my world double door.

Chapter 210 You bite me

Chapter 210 You bite me
"Boom bang bang bang..."

Fifteen shots were fired in a row, and the bullets flew out, hitting a circle in the center of the gun target 50 meters away.

"I'll go, awesome."

The screen above showed an image of a gun target hit by bullets, with fifteen bullet holes forming a perfect circle.

Wang Qiang, whose ears were shaken by a series of gunshots, saw this scene before he could hear clearly what the young man next to him said. He couldn't help but open his mouth and couldn't help but say: "Fifteen shots were fired in a row, from a distance of 50 meters." Hitting the bull's-eye and making a circle, it's like acting in a TV series. Mr. Li used to play with guns a lot?"

"That's not it."

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth. He rarely played with harmless weapons like firearms. He gently put away the pistol: "This is my first time shooting a target. Maybe it's my talent?"

It's true that he hasn't played with guns much, but he still knows the most basic three points and one line.

As for acting like in a TV series?With his current strength, he doesn't just let the bullets fly wherever he wants them to, let alone making a circle at 50 meters, he can even make the bullets turn and dance and knock out one of the idiot's balls next to him. , which drama doesn’t have him as a god~
Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with saying it is talent.

"First time shooting at a target? Mr. Li, are you kidding me?"

Wang Qiang opened his mouth in shock, pointed at himself, and responded in disbelief. Li Yang shrugged: "I obviously don't need to lie to you."


Wang Qiang thought for a long time and finally had to give him a thumbs up.

"Sir, please contact the company for business cooperation matters. Our president does not accept meetings and negotiations without an appointment."

The sound of blocking came from the bodyguards. Cao Qiang stood surrounded by the bodyguards with an embarrassed expression, watching his bodyguards being blocked by the opponent's more numerous bodyguards and unable to move forward.

One of the leading bodyguards on the opposite side looked him over, and then spoke coldly in response to his voice that had been drowned out by the gunfire.

"Mr. Li, we, Mr. Cao, are really here to talk about big business with you. You must have heard of the Cao family's name."

The assistant standing aside saw that something was wrong, and immediately couldn't help but stand up and speak to Li Yang, who was still playing with a gun. His voice was much more sincere than Wang Qiang just now, which made the bodyguard captain frown: "Sir, we The president is on vacation, and we have just said that if you have business cooperation needs, please go to the company building to discuss with relevant personnel, instead of disturbing our president's vacation with so many bodyguards here."

The Cao family?

Wang Qiang, who was standing next to Li Yang, finally heard what was said behind him this time. He couldn't help but be stunned. He turned around and looked carefully at Cao Qiang, who was blocked by bodyguards behind him. Then he looked different and whispered to Li Yang. Yang opened his mouth: "Mr. Li, this guy has a lot of background, how about you meet him?"

"Oh, how big is it?"

Li Yang smiled softly, changed the magazine, aimed the target at the gun path 100 meters away, and asked with a slight smile.

"The Cao family has a large base in medicine, real estate, real estate, and education. They even have their own private armed forces abroad. They are a very famous family in Linhai City."

Wang Qiang spoke in a low voice, and then felt a little puzzled: "But... the Cao family's style has always been very domineering. They started their business overseas, and after they came to the inland, they have always bullied the small ones, and their reputation has always been bad. Over the years, It's somewhat restrained, would be better if direct conflict could be avoided."


As soon as Wang Qiang finished speaking, there was a loud noise in his ears. He turned around and saw that the young master of the Cao family was holding a huge black gun and hitting the target. The huge gunshot instantly knocked out their bodies. The voice was lowered.

"Why is it so difficult to say something? Li Yang, right? I've asked everyone in my family about people who are rumored to have a big background. None of them know someone like you."

Cao Qiang fired a shot and saw that the voices of the people around him were suppressed. He chuckled and turned the gun in his hand. The thick muzzle of the gun swayed in the air vaguely, and he looked at Li Yang among the crowd.

"I don't know how you came up with such a big background. You have hidden so many people from you, and you have really made such a big noise. However, we are not interested in your other miscellaneous things. Today I Come on, now that you have said this, you should understand that there is definitely no room for turning around on this matter."

"Five hundred million, give me 40.00% of your battery factory's shares. We will both benefit from our cooperation. From now on, it will be good to live with my Cao family and make a living. How about it? Are you satisfied with this condition?"

The expression on Cao Qiang's face was half-smile, and after speaking, the muzzle of the gun in his hand suddenly turned towards the direction of Li Yang.


There was another violent gunshot, and a large-caliber bullet shot out of the barrel of the gun in Cao Qiang's hand, instantly punching a big hole in the floor at Li Yang's feet.


The warhead bounced off the ground, hit the steel frame in the distance, and then hit the concrete floor to dissipate the force and fall, kicking up a cloud of dust.


