Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 83 Qin Huairu accidentally discovered Director Yang’s clues

Chapter 83 Qin Huairu accidentally discovered Director Yang’s clues
As soon as Cui Dake was brought back to the street office, he was put in the interrogation room.

Lin Chen originally planned to interrogate Cui Dake with Bi Xueqing.

But after arriving at the sub-district office, Bi Xueqing called Lin Chen to her office first.

Then he gave Lin Chen the note he had drawn up before.

"Comrade Lin Chen, you don't have to worry about Cui Dake's affairs next. I'll give you half a day to go home and clean up. You can move to the Red Star Courtyard today."

"The room that was previously occupied by Liu Hai is now assigned to you."

"Don't forget the promise you made to me before, Red Star Courtyard. If there are new criminals, I will hold you accountable."

Although the official appointment from above has not yet come down.

However, the original street director, Director Wang, has taken leave these days, and Bi Xueqing is actually handling the street affairs.

Nowadays, criminals are still frequently seen on Nanluo Street, so Bi Xueqing wants to quickly let Lin Chen live in the Red Star Courtyard where there are the most criminals.

With a police officer like Lin Chen, who had arrested so many criminals, living there, Bi Xueqing could feel more relaxed.

"Understood, Captain Bi, I'll go back and pack my things right now."

Lin Chen took the note Bi Xueqing gave him, turned around and left Bi Xueqing's office, then left the Nanluo Subdistrict Office and returned to the house assigned to his parents by the petroleum system where he originally worked.

Lin Chen thought that the house assigned to him by the street office was Liu Haizhong's house, which was the east wing of the backyard. In addition to the main house, there was also a back room.

Even if it is two houses, it is not smaller than the house he lives in now.

But even in the courtyard, it is inconvenient to go to the toilet at night. You have to either use a chamber pot or go out of the courtyard to a public toilet outside.

Thinking about these things in his mind, Lin Chen returned home. He was not a grown man, so the only things he needed to bring were a change of clothes and bedding for sleeping.

Lin Chen packed all these things into a large package, then took the package downstairs, hung it on the bicycle, and rode his bicycle to the Red Star Courtyard.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen arrived at the Red Star Courtyard.

When the residents of the Red Star Courtyard saw Lin Chen coming over again, they thought there were some criminals in their compound.

Many people couldn't help but become worried.

After all, the street office had already given them a warning last time.

If any more illegal criminals appear in their compound, they will really be broken up and reorganized.

So many residents of the Red Star Courtyard looked at Lin Chen and asked anxiously.

"Public Security Lin, what are you doing here? There are probably some criminals in our compound."

"Public Security Lin, no one has lost anything in our compound recently. We are all supervising each other."

Lin Chen understood what the residents of the Red Star Courtyard said.

Every time they came here before, they would arrest criminals.

Now the residents of Hongxing Courtyard have formed a conditioned reflex.

As soon as I saw him coming, I thought they were going to arrest criminals again.

So Lin Chen hurriedly explained to them.

"Dear residents of the Red Star Courtyard, you have misunderstood. I am not here to catch criminals, and there is no need to break up the Red Star Courtyard."

"However, the sub-district office made a request. Because there have been many criminals in Hongxing Courtyard before, they require me, a member of the patrol team, to live in Hongxing Courtyard. This is the certificate issued to me by the sub-district office."

As Lin Chen spoke, he took out the certificate Bi Xueqing issued to him.

"From now on, I will live in the east wing of the backyard, and we will be neighbors from now on."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, everyone in the courtyard breathed a sigh of relief.

"Public Security Lin, it's great that you live in our Red Star Courtyard."

"Yes, Public Security Lin, you live here. I want to see who dares to do illegal and criminal things in this compound." "Lin Public Security, no one has lived in the east wing of the backyard for a long time after the Liu family moved out. Let's go there. Clean up for you.”

"Officer Lin, what's hanging on your bicycle is probably what you need to use. I'll help you get it."

At this time, the residents of the Red Star Courtyard greeted Lin Chen warmly.

Only Jia Zhang stood in the distance, looking at Lin Chen coldly.

After seeing Lin Chen's eyes looking towards her, Jia Zhang stopped staying in the courtyard and turned around to go back to her house in the main courtyard.

At this time, in the Jia family's house, Qin Huairu was mending old clothes with a sewing machine.

Now that she has no job, she doesn't dare to rest at home.

But even if Qin Huairu is always busy at home, he will inevitably be scolded by Jia Zhang.

"Qin Huairu, stop pretending here and go get me something to eat. I didn't expect that Lin Chen would actually move into our compound. When I think about having to see him every day from now on, I feel so sad. The shaking makes my head hurt even more."

"Mom, I know, I'll cook right now."

20 minutes later, Qin Huairu had the meal ready.

But there wasn’t much, there were three pancakes in total.

Two sweet potato noodle pancakes and one double noodle pancake.

Qin Huairu and Huaihua, two losers in the eyes of Jia and Zhang, naturally can only eat pancakes with sweet potato noodles.

Mrs. Jia Zhang asked Qin Huairu to steam Erhe Noodles pancakes for her on the grounds that she had another headache.

Other than that, it’s stick noodle porridge and pickles.

After eating, Qin Huairu left Jia's house on the excuse of going to the toilet.

However, she did not leave the Hongxing Courtyard to go to the public toilet, but went to the backyard.

When her heart is blocked, she likes to cry in the vegetable cellar in the backyard.

At this time, Qin Huairu went to the vegetable cellar alone. All of a sudden, he entered the detention center, Banggeng Xiaodang was arrested, and all these things came to his mind.

A man started crying alone in the vegetable cellar.

After crying for about ten minutes, Qin Huairu felt better.

She also knew that she couldn't stay outside for too long, otherwise her mother-in-law would definitely find an excuse to scold her again.

So Qin Huairu stood and prepared to go out.

But these days she had eaten very little, and she squatted and cried for more than ten minutes. When she stood up, she felt dizzy.

Qin Huairu couldn't help but stretched out her hand to support the wall.

And when she touched it with her hand, the brick she was supporting actually pushed inward.

Qin Huairu couldn't help but be stunned when she saw this scene.

I was wondering if He Yuzhu was still hiding money here.

So Qin Huairu hurriedly pulled the brick, and when she pulled it, the brick actually came out.

Qin Huairu reached in and took out a pamphlet.

Qin Huairu was curious, so she took the pamphlet and left the cellar.

In the courtyard, Qin Huairu took a look through the light and couldn't help being shocked.

Although Qin Huairu didn't know many words, she had attended a women's literacy training class.

Everything on this was written by He Yuzhu, and it actually recorded a lot of things where Director Yang used his personal power to let He Yuzhu start a small stove.

(End of this chapter)

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