Chapter 92 Thank you, Comrade Lin Chen
Lin Chen sighed silently.

"Okay, you ask the patrol team to go to the streets and post up Yi Zhonghai's criminal behavior, and then go to the Red Star Courtyard and ask them to report Yi Zhonghai's illegal behavior."

"I understand, Captain Lin."

Chen Ming became extremely excited at this time.

Yi Zhonghai dared to attack the director of their sub-district office. Naturally, everyone in the sub-district office was angry from top to bottom.

He definitely didn't want Yi Zhonghai to have an easy time.

It didn't take long for Chen Ming to lead the street patrol team and set off with the materials written by the propagandist.

Dozens of materials were posted on various bulletin boards in Nanluo Street, naturally in order to be seen by the more than 3 residents of Nanluo Street and completely make Yi Zhonghai stink.

After all the announcements were posted, Chen Ming took people to the Red Star Courtyard to continue investigating Yi Zhonghai's other illegal and criminal activities.

At this time, many people had gathered in front of the bulletin board near Hongxing Elementary School.

Although it is said that criminals appear in Hongxing Courtyard, it is already a normal thing in Nanluo Street.

But this time it was the steward of Hongxing Courtyard who attacked the director of the subdistrict office.

This time it really surprised many people.

The melon-eating residents stood in front of the announcement and started talking.

"This Red Star Courtyard is really a den for criminals."

"The crime committed by Yi Zhonghai is probably punishable by death. Two of the three stewards of the Red Star Courtyard are sentenced to death. This is quite severe."

in the afternoon
This matter was also discussed in the office where Ran Qiuye of Hongxing Primary School was located.

Several male teachers who read the announcement discussed it for a while.

Then one of the male teachers looked at Ran Qiuye and asked.

"Teacher Ran, do you know that Yi Zhonghai from the Red Star Courtyard attacked the people from the street patrol team?"

Lin Chen helped her solve the trouble last time, and Ran Qiuye always remembered Lin Chen in her heart.

At this time, I felt a little nervous when I heard that the criminals in the Red Star Courtyard were attacking the people on patrol.


"Teacher Ran, you don't know about this yet. I heard that some people in the patrol team were beaten and sent to the hospital. When Yi Zhonghai's crime was exposed, he went crazy on the spot and started swinging around with an iron drill. , and it took several people to subdue him."

"This Yi Zhonghai is really vicious. Not only did he steal other people's money, but he even dared to beat up people from the street patrol team."

In the school office, the primary school teachers were talking to each other.

But when Ran Qiuye heard that someone had been beaten and sent to the hospital, she was already in a mess.

I just want to leave Hongxing Elementary School early and go to the street office to check it out.

When it was time to get off work, Ran Qiuye did not stay at Hongxing Elementary School for long, and left in a hurry to go to Nanluo Street Office.

Ten minutes later, Ran Qiuye rode his bicycle to the Nanluo Street Office.

After parking the bicycle at the door, I went to the Nanluo Street Office and looked for the clerk on duty.

"Comrade from the subdistrict office, I want to see Comrade Lin Chen."

The clerk on duty did not delay when he saw that it was the lesbian who came back to see Lin Chen last time.

"Your name is Ran Qiuye, right?"

Ran Qiuye nodded towards him.

"Okay, I'll go talk to our Captain Lin right now." The clerk from the subdistrict office quickly arrived at the door of Lin Chen's office, knocked on the door, and then opened the door and walked in.

When he saw Lin Chen, he told him the situation.

"Captain Lin, a lesbian is here to see you. She is Teacher Ran from Hongxing Primary School last time."

"Teacher Ran Qiuye, okay, I'll be out right away."

After Lin Chen heard that it was Ran Qiuye, he couldn't help but feel worried.

She was thinking that maybe after helping her last time, there were still people bullying her at school because of her parents' mistakes.

So he hurriedly left his office and went to the lobby of the street office.

Because Lin Chen helped her last time, Ran Qiuye often thought of Lin Chen at night these days, so she never had a good rest, so she looked a little haggard.

Lin Chen looked at Ran Qiuye's appearance and thought that she was bullied by the teacher in school again.

After traveling to this era, it is necessary to eliminate evil but also promote good. Lin Chen, who was one of the few good people in the original TV series, naturally did not want her to be bullied in school.

"Teacher Ran, what's wrong with you? Are there other teachers in your school causing trouble for you?"

Ran Qiuye felt relieved after seeing Lin Chen.

Hearing Lin Chen's inquiry, Ran Qiuye was naturally embarrassed to say that she came to see him because she was worried about Lin Chen.

Then she thought about Yan Bugui.

She also heard that the reason why people from the street patrol team went to Hongxing Primary School to investigate the theft of their class fees was because Yan Bugui, who had been arrested and sent to jail, reported the matter to the street office.

Moreover, when she was punished to clean the house before, even the male teacher who pursued her in school kept her distance. Only Yan Bugui was not afraid of getting into these things.

So at this moment, he opened his mouth and said to Lin Chen.

"Comrade Lin Chen, I heard that Yan Bugui was sentenced and is now undergoing rehabilitation in prison. The reason why I was able to get rid of my injustice was because Yan Bugui reported the person who stole my class fee, so I want your street office to Please help me find out if he needs money in prison and if he can send money to the prison."

"Okay, no problem, I'll go ask it for you."

Hearing what Ran Qiuye said, Lin Chen had a better impression of one of the few good people in this TV series.

After all, after Yan Bugui entered, even Yan Bugui's eldest son Yan Jiecheng didn't come. The street office had said these things, but Ran Qiuye was able to come and ask if he could send money to Yan Bugui.

"Comrade Lin Chen, thank you. I'll treat you to dinner later."

When it came time to invite the other party to dinner later, Ran Qiuye's entire face was already red.

"Comrade Ran Qiuye, you don't have to do this. This is what our street office should do."

Lin Chen was talking to Ran Qiuye, and at this moment, Chen Ming returned to the street office from outside.

This time he went to the Red Star Courtyard and asked the residents of the Red Star Courtyard to report Yi Zhonghai, and gained a lot.

Many residents of the Red Star Courtyard are afraid that the Red Star Courtyard will be broken up and reorganized because of the appearance of another criminal named Yi Zhonghai.

So when they heard that the patrol team members were here to investigate Yi Zhonghai's illegal and criminal activities, they all told the patrol team members about Yi Zhonghai's various suspicious behaviors.

Chen Ming originally wanted to go to Lin Chen's office as soon as he came back and report the situation to him.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the subdistrict office, I saw Lin Chen in the lobby of the subdistrict office.

At this time, Lin Chen was still talking to the lesbian they helped last time. Chen Ming also heard that this lesbian had come to see Lin Chen before.

So at this time, I stood aside and hesitated.

He thought about waiting for Ran Qiuye to leave before talking to Lin Chen about investigating Yi Zhonghai.

(End of this chapter)

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