Wang Qiang, who was standing next to Li Yang, took a breath. It hurt. His expression twisted and he touched the bruised place on his calf where the debris was broken by the bullet. He grinned in pain and hurriedly looked at it. Li Yang, who was next to him, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was okay, then looked ahead in disbelief: "How dare you shoot at someone!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the gun went off." Cao Qiang showed a harmless smile on his face. After speaking, he looked at the gun in his hand, shook his head and sighed: "This gun was modified by myself, and the rate of loss of control is high. How many of you?" Please understand."

"No shooting at people!"

"Put the gun down!"

"Put down the gun!"

In an instant, the crowd was boiling with excitement, mixed with the hurried shouting of staff in the distance and the angry rebuke of the bodyguards.

Li Yang's bodyguards shouted and rushed forward quickly. Cao Qiang's bodyguards blocked him in an instant. However, Li Yang's bodyguards were more than twice as many as Cao Qiang's bodyguards and could not stop them. In the blink of an eye, several of them were there. A man rushed in front of Cao Qiang who fired the gun. Cao Qiang's face sank. Just as he held the gun in his hand, a wooden stick suddenly came towards him and hit him in the eye. The next moment he was stunned, he was swarmed by bodyguards. He quickly took control and pinned him to the ground.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, Master Cao didn't mean it, Master Cao didn't mean it."

The assistant next to him turned red with anxiety, but seeing the menacing bodyguards and the controlled Cao Qiang, he still spoke loudly, but as a bodyguard pushed his head to the ground, he was suddenly speechless.

"You, shot me?"

Li Yang stood in the distance, twisted his neck, walked calmly step by step to Cao Qiang, who was pushed to the ground by the bodyguard, picked up the modified large-caliber firearm next to him that had been knocked down by the bodyguard, and lowered his head to ask him.

"Don't slander me. It was just a gun misfire. My gun is registered."

A smile flashed across Cao Qiang's face: "Mr. Li, you actually let your bodyguards forcibly control my personal freedom. This is illegal. I advise you to let them release me immediately, otherwise you will go to jail. It’s uncomfortable here, and I am the registrant of this firearm. You are illegally possessing it, and illegal possession of firearms is a felony.”

"Mr. Li, be careful of fingerprints."

The bodyguard on the side was sweating from the movement just now. When he saw Li Yang coming over and saying to pick up the gun, he picked up the gun and couldn't help but whisper a reminder.

Li Yang smiled at the bodyguard, then looked at Cao Qiang who was being suppressed, and raised his hands to the bodyguards controlling him. The bodyguards then kicked the other gun away and surrounded him with unkind eyes. Prevent him from making any further moves.

Cao Qiang stood up and moved his limbs quickly, with a satisfied smile on his face. Then he looked at Zhao Mengyi, who was also being controlled but with more gentle methods: "This is right. The person who dared to hit me with something just now is now Just come over and kowtow and let me give you a beating, otherwise it won’t be as simple as being beaten by me later.”

"You dare to hurt me. Do you know how to write the word Cao in the Cao family? And don't let me go, Miss Zhao Mengyi..."

Before Cao Qiang finished speaking, he suddenly saw Li Yang in front of him pointing the modified large-caliber firearm that had been removed from his hand at him. He looked stunned and smiled: "Scared..."


With a gunshot, a large bloody hole burst out of Cao Qiang's left leg. His face instantly turned red, and he fell to the ground with a thump.

"Mr. Li, don't be impulsive!"

Wang Qiang, who was following behind, was so frightened by this scene that his eyes widened. Cao Qiang, who was lying on the ground, looked up in disbelief, only to see the gun in Li Yang's hand turned again, this time aimed at his right leg.



A ball of blood and rotten flesh instantly burst out from Cao Qiang's right leg. The terrible feeling of severe pain was automatically blocked by his brain, but Cao Qiang still let out a heart-rending scream of terror after reacting.

The gun in Li Yang's hand turned again, aimed at Cao Qiang's right arm, and shot again.



There was another gunshot, and Cao Qiang screamed again, looking at his legs and right arm with a bewildered face.

"I'm sorry, I shot you with a gun on purpose."

Li Yang knelt down and patted Cao Qiang's face with his gun with a smile: "I also deliberately and illegally possessed your firearm, and disabled your two legs and right arm."

After saying that, Li Yang stretched out his left hand and turned Cao Qiang's face towards him. He looked at the other person's eyes with disbelief and anger with a smile: "Besides, I plan to beat your little brother to pieces next." ."

"You bit me?"

After Li Yang finished speaking, he chuckled twice. Suddenly he saw his mobile phone, his eyes lit up, and he took out his mobile phone: "Is your family very awesome? Then call your family over. "

(End of this chapter)

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