Siheyuan: Patrol team starts and arrests the whole courtyard

Chapter 99 The workshop director was arrested, just choose a new one.

Chapter 99 The workshop director was arrested, just choose a new one.

Lin Chen originally thought that almost all the criminals at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill had been arrested.

Now after hearing what Chen Ming said, Lin Chen realized that the Guo Dabo in the original TV series had not been arrested yet.

The plot in the TV series revealed that Guo Dabo had evil thoughts towards many female employees in the workshop.

Lin Chen looked at Bi Xueqing, and Bi Xueqing said to him.

"Comrade Lin Chen, then you should first deal with the reports from the female employees of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill."

"I understand, Director Bi."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he left Bi Xueqing's office.

Went to the reception room of Nanluo Street Office.

When he reached the reception room and opened the door, he saw three lesbians in the reception room.

He knew two of the three lesbians. One was Qin Huairu's apprentice. She helped Qin Huairu ask for leave in the original TV series. She also looked pretty, but her name did not appear in the TV series.

The other one was taller and taller. She was Liu Yuhua from Workshop No. [-], the second aunt of Zhu Bajie whom He Yuzhu mentioned.

Because Bi Xueqing was injured in the past two days, Lin Chen also had to be responsible for other tasks of the subdistrict office. The patrol members of the subdistrict office also needed to go near Xizhimen to persuade the residents of Xizhimen to relocate.

Therefore, no one from the investigation team of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill was on duty these two days.

The main reason is that Lin Chen also feels that almost everyone in the factory has been arrested, and the director and deputy director have been taken away.

I feel like no one is doing anything illegal or criminal.

But I never thought that, despite all calculations, I still missed this Guo Dashen.

But seeing Liu Yuhua in the room, Lin Chen felt a little surprised after all, although he had no intention of discriminating against the appearance of lesbians.

But the Zhu Bajie and his second aunt that He Yuzhu mentioned were indeed taller.

Is it possible that this Guo Dashou is so picky about food and salt?

When Liu Yuhua saw Lin Chen entering the room, he looked at the two lesbians beside him and said.

"Song Xiaoxue, Chen Qing, the comrades from the investigation team are here. Please tell us your situation quickly."

When Lin Chen heard what Liu Yuhua said, he understood in his heart that probably this Liu Yuhua was just here to accompany these two lesbians.

The ones who were really taken advantage of by Cui Dazi should be Song Xiaoxue and Chen Qing.

"Two lesbians, I am Lin Chen from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill Investigation Team. If you have anything to say, please tell me. Our Red Star Steel Rolling Mill Investigation Team will definitely stand up for you."

"Yes, Song Xiaoxue and Chen Qing, please tell me quickly. This police officer Lin can even arrest the two factory directors who broke the law in our factory. This Guo Dashou can be more powerful than the two factory directors. "

Liu Yuhua persuaded him nicely from the side again.

The two lesbians lowered their heads and spoke shyly.

"That bastard Guo often took advantage of us. One time, she deliberately said that the accessories I produced were substandard, so she kept me here. Then she took me to the back warehouse and almost attacked me."

"Officer Lin, me too. I said before that I would sue him to the investigation team, and he also wrote me a letter of guarantee saying that he would never do this again."

As Chen Qing spoke, she took out a letter of guarantee written by Mr. Guo.

"Originally, I thought this matter would just go away like this. But two days ago, I saw him attacking a new lesbian in the workshop. Later, we told Liu Yuhua about this matter, and Liu Yuhua took us here to complain to you. ”

Lin Chen originally knew that Ruffian Guo was not a good person, but now that he heard the confessions of two people and read the letter of guarantee written by Ruffian Guo that Chen Qing provided to him, he was even more convinced.

"Okay, I will bring Guo Jianhua to the street office and let him be investigated."

"Thank you, Officer Lin. Thank you, Officer Lin."

The two lesbians hurriedly expressed their gratitude to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen left the reception room and went to find Chen Ming.

Chen Ming was asked to gather the people from the previous investigation team, and then the group went to the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Ten minutes later, the group arrived at the Red Star Rolling Mill.At this time, the situation at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill was completely different from that of more than half a year ago.

Naturally, the people from the security department no longer dared to stop the people from the investigation team of the Red Star Rolling Mill.

Lin Chen and others just did a simple registration at the door.

Then he took the people straight to the seventh workshop.

At this time, Guo Jianhua, the director of Workshop No. [-], was still asking about the whereabouts of other comrades in Workshop No. [-], Liu Yuhua and several other female workers.

Seeing that other comrades did not know their whereabouts, Guo Jianhua couldn't help but become afraid.

There was also a hint of bad thoughts in my heart.

I was smoking a cigarette at the door, and then I saw the staff of the investigation team wearing public security uniforms.

Now Guo Jianhua finally understood that those lesbians must have reported him.

Guo Jianhua subconsciously threw the cigarette to the ground, turned around and ran back, thinking that he would climb over the back wall of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill and run away first.

But how could Lin Chen and others give Guo Jianhua such an opportunity?

When Lin Chen saw Guo Jianhua running away, he shouted to chase him and ran over first.

The people on the patrol team are all trained by the militia.

Just over half a minute.

Several people ran over and pushed Guo Jianhua to the ground.

Lin Chen also took out the copper handcuffs directly from his waist, and cuffed Guo Jianhua as soon as he put them on.

"Guo Jianhua, someone reported that you harassed several lesbians in the workshop of Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill. Please follow us back to the subdistrict office for investigation."

"I didn't, they framed me."

"Whether they have framed you or not, you know it yourself."

Lin Chen then looked at Chen Ming and said.

"Chen Ming, please take someone to ask the lesbians in the seventh workshop to see if anyone else has been harassed by Guo Jianhua."

"I understand, Captain Lin."

Lin Chen looked at Guo Jianhua, while Chen Ming led other members of the patrol team into the seventh workshop to inquire about the situation.

It only takes about half an hour.

Chen Ming came out with three lesbians from Workshop No. [-].

The three lesbians from the workshop also lowered their heads after they came out, a little embarrassed to speak.

Lin Chen understood when he saw this posture.

He didn't ask any more questions, and just asked Chen Ming to take them to the Nanluo Street Office.

When several people arrived at the gate of the Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, Lin Chen briefly explained the situation to the people in the security department, who then called the section chief Xu Chenglin.

Then Lin Chen and others were released from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Red Star Steel Rolling Plant Security Section.

After Xu Chenglin got the news, he naturally went to the current acting factory director and former administrative section chief Guo Chengsong to explain the situation.

After hearing this, Guo Chengsong just sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I understand. I will hold a factory leadership meeting later and select a workshop director for workshop seven."

Guo Chengsong's mentality has calmed down. He just thinks about the workshop director. If he is caught, he will be caught.

If he is taken away, just choose a new workshop director.

(End of this chapter)

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