Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 84 Arrest of Factory Manager Yang

Chapter 84 Arrest of Factory Manager Yang

What was recorded in the booklet was very clear.

The most recent record was at the end of last year, when Yang Aiguo asked He Yuzhu to bring items from the canteen to his home to cook for the director of the food factory.

These behaviors are serious violations and disciplinary violations!

Qin Huairu thought that with this booklet, the matter of the Banggeng Letter of Understanding was settled.

So he quickly took the booklet and returned home.

But as soon as Qin Huairu opened the door and entered the house, Jia Zhang cursed at Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, why did you take so long to go to the toilet? Could you be stealing another man somewhere?"

"If you dare to do anything that is sorry for the Jia family and Dongxu, you should go back to the countryside as soon as possible."

"Mom, it's not like that"

"Mom, look at this, these are all written by He Yuzhu."

Qin Huairu took out the pamphlet and handed it to Jia Zhang.

Although Jia Zhang also attended women's literacy training classes in the capital, she was just lazy and didn't study hard at all at that time.

At this time, Jia Zhang's literacy level was only enough to distinguish between men's and women's toilets and write her own name.

So naturally I can’t recognize all the characters above.

So Jia Zhang said to Qin Huairu.

"Tell me what's written on it."

"Mom, He Yuzhu is also a thoughtful person. It is written down that Director Yang asked him to take things from the kitchen to entertain people in other factories."

"The last thing I remember is to ask He Yuzhu to take meat, tofu, and oil from the kitchen to the house of Director Yang to cook for the leaders of the food factory."

After hearing this, Jia Zhang couldn't help being surprised.

"He Yuzhu looks quite stupid, but I didn't expect him to have a trick up his sleeve."

"Mom, I have this. I will take this to Factory Director Yang tomorrow. He will definitely give Jia Gang a letter of understanding by then."

"Okay, take this to Factory Director Yang tomorrow and ask him to write a letter of understanding to my grandson. This will also save my grandson from suffering in it."

"Got it, Mom."

Jia Zhang thought that Jia Gen would get the letter of understanding soon, so she didn't make things difficult for Qin Huairu at night.

Lin Chen lived in the house where Liu Haizhong's family lived before, but he was searching for things in his mind.

Lin Chen already knew about He Daqing's return to the capital, so he thought of finding an opportunity to ask He Yueyue to see if He Daqing had contacted He Yueyue.

Thinking of He Yuyu, Lin Chen thought of He Yuyu's bicycle, He Yuyu's small satchel and the calfskin shoes on his feet.

These things also appeared in the original TV series.

But He Yuyue couldn't afford these with the salary of a newly-employed guest house host.

Lin Chen thought that he would have to find an opportunity to investigate this matter.

Lin Chen arrived at the street office during the day on the second day.

The clerk on duty asked Lin Chen to go to Bi Xueqing's office.

Lin Chen pushed the door open and entered Bi Xueqing's office, looked at her and asked.

"Captain Bi, what's the matter?"

"Comrade Lin Chen, I just received a notification from my superiors that the picket team of the Metallurgical Bureau will be here later."

"What are the Metallurgical Bureau pickets doing here?"

Bi Xueqing shook her head towards Lin Chen.

"I don't know exactly what they came here to do, but they just told us to cooperate with their work."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

After about half an hour or so.

Two men from the Metallurgical Bureau picket team wearing white hats came to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office.

After arriving, he explained the situation to Bi Xueqing.

"Hello Comrade Bi Xueqing from the investigation team, we are from the picket team of the Metallurgical Bureau. Li Huaide, the former deputy director of the Red Star Rolling Mill who was arrested by you before, reported in prison the illegal behavior of Yang Aiguo, the current director of the Red Star Rolling Mill."

"Now we need your investigation team to cooperate with us to carry out the next work." After hearing this, Bi Xueqing was stunned.

She did not expect that even the director of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill had committed illegal and criminal acts.

But she only hesitated for a moment, and then looked at the two members of the Metallurgical Bureau picket team and said.

"Understood, our investigation team will cooperate seriously with the work of your picket team."

The entrance of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

After Qin Huairu was arrested last time, people from the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill went to the Jia family and confiscated all the clothes of the employees of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

So now Qin Huairu has no chance to sneak into the Red Star Rolling Mill.

So she had to wait at the door.

After waiting for a while, she saw the car that usually took Yang Aiguo to work at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill.

When Qin Huairu saw the car approaching, he immediately stood in front of it.

The car Yang Aiguo was riding in was stopped by Qin Huairu.

Yang Aiguo looked at the woman in front of him, and then he recognized her. This person was Qin Huairu, a former female worker in their factory.

Yang Aiguo didn't want to get into this kind of trouble.

So he looked at Secretary Zhang beside him.

"Xiao Zhang, go down and let the people from the security department take Qin Huairu away."

"Understood, Director Yang."

But as soon as the back door of the car opened, Qin Huairu immediately walked over.

Then she tore off the paper from the booklet and threw it in.

"Director Yang, Director Yang, look at this."

Secretary Zhang looked at Qin Huairu and dared to throw things in, so he walked down and scolded her.

"Qin Huairu, don't make trouble here. If you want to disrupt the order of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill again, then I will ask the security department to take you away."

But Yang Aiguo, who was sitting in the car at this time, had already opened the paper ball thrown in by Qin Huairu.

Then I saw what was written above.

After reading it, Yang Aiguo realized that this was the black material that He Yuzhu had secretly recorded about himself.

"Little Zhang."

Yang Aiguo called Secretary Zhang back.

Then he lowered his voice and said to Secretary Zhang.

"Later, you can bring Qin Huairu to my office through the back door of the factory."

Although Secretary Zhang didn't know why Yang Aiguo suddenly changed so much.

But as a secretary, he also has his own consciousness.

He resolutely refused to ask questions about things that the leader would not tell him.

So at this time, he just nodded and said something to Yang Aiguo.


After that, Yang Aiguo entered the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill in a car.

Secretary Zhang looked at Qin Huairu and whispered.

"Director Qin Huairu Yang said that you and I should go in through the back door and then go find him."

"I see, thanks."

When Qin Huairu heard what the secretary next to the factory director said, she knew there might be hope for this matter.

Ten minutes later, Qin Huairu was led by Secretary Zhang to Yang Aiguo's office from the back door of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

After entering Yang Aiguo's office, Yang Aiguo looked at Qin Huairu and asked.

"Did He Yuzhu give that to you?"

"Director Yang, I didn't want to do anything with that thing or show it to others. I just wanted the factory to issue a letter of understanding to my family."

(End of this chapter)

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