Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 97 actually involves Director Wang

Chapter 97 actually involves Director Wang


He Yuzhu was speechless for a moment when he was asked by Lin Chen.

"He Yuzhu has reached this point, don't you dare to face reality? You have supported Qin Huairu's family for so many years. Does Qin Huairu really think that you bought the lunch boxes you brought for her with your own money?"

"It's already this time, and you still want to protect Qin Huairu. You've already died a hundred times, and you still want your sister to be stigmatized all the time."

Hearing what Lin Chen said, He Yuzhu's hands couldn't help but tremble.

"Stop it, stop it."

"He Yuzhu!"

He Yuzhu tried hard with both hands and grasped his head.

But in order to prevent He Yuzhu from attacking Lin Chen, the people in Nancheng Prison had already handcuffed He Yuzhu's hands to the interrogation chair.

So no matter how hard He Yuzhu tried, he couldn't touch his head.

But at this moment, He Yuzhu suddenly laughed like crazy.

"I know, I know, I know it all."

Lin Chen couldn't help but panic when he saw He Yuzhu looking abnormal.

I thought to myself, could it be that I put too much pressure on He Yuzhu?

Directly made He Yuzhu have a mental breakdown and become completely crazy?
So at this time, Lin Chen hurriedly looked at He Yuzhu and asked.

"He Yuzhu, what do you know?"

"That bastard of the deaf old lady and that bastard of Yi Zhonghai must have joined forces to threaten Sister Qin. They must have prevented Sister Qin from telling me this."

"My sister Qin must be afraid that I won't be able to accept such a thing, so she hid it from me."

After hearing what He Yuzhu said, Lin Chen felt stupid again.

He really didn't expect that He Yuzhu could lick a dog to this extent.

Lin Chen was shocked, and then he heard even more shocking news.

"Officer Lin, I want to report. I want to report Wu Xiuying, the old lady in our hospital."

"Why do you want to report Wu Xiuying? What do you want to report her for? She has been arrested now and has been sentenced to eight years for blackmailing others, illegally selling food stamps and engaging in patriarchalism in the courtyard."

"Officer Lin, don't you know that this old lady's identity is fake? No wonder the old lady has been so bad to Qin Huairu before. She must have colluded with Yi Zhonghai."

Lin Chen always felt that He Yuzhu was not mentally normal right now, and his whole thinking and logic was a bit strange.

But after all, He Yuzhu reported the deaf old lady's fake identity, so he had reason to investigate.

"He Yuzhu, please tell me carefully how the old lady in your hospital faked her identity."

"The old lady told me the story she made up when she was fine. She thought I didn't know how to wear the straw sandals she made to cross the lawn and cross the snow-capped mountains. This old lady didn't even know where to cross the lawn and cross the snow-capped mountains. She was there every day. That’s bragging.”

"My sister Qin used to be in trouble. Even if I asked her to borrow food, she wouldn't do it."

"I heard Yi Zhonghai talking to her about this before. Yi Zhonghai told her not to talk to anyone but talk about straw sandals."

"But this old lady refuses to listen. She brags to everyone she meets. But no one in the compound understands the situation. They can't even hear her words that are full of loopholes."

He Yuzhu looked triumphant as he spoke, as if he was showing off that he was the only one who heard the flaw in the deaf old lady's words.

Lin Chen was naturally very excited at this time.

Paper and pen were quickly found.

Recorded everything He Yuzhu said, and then asked He Yuzhu to sign it.

After that, Lin Chen asked about Qin Huairu's situation twice more.

But He Yuzhu still insisted not to speak.

Lin Chen thought about sorting out the deaf old lady's affairs first.

We will deal with Qin Huairu's matter later.

So I left the interrogation room, walked out of Nancheng District Prison, rode my bicycle at the door, and went back to the street to handle the matter.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen returned to the Nanluo Street Office.When he left, he told Chen Ming that he was going to interrogate He Yuzhu.

Now that he was back, Chen Ming came over and asked Lin Chen about the situation.

"How is Captain Lin? Did He Yuzhu explain Qin Huairu's affairs?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

"He Yuzhu did not explain the matter about Qin Huairu, but he did explain about another case."

"What are the other cases?"

"He Yuzhu reported to me that the identity of the old lady in their hospital was fake."

"Wu Xiuying's identity is fake."

"Okay, hurry up and ask someone to check the materials that Wu Xiuying applied for for the Five Protections."

"I understand, Captain Lin."

Lin Chen gave the order, and then the entire Nanluo Subdistrict Office was mobilized.

After all, this material is too old.

That was 1949, when Beijing had just been liberated.

Sixteen or seven years have passed since then.

The clerks in the Nanluo Subdistrict Office were all in trouble.

It took three or four hours to find Wu Xiuying's application materials at that time.

Then the clerks from the Nanluo Subdistrict Office checked the contents of the materials together.

This verification revealed that the application materials were full of loopholes.

"Captain Lin, the loopholes in this material are too obvious. It says that Wu Xiuying was born in 1886 and has lived in the capital all her life. However, it later says that she knitted straw sandals for the army to wear on snowy mountains and grass."

"Our capital city is thousands of kilometers away from the Sichuan Basin where we pass through snow-capped mountains and past grasslands. How can we get from the capital city to the Sichuan Basin with these straw sandals?"

"Yes, Captain Lin, this loophole is too obvious. Who were the inspectors at that time? How come such an obvious loophole was not discovered."

"What happened? The inspector at the time was actually Director Wang."

"Director Wang was probably not the director of the sub-district office at that time."

Soon the clerk from the subdistrict office handed the materials to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen saw the name of the verification clerk below.

What was written impressively was Wang Meijuan.

The application materials of this deaf old lady were actually verified by the former street director.

Such obvious errors can be missed.

Could it be that the previous director Wang accepted the benefits from the deaf old lady?

Before Lin Chen traveled through time, he had seen many analyzes of the identity of the deaf old lady. Many analyzes said that the deaf old lady was the personal maid of a concubine in the Qing Dynasty palace.

If these analyzes are true, the deaf old lady should have a lot of good things.

Could it be that the deaf old lady used these things to bribe Aunt Wang?

So when Aunt Wang was registering, she would deliberately let go of these very obvious loopholes of the deaf old lady.

The deaf old lady was rated as a household with five guarantees.

At this time, Lin Chen also understood that the current situation was no longer his decision.

After all, this already involves the former street director.

So Lin Chen looked at the street office clerks present and said.

"Comrades, please don't spread this matter outside. I'll go to the hospital to discuss this matter with our Director Bi."

(End of this chapter)

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