my world double door.

Chapter 211 Call the Chapter

Chapter 211 Call me
On the third floor of the shooting gallery, there seemed to be an invisible weight in the air, making everyone feel as if their breathing was extremely heavy.

The controlled assistant and socialite no longer struggled and resisted at all, but were in disbelief. She was controlled on the ground with her body weak and sluggish, looking at Li Yang who was bleeding and falling to the ground, holding up his mobile phone for Cao Qiang to make a call. , I can't lift up even a trace of strength.

Cao Qiang's bodyguards resisted even more fiercely, but Li Yang's more numerous and fierce bodyguards forcibly subdued him.

Wang Qiang was stiff and sweating all over. He wanted to leave here frantically, but he couldn't muster any strength. He could only stay in place stiffly, even the wounds on his legs from the bullets that shattered the objects just now. The pain was ignored.

"Medicine, real estate, real estate, and education also have private armed forces abroad. Your family is so awesome."

Li Yang chuckled and patted Cao Qiang's face with his cell phone: "Come on, call, call your family, and tell them what happened."

After saying that, Li Yang saw Cao Qiang looking at him with wide eyes, and pointed the gun at his lower body: "Give you five seconds, if you don't hit me, I will."

"Huh, huh..."

Under Li Yang's gaze, Cao Qiang took two deep breaths, then gritted his teeth, took the phone, and then dialed a number: "Hey, Dad, I'm here..."

A smile appeared at the corners of Li Yang's lips, and then he waved to the bodyguard who was holding down his assistant: "Put him over and let him stop the bleeding of his young master. If the bleeding cannot be stopped and he dies too quickly, then It’s not that fun anymore.”

"Li, Mr. Li, what do you want to do?"

Wang Qiang has been a manager for so many years, and he has not experienced this feeling of trembling legs and mouth while standing for a long time. But seeing Cao Qiang whispering about the situation on the phone, his forehead and face were also shaking. Stopping sweating, he simply sat down next to Li Yang, expecting that Li Yang would not shoot him for no reason, and then looked at him tremblingly and asked.

"What are you doing? Playing?"

Li Yang looked at the shivering assistant who ran over to bandage Cao Qiang's wound frantically. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed at Cao Qiang who was calling his father in front of him: "I suddenly thought about it. Even this Even idiots dare to be so arrogant, why can’t I?”


Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment, his eyes wide open, and the sweat on his forehead became even heavier.

"President Li, you..."

The bodyguard captain on one side first led his men to subdue all of Cao Qiang's bodyguards. Then, seeing the situation here and the worry in the brothers' eyes, he couldn't help but walk to Li Yang and asked with worried eyes.

"Don't worry, brothers have done a good job. When we return to the headquarters, everyone will be promoted and have a salary increase. Each of them will be rewarded 50 yuan."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yang's mouth, and he patted his shoulder with praise: "I told you, nothing will happen to your brothers."

He is indeed very satisfied with what these bodyguards have done, and the generous system he has set is not in vain.

After hearing Li Yang's words, the bodyguard captain breathed a sigh of relief, but still smiled and nodded with some worry.

But what he didn't know was that someone was more panicked than them.

"Manager, there were guests shooting at each other in the VIP room on the third floor. Someone was shot and fell to the ground!"

"Did anyone else get hurt accidentally? Who was the one who was shot? Who was the shooter? Didn't they call the police?"

"No, except for them, all the guests on the third floor came down immediately after taking a look at the situation. The person who was shot was Cao Qiang from the Cao family, and the person who shot was Li Yang, the president of Haohanxingyu. We are not here When I knew what was going on, my cell phone signal suddenly went out, and everyone’s cell phones couldn’t make calls, and even the walkie-talkies couldn’t be used.”

"Manager, I don't know what happened to our automatic sensor gates. They all closed automatically and could not be opened. There was also a car outside the door that automatically stopped at the door and blocked the entire door. Even the security passage and the entrance to the underground parking lot were blocked. They’re all blocked and can’t get out.”

"Holy shit, what's going on!"

The manager looked at what his subordinates were saying one after another. He first took out his mobile phone and checked. There was really no signal at all. Then he went out to have a look without giving up. He found that the gate was full of people and there were several edamame trams outside the gate. He looked dumbfounded. One of them rode another one and blocked the door.

Then I ran all the way to other passages and found that all possible places were blocked by this car.

"Is this someone deliberately trying to cause trouble?"

Cold sweat broke out on the manager's forehead. He hurried to his office to pick up the wired phone, but couldn't make any calls. He was stunned and froze on the spot.



In the Shenmen compound, listening to the busy signal coming from his mobile phone, a middle-aged man put down his mobile phone with an embarrassed look on his face.

