Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 85 Deputy Director Li was sentenced to 19 years

Chapter 85 Deputy Director Li was sentenced to 19 years

Yang Aiguo stared at Qin Huairu for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"Okay, as long as you give me everything recorded by He Yuzhu, I will issue you a letter of understanding for Jia Gen."

"Thank you, Director Yang, thank you, Director Yang."

But right now.

The door to Yang Aiguo's office was forcibly opened.

After that, Yang Aiguo and Qin Huairu saw two pickets wearing white hats.

Then there were the people from the special investigation team of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Ten minutes ago, the investigation team and the pickets arrived at the gate of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Naturally, the security department at the door did not dare to stop the people from the picket team of the Metallurgical Bureau.

After the picket team entered, two people from the investigation team were left behind, watching the people from the security department at the door to prevent them from passing on the information.

So Director Yang didn't even have time to know the letter.

Bi Xueqing did not expect to see Qin Huairu in Yang Aiguo's office.

Because Qin Huairu and Deputy Factory Director Li were arrested before for engaging in male-female relations.

So at this time, Bi Xueqing also stared at Qin Huairu and looked him up and down.

But this time, Qin Huairu's clothes were tight and solid, and it didn't look like she was messing with the relationship between men and women.

"Yang Aiguo, we are from the picket team of the Metallurgical Bureau. Please come with us."

Looking at this posture, Yang Aiguo knew that he was in trouble.

He had no choice but to let the pickets take him away.

Qin Huairu was completely stunned when she saw this scene.

I originally thought I could take this opportunity to ask Jia Gen for a letter of understanding.

But he didn't expect that as soon as Yang Aiguo agreed, he would be taken away by the pickets.

Half an hour later, Qin Huairu returned to the Red Star Courtyard in despair.

When Jia Zhang saw Qin Huairu coming back, she hurriedly asked her.

"How's it going? Has Director Yang agreed? Write a letter of understanding to Jia Gen."

"He agreed, but he was also taken away."

"Director Yang was also taken away."

"Yes, it seems that the person who arrested him is from the Metallurgical Bureau picket team."

Soon, the news of Yang Aiguo's arrest spread in the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and the entire street office.

It's now the end of April.

It's not that cold anymore.

At night, the residents of Hongxing Courtyard started chatting in the courtyard and discussed Yang Aiguo's affairs.

"It was outrageous that so many people were arrested at the Red Star Rolling Mill before. I didn't expect that even the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill has been taken away now."

"Yeah, who would have thought of this? The factory director and deputy director are all criminals."

"If you ask me, this means that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. It is because of such factory directors and deputy directors that there are so many people with unhealthy styles in the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant."

After Yang Aiguo was taken to the picket team of the Metallurgical Bureau.

Seeing the pickets, Yang Aiguo begged them for mercy.

"I want to meet Director Bi, I want to meet Director Bi."

For several days, Yang Aiguo applied to the pickets to see his former leader Bi Qingfeng.

But more than ten days passed, and Bi Qingfeng still didn't come to see him.

At this time, Yang Aiguo also understood that his former leader probably did not want to recognize him as an old subordinate.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Most of the criminals arrested at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill and Hongxing Courtyard were also sentenced.

Because Li Huaide had improper relationships with many women, he helped Liu Lan change positions through the convenience of his deputy factory director.He was eventually sentenced to 19 years in prison.

Liu Lan was eventually sentenced to 9 years.

Although Yan Jiefang was involved in a case involving hundreds of yuan, he was ultimately sentenced to five years in prison because he did not subjectively damage maintenance facilities.

Yan Bugui and Yan Jiekuang were both sentenced to three years.

Yan Jiekuang was eventually sent to prison.

It was also because in that era, the minimum sentencing age in criminal law was lower than it is now, and Yan Jiekuang already belonged to the lowest sentencing age in that era.

So naturally he was sent to prison in the end.

The trial of He Yuzhu also started after Li Huaide was sentenced, although the final verdict has not yet been handed down.

However, based on the circumstances of He Yuzhu's crime, it is basically the death penalty.

Hongxing Street Office, the original director of the Street Office, Director Wang, officially retired due to illness.

Bi Xueqing became the acting director of the subdistrict office.

Lin Chen became the acting captain of the street patrol team, and was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant of the police because of his previous arrests of criminals.

But at this time, Lin Chen was being criticized in Bi Xueqing's office.

A few days ago, the subdistrict office reported that there was black market trading outside Xizhimen, so Bi Xueqing asked the patrol team to arrest the person.

But when they were arresting black market traders, the patrol team stopped moving because Lin Chen shouted loudly.

As a result, the traders were given time to escape. In the end, the patrol team was dispatched once, but almost returned without success.

On the same day, Qin Chen quietly came to Bi Xueqing's place to report to Lin Chen, reporting that Lin Chen might be related to the black market outside Xizhimen.

Bi Xueqing and Lin Chen have worked together for such a long time.

She knew Lin Chen's personality well, and naturally knew that Lin Chen could not have anything to do with those people.

In addition, Lin Chen had applied for compensation for the victims so many times before.

Bi Xueqing also roughly guessed it.

Lin Chen probably felt compassion when he was cleaning up the pigeon market.

That's why I let those people go on purpose.

"Lin Chen, please explain this matter to me clearly."

"Director Bi, I was really excited and shouted."

"You were in the heat of the moment."

"It's my fault, Director Bi. I sabotaged the arrest in a moment of excitement."

Bi Xueqing angrily reached out and planned to slap Lin Chen in the face.

However, he waved his hand in the air and finally stopped.

"You go and write a review now and give it to me before tomorrow morning."

"I understand, Director Bi."

"Next time something like this happens again, I will never let you off lightly."

Bi Xueqing then threatened again.

At night, Lin Chen was writing a report in the patrol captain's office.

Then he saw Yan Jiecheng running into his office in a hurry
"Captain Lin, I've found you. I just went to the backyard of our compound to look for you, but I didn't expect you to come back so late."

"Looking for me, what do you want from me?"

Lin Chen looked at Yan Jiecheng in a hurry.

I was thinking, could it be that there are some criminals in the Red Star Courtyard?

"Captain Lin, I've found He Daqing, the same He Daqing who abandoned He Yuzhu and He Yuyu more than ten years ago and ran away."

"What is He Daqing? Where is he? Are you sure it is He Daqing?"

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little excited. After all, if He Daqing was found, there would be hope that the hypocrite Yi Zhonghai would be sent in as well.

(End of this chapter)

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