such a hat?
The back kitchen of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant.

At this time, Cui Dake was discussing matters with Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang.

The reason is that Director Yang of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill will invite other leaders of the metallurgical system to dinner tomorrow.

Nan Yi stole the show at several banquets before.

This time Cui Dake was not willing to let Nan Yi be in the limelight again.

I also heard that this Ma Hua and Zhang Qiang learned the recipe left by He Yuzhu, the former cook of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

He was thinking of letting these two people replace Nan Yi and host a banquet for the chefs of other leaders of the metallurgical system tomorrow.

So Cui Dake looked at the two of them and said.

"MCA, Zhang Qiang, this is the opportunity I have fought hard for you to do. You are cooking for the leaders of other factories. You two have to perform well this time."

"I understand, Director Cui, we must perform well this time."

"What's your name, Director Cui? It's not even a matter of character."

"Director Cui, who else but you can be the director of the cafeteria?"

Zhang Qiang hurriedly flattered him.

(End of this chapter)

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