"This piece of trash has more success than failure."

Cao Gang gritted his teeth and patted the wooden table, then took a deep breath, turned around and thought for a moment, then picked up the phone and was about to dial a number. However, as soon as he entered the phone number and was about to call, he found that there was suddenly no signal. , he frowned, realized something was wrong, and immediately turned off the phone, took off the phone card and threw it aside.

Then I thought about it, picked up the landline on one side, and dialed. As a result, there was a burst of noise from the phone and nothing could be dialed.

"Arun, Arun."

Cao Gang frowned, turned around and called the housekeeper. The housekeeper hurried over and waved: "You don't have your mobile phone with you? Lend it to me to make a call."

"Hey, take it with you, sir." Arun nodded hurriedly, then took out his mobile phone and handed it to him. Cao Gang thought about it and dialed a number. Just as he was about to call, the screen of his mobile phone suddenly turned black. Then a few white words appeared: Do not try to call any number other than the one calling you, as there will be no signal.

Cao Gang's face darkened. He immediately turned off his cell phone, unplugged the phone card, and turned to look at A Run, who also saw this scene and his expression became serious.

Arun immediately ran over and closed the curtains, and then carefully pulled out a pistol from his waist. Cao Gang lowered his head, took out a pistol from the drawer, and a satellite phone and ran out, watching as he ran. He looked at the satellite phone and his face darkened.

The phone, which had always had full signal before, actually had no signal at all.

He silently threw away the satellite phone, took out some gold bars and took them with him. Then seeing that there was no movement outside, he and Arun immediately walked out of the gate to the garage and took a car.


Cao Gang opened the car with the key, opened the door, and got in with the housekeeper.


The door immediately locked and locked, the car started and drove outside.

Butler Arun, who was about to hold the steering wheel, froze on the spot, sweating as he watched the car quickly reach a speed that made it impossible to jump out of the car.

"Arun, why are you driving so fast?"

Cao Gang, who was sitting in the back row, frowned and couldn't help but ask.

"Sir, our car is an automatic transmission, but it doesn't seem to have an automatic driving function, right?"

Arun swallowed his saliva, and Cao Gang's expression paused: "No."


The car with the door locked was roaring all the way towards the fixed destination. In the horrified look of the two people, something like an iron box appeared in their sight, and they controlled the car towards the destination. go.


Arun raised his hand and hit the robotic arm with a shot. As a result, the bullet bounced away and almost hit Cao Gang behind him. He was so sweaty that he didn't dare to shoot anymore. He could only look straight out of the windshield. The scenery quickly retreated behind me.


Outside a high-end skin care store, a woman wearing a short skirt and still looking mature and charming walked out of the store with her daughter as the clerk saw her off. She sat on a custom-made Tesla car parked at the door, and the car door closed. Closed and drove all the way towards the suburbs.

"Mom, are you driving autonomous driving?"

Daughter Cao Xue, who was about to drive, saw that the car door was locked and the car started to move as soon as she got in. She couldn't help being stunned, and turned around to ask her mother sitting in the back.

"No, I don't know how to fix these things. What's wrong?"

The elegant and wealthy woman with her hair tied up turned around and asked doubtfully. Her daughter Cao Xue's eyes suddenly widened: "Then why did this car drive away on its own?"




"Are you very obedient? You see, even if a biting dog hurts him, he still knows how to be obedient."

On the third floor of the shooting gallery, Li Yang watched with a smile as Cao Qiang finished the call. He took his mobile phone over with satisfaction, then chuckled and said to the people around him. After speaking, he shook his head and looked down at him: "Originally, we don't know each other. Although it's impossible for you to spend [-] million to buy my shares, I will treat you as a stranger."

"Even if you pretended to be a bitch and scolded me when you first started, I would treat it like a barking dog. If you continue to do it and chase after me to make trouble, I can't bear it anymore."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and patted Cao Qiang's head with his cell phone: "The dog barked at me twice. I can't be like a dog. I can't bark back at the dog. But the dog bites and bites me. Can’t we kill this dog?”

"Well, what can I say? It's great. You think you have found some information about me, but you want to threaten me. Are you just pretending to be a child?"

After Li Yang finished speaking, he didn't look at Cao Qiang, who was motionless with his eyes closed, but looked at his bodyguards next to him: "Whoever has urine, come over and sprinkle it on his face. Dogs will mark anything." He loves to use urine as a mark, so let him remember the smell of others today.”

Hearing Li Yang's words, the bodyguards looked at each other and no one moved. Li Yang shook his head: "Forget it, the dog still has to remember the smell of the boss. If you don't, I will do it myself."

After saying that, Li Yang unbuttoned his pants on the spot while Cao Qiang's eyes widened, and took aim at him.



 Ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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