Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 98: The lesbians at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill came to report the big guy Guo

Chapter 98: The lesbians at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill came to report the big guy Guo

"Captain Lin, don't worry, we won't go out and talk nonsense."

"Captain Lin, we must keep this matter in our stomachs and we will definitely not reveal it to anyone."

The clerk at the sub-district office also knew that this matter involved the former sub-district director, so naturally he could not ignore it.

After Lin Chen explained the situation clearly to the clerks at the subdistrict office, it was already early in the morning. Lin Chen asked the clerks at the subdistrict office to go back, and gave those who stayed to search half a day's leave, allowing them to come back at noon the next day. The street office is at work.

On the morning of the second day, Lin Chen rode his bicycle to the Sixth Hospital as soon as he got up.

When they arrived near the hospital, Lin Chen bought some more fruits.

After that, he parked the car in the parking shed of the Sixth Courtyard, took the things he bought, and went to find Bi Xueqing.

After a few minutes.

Bi Xueqing, who was lying in the ward, saw Lin Chen walking in with fruit.

Bi Xueqing was worried about the affairs of the street office, so as soon as Lin Chen came over, she started asking him.

"Comrade Lin Chen, what's going on with the relocation of residents near Xizhimen, and the case of Yi Zhonghai."

"Director Bi, I have asked the patrol team to do the work of the comrades around Xizhimen. Basically, most of the residents have signed the consent form and obeyed the arrangements of the street. We are also working with the remaining small number of people. work."

"However, there are some variables in Yi Zhonghai's case."

"What's wrong with Yi Zhonghai's case?"

"I asked Comrade Chen Ming to investigate Yi Zhonghai's situation in the Red Star Courtyard. Someone reported that he and Qin Huairu may have an improper relationship."

Lin Chen told Bi Xueqing the cause and effect of the incident, as well as what happened after Qin Huairu was captured.

After hearing this, Bi Xueqing frowned tightly.

At first, Bi Xueqing had some sympathy for Qin Huairu, but later Qin Huairu did so many illegal and criminal things, and this time Yi Zhonghai reported Qin Huairu for blackmailing her.

This made Bi Xueqing completely disgusted with Qin Huairu.

However, Bi Xueqing also knew that there was only one confession from Yi Zhonghai, and there were no other witnesses or physical evidence, and there was no way to convict Qin Huairu.

"With only Yi Zhonghai's confession, this matter will not be easy to handle."

"Director Bi, I went to Nancheng District Prison later. I thought that if I told He Yuzhu about this matter, He Yuzhu might tell him something about Qin Huairu letting him steal the lunch box, but I didn't expect that He Yuzhu would report it to their compound. The old lady Wu Xiuying fabricated information to defraud five-guarantee households, and then we investigated and found that this matter may be related to Director Wang, the former director of our subdistrict office."

"What did you say? Tell me carefully."

Lin Chen then tried to lure He Yuzhu into telling the truth, but He Yuzhu confessed to the deaf old lady and told him everything about the subsequent investigation.

Bi Xueqing did not expect that another such a big case would occur while she was away from the street office for more than a day.

This time, the former director of their street office was also involved.

"Comrade Lin Chen, what are you going to do next?"

"Such a serious loophole in the application materials obviously cannot be explained by work errors. I think Wang Meijuan accepted some benefits from Wu Xiuying. Director Bi, I apply to continue investigating this matter."

After hearing what Lin Chen said, Bi Xueqing did not respond to him immediately. It took nearly a minute before Bi Xueqing spoke.

"Okay, I think my health is almost healed. You can help me go through the discharge procedures."

"Director Doctor Bi said you have to stay in the hospital for at least seven days."

"I know my body well, and there's nothing wrong with it now."

The person currently under investigation is the former sub-district director of the sub-district office, who can also be regarded as Bi Xueqing's old leader.

In fact, in Bi Xueqing's relationship with Wang Meijuan in the past four or five years, she doesn't seem like a person who accepts benefits from others.But Bi Xueqing also felt that Lin Chen was someone who would find excuses to frame others and pretend to take credit.

So I thought about going back and watching this matter in person.

Lin Chen gave a few more words of persuasion.

But Bi Xueqing insisted on going through the discharge procedures.

Lin Chen had no choice but to go to the doctor to negotiate.

After explaining the situation, the doctor prescribed some painkillers and medicine to treat brain damage, and then took Lin Chen through the discharge procedures.

When Lin Chen came back, Bi Xueqing had already changed her clothes.

However, because Bi Xueqing lay in bed for two days and ate mostly liquid food that was easy to digest, it was still difficult to walk when she first got out of bed.

Lin Chen helped her walk a few steps before she got used to it.

Lin Chen looked at Bi Xueqing's appearance and felt a little worried. After all, Yi Zhonghai was rushing to do it himself at that time, and Bi Xueqing blocked it for herself.

But now that Bi Xueqing insisted on persisting, there was nothing he could do.

Lin Chen packed everything he needed and helped Bi Xueqing downstairs, to the bicycle shed, pushed the car out and got Bi Xueqing to sit in the back.

Lin Chen did not ride the bicycle, but pushed the bicycle back to the street office.

After returning to the subdistrict office, Bi Xueqing didn't let Lin Chen support her anymore.

After walking into the subdistrict office with Lin Chen, the clerk at the subdistrict office couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Bi Xueqing coming back.

They asked Lin Chen about the situation before, but Lin Chen told them that Bi Xueqing would have to wait at least a week before she could return to the street to handle matters.

So the clerks at the subdistrict office stepped forward to care about Bi Xueqing's situation.

"Director Bi, are you in good health? Captain Lin said before that the doctor said it would be best for you to stay in the hospital for a week."

"Director Bi, that bastard Yi Zhonghai has already done everything. He has committed such a big crime and the amount of money involved in the case has reached the standard. Now he is probably sentenced to death."

"I know, I'm completely recovered."

Bi Xueqing said a few words to the clerks at the subdistrict office who cared about her, and then asked Lin Chen to send the materials from yesterday's investigation to her office.

A few minutes later, Bi Xueqing was in the subdistrict office and saw the materials Lin Chen had sent her.

She carefully read Wu Xiuying's application materials for five-guarantee households, and then read the signature of the person in charge below.

That note did belong to Wang Meijuan, the former street director.

Then she looked up and looked at Lin Chen sitting aside and said.

"This note does belong to Wang Meijuan. You and I will go to Nancheng District Prison later and we will interrogate Wu Xiuying together."

"I understand, Captain Bi."

But at this moment, someone knocked on Bi Xueqing's office door again.

"Please come in."

Chen Ming pushed the door open and walked in.

"Director Bi, Captain Lin, there are many lesbians from the Red Star Rolling Mill outside, saying they are here to report the director of the seventh workshop of the Red Star Rolling Mill."

(End of this chapter)

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