Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 91 Xizhimen is about to be demolished, Lin Chen asks Bi Xueqing to borrow money

Chapter 91 Xizhimen is about to be demolished, Lin Chen asks Bi Xueqing to borrow money
"Also during the period when I am not in the street office, you have to keep an eye on the relocation work of the people over there in Xizhimen, so that the patrol team will not break out into conflicts with the residents and deal with the living problems of the people there."

Now that Bi Xueqing has become the acting director of Nanluo Street, she naturally has to deal with more than just public security matters.

A few days ago, superior leaders have issued orders to properly arrange for the residents affected by the demolition of Xizhimen around Xizhimen.

Bi Xueqing was originally busy with this matter these days.

When Lin Chen heard what Bi Xueqing said, he thought of the fact that Xizhimen was about to be demolished.

In the original world, this incident also happened at this point in time.

All nine gates in the capital, except Zhengyang Gate, will be demolished.

Although many architectural experts have raised many objections.

But with today's productivity levels, demolishing the city wall is the only option.

After all, the capital has grown from a population of 400 million when the People's Republic of China was founded to nearly 1966 million in 800.

As the population scale further expanded, the city wall became an obstacle affecting residents' lives and transportation.

Although from the perspective of future generations, perhaps what is happening now is a pity.

But under today's circumstances, if the capital wants to continue to develop, the city wall must be demolished.

Among the eight city walls to be demolished, Xizhimen, within the jurisdiction of the Nanluo Subdistrict Office, is the first to be demolished due to the construction of the subway.

"I understand, Director Bi, just rest assured and take good care of yourself."

But after a while, Lin Chen still felt that it was a pity that Xizhimen was about to be demolished.

I thought that since it was going to be demolished, the status quo could not be changed.

You should do what you can.

So I wanted to find someone to take a complete photo of the original appearance of Xizhimen.

But taking pictures at that time was an extremely luxurious thing. A common one-inch photo cost six to seven cents, and a large photo cost two or three yuan.

If you want to take photos of every detail of Xizhimen, you will need at least two to three hundred photos and five to six hundred yuan.

Lin Chen, who has only worked for a year, has only saved about 100 yuan in total.

Because of this matter, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Bi Xueqing looked at Lin Chen in front of her, looking thoughtful.

I thought the other party was worried about evacuating the people around Xizhimen.

Then he looked at Lin Chen and said.

"Comrade Lin Chen, do you have any problems? If you have any work problems, you can come and see me then."

When Lin Chen heard Bi Xueqing's question, he suddenly thought that Bi Xueqing was a truly rich second generation.

The conditions of other street patrol members in the subdistrict office are even worse than mine.

Lin Chen's parents are both doing scientific research in the Northeast, and they don't have much family burden. This is not the case with the families of other patrol teams.

However, Bi Xueqing was still recovering from her illness at this time, and Lin Chen was too embarrassed to ask her to borrow money.

"Director Bi, nothing's wrong."

Although Lin Chen was hiding it, Bi Xueqing was the captain of the patrol team before.

She has met so many different kinds of people, and she can tell at a glance whether others are telling the truth or lies.

"If anything happens, just say it directly."

"Is it possible that you also did something illegal and criminal?"

Lin Chen hesitated again when he heard what Bi Xueqing said.

Although it is not good to borrow money from Bi Xueqing when she is sick, after all, in this era, it is really difficult for anyone else except Bi Xueqing to borrow such a large sum of money.So Lin Chen had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak to Bi Xueqing.

"Director Bi, I would like to borrow some money from you."

"How much to borrow."

"About 500 yuan."

"Twenty dollars."

After hearing this, Bi Xueqing couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

500 yuan is equivalent to nearly two years' salary of an ordinary worker.

"Why are you borrowing so much money, my friend? You want to see your parents? Is it that Ran Qiuye from last time?"

Apart from this, Bi Xueqing could not think of any other reason why Lin Chen wanted to borrow so much money.

After all, Lin Chen's salary now reaches 50 yuan a month.

"Director Bi, I feel it is a pity that Xizhimen is going to be demolished. I want the photo studio to take pictures of the entire Xizhimen. After all, it has a history of hundreds of years from the Yuan Dynasty to the present, and I want to leave something behind."

If other people said such things, Bi Xueqing must have thought that he was sick.

But Lin Chen was different.

Bi Xueqing only felt that Lin Chen was really like the character in the brochure. He cared about the collective, the masses, the disadvantaged groups, and now he even cared about ancient buildings.

"Now you have changed from caring about the people to caring about the city wall. You really care about many things."


"Okay, your current salary is 50 yuan a month. How long do you plan to repay if you lend me 500 yuan?"

"In up to one and a half years, I can write you an IOU, plus 50 yuan in interest."

Lin Chen also calculated that his monthly expenses of more than ten yuan are enough. In this way, he can save more than 30 yuan a month, and his street office will have subsidies at the end of the year.

Even if he arrests other criminals in the future, his police rank may be increased.

One and a half years is enough to pay off the 500 yuan.

"Okay, I don't need the IOU and the interest. I don't believe you dare to rely on my money. It will take some time before Xizhimen is demolished. I will lend you the money after I get out."

"Thank you, Director Bi, thank you, Director Bi."

Hearing Bi Xueqing say that she wanted to lend him money, Lin Chen felt like he had settled a worry.

Keep all this information, and it may be of some use when the Xizhimen city gate is restored in the future.

"We agreed in advance that if you can't pay me back in a year and a half, don't blame me for hanging you up and beating you."

"I understand, Director Bi."

"Okay, I have nothing to do now. If I need anything, I can just ask the nurse at the hospital. You don't have to stay here anymore. Go back and deal with the street affairs."

Lin Chen stayed in Bi Xueqing's ward for a while, cut some fruit for Bi Xueqing and fed her to eat, then went to find the nurse in the hospital and left the Sixth Hospital after giving some instructions.

Lin Chen rode his bicycle in front of the hospital and returned to the Nanluo Subdistrict Office not long after.

After arriving at the subdistrict office, Chen Ming reported to Lin Chen the interrogation of Yi Zhonghai.

"Captain Lin, we interrogated him all night, and Yi Zhonghai accused them all. Not only did he secretly hide the money He Daqing sent to He Yuzhu, he also secretly hid the letter of introduction that He Daqing left for He Yuzhu to become an apprentice in Hongbin Building."

"He just wants to control He Yuzhu and let He Yuzhu take care of him in his old age."

Lin Chen knew that Chen Ming must have used some tricks to get Yi Zhonghai to explain this, but he just nodded to Chen Ming.

"Captain Lin, yesterday you agreed to let Hongxing Courtyard and Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill report Yi Zhonghai's matter. Our publicity officer from the subdistrict office has already written the materials."

(End of this chapter)

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