Chapter 86 Arrest of He Daqing

"He Daqing currently lives in the Hongbin Tower Hotel in Chegongzhuang, Xizhimen."

It was actually hidden in the place where He Daqing worked as a cook.

After hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Lin Chen immediately stood up and planned to ask the patrol team members on duty today to go with him to arrest He Daqing.

Yan Jiecheng saw Lin Chen getting up and hurriedly said to him.

"Public Security Lin, Public Security Lin, I have something else to do."

"Comrade Yan Jiecheng, do you have anything else to do?"

"Public Security Lin, you are also aware of my family's affairs. Both of my brothers have violated the law, and my father has also been arrested. There are three criminals in my family."

"I used to be a clerk in the factory, but now I can only clean toilets. I'm not afraid of your jokes. Even my wife is implicated in the workplace."

Lin Chen understood after hearing what Yan Jiecheng said.

This is because Yan Jiecheng wanted to get commendation from the street by reporting He Daqing.

"Comrade Yan Jiecheng, don't worry, as long as we arrest He Daqing, I will truthfully report the clues you provided."

"Thank you very much, Officer Lin."

"Comrade Yan Jiecheng, please wait for me here. I'll go call the comrades from the patrol team who are still on duty at the subdistrict office today."

"I understand, Officer Lin."

Lin Chen asked Yan Jiecheng to wait for him in the office while he went to the patrol team's office behind.

On duty today are Zhang Cheng and Wang Chu.

Lin Chen said to them after seeing the two of them.

"Zhang Cheng, Wang Chu, someone reported seeing He Daqing in Chegongzhuang outside Xizhimen, who abandoned his children on our street more than ten years ago. Please follow me there."

"I understand, Captain Lin."

Lin Chen took the two of them to meet Yan Jiecheng.

Then he asked Yan Jiecheng to take them to Hongbin Tower.

Hongbin Tower is not far from Xizhimen, about three miles away.

More than 10 minutes.

A few people arrived at the street office of Chegongzhuang.

After all, this time we were arresting people within the jurisdiction of the Chegongzhuang Street Office.

So it was natural to say hello to the people in Chegongzhuang.

Lin Chen arrived at the sub-district office in Chegongzhuang, met the clerk on duty, showed him his ID, and then explained the situation clearly to him.

Afterwards, the clerk at Chegongzhuang explained the situation to the patrol team members on duty.

After knowing that they were arresting someone who abandoned their children and ran away from the jurisdiction of Nanluo Street Office more than ten years ago, the Chegongzhuang patrol team took the initiative to cooperate with Lin Chen and others.

Another ten minutes passed.

The group of people arrived outside Hongbin Tower.

As soon as Lin Chen arrived at the place, he saw Yan Jiecheng's wife Yu Li.

At this time, Yan Jiecheng explained to Lin Chen.

"Public Security Lin, it was He Daqing who I saw today with my wife. I asked her to guard me here and went to the street office to report to you."

Then Yan Jiecheng walked towards Yu Li and asked her.

"He Daqing didn't come out again."

Yu Li shook her head towards Yan Jiecheng.

"No, I've been watching here. He Daqing entered Hongbin Tower and never came out of the courtyard behind."

"Comrade Public Security, he is in the courtyard behind Hongbin Building now." After hearing what Yu Li said.

People from Nanluo Street Patrol Team and Chegongzhuang Street Patrol Team went to the courtyard behind Hongbin Building together.

At this time, most of the residents in the compound had taken a rest.

Yan Jiecheng only saw He Daqing enter the compound and never come out again.

But he didn't know exactly which house it was.

So the patrol team had to knock on each house one by one.

After knocking on two doors, a man came out and said to them.

"I have long said that my master should not leave He Daqing here, but now he has caused trouble. He Daqing lives in the back room of the west wing of the backyard."

After learning about the situation, the patrol team went directly to the back room next to the west wing of the backyard.

After knocking the door open, he saw He Daqing drinking alone in the house.

"He Daqing, we are the patrol team of Nanluo Street. Please come back to the patrol team with us."

Lin Chen walked up to He Daqing and prepared to put handcuffs on He Daqing.

He Daqing was originally drunk and stunned, but when he saw the patrol team, he suddenly sobered up a lot.

I was thinking to myself, could it be possible that the patrol team discovered what I did after having an affair with Jia Zhang?
He ran away because he made an irreparable mistake after messing around with Jia Zhang.

Otherwise, he was not stupid, how could he have followed a widow to the countryside of Baoding without waiting in the capital.

However, He Daqing still looked at the patrol team and argued.

"Comrades from the patrol team, what crime have I committed!"

"He Daqing, please come back to the subdistrict office with us to defend yourself."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he handcuffed He Daqing and escorted him out of the house.

After taking He Daqing out of the compound and thanking the people from the Chegongzhuang patrol team.

Lin Chen and others took He Daqing back to the Nanluo Street Office.

Ten minutes later, Nanluo Street opened an interrogation room.

Lin Chen looked at He Daqing and said seriously.

"He Daqing, He Yuzhu told us everything you did before."

"At the end of 1949, you abandoned He Yuyu, who was less than seven years old, and He Yuzhu, who was less than 15 years old. You have committed the crime of abandoning children."

He Daqing, who was originally nervous, couldn't help but feel more relaxed after hearing what Lin Chen said.

He originally thought that the street office knew what he had done after his affair with Jia Zhang.

Unexpectedly, he was talking about his abandonment of his children.

After He Daqing calmed down, he explained to Lin Chen.

"The leader of the patrol team, although I went to Baoding, I sent 10 yuan home every two months during those years, and gave it back to He Yuzhu, and arranged to be an apprentice in Hongbin Building."

"This is enough for the two of them to live on."

"He Daqing, you said that you send money home every two months, but after we arrested He Yuzhu before, he said that you never contacted them again."

"How is it possible for the leader of the patrol team? After I left, I would send money back every two months. By the way, I also came back with the receipt of my remittance. Leader of the patrol team, if you don't believe it, you can go again After a trip to Hongbin Building, my package still contained the receipts for my previous remittances."

In those days, money was generally not sent directly, but a remittance slip was sent. After receiving the remittance slip, the recipient could take the remittance slip and exchange it for money at the local post office.

It just requires a certain amount of remittance fees.

Lin Chen didn't expect that He Daqing still kept the remittance receipt.

But in this case, there would be more reason to continue investigating where He Daqing sent the money.

(End of this chapter)

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