my world double door.

Chapter 216 Want to live?

Chapter 216 Want to live?

With a smile on his face, Li Yang used his right thumb to slowly press the lips of Fang Fen, who was sitting in his arms, and slowly stroked Fang Fen's lips from one corner of his mouth to the other. Fang Fen's full lips followed the movement of Li Yang's thumb. It moved and kept denting. When her thumb touched it and returned to its original shape, she raised her head and kissed Li Yang's lips actively.


The moist and soft lips were close to each other. Fang Fen kissed her very hard. Her arms were wrapped around Li Yang's neck. With such large movements, her body almost fell from Li Yang's half-crouched legs. Li Yang used it smoothly. With his right hand, he stopped the buttocks covered by the dark dress and hugged the hot body into his arms.

"mom, Mom, Mom!!!"

"Mom, what are you doing, Mom!"

Cao Qiang's shout of collapse came from behind Li Yang. Fang Fen not only did not let go, but hugged Li Yang's neck harder, letting Li Yang's big hands move along the curve of his body.

"Mom, don't, Mom..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

Cao Qiang looked at his mother who took the initiative to kiss Li Yang and yelled like crazy, but they turned a deaf ear to him. Even Li Yang's hands were like that. His mother was still kissing him passionately without any resistance. Finally collapsed.

He knelt on the ground crying like crazy and seemed to beg his mother to turn back, but his mother turned a deaf ear and even acted more and more fiercely with Li Yang in full view of the public.

The terrible feeling of losing everything and being abandoned by everything filled his heart. Cao Qiang's heart was finally filled with fear.


Standing aside, the socialite Zhao Mengyi, who had already let go of her arms, watched all this with a wonderful expression. Her beautiful big eyes looked unblinkingly at Li Yang, who was squeezing Cao Qiang's mother wantonly with his right hand and kissing her passionately.

On the contrary, the bodyguards became embarrassed and turned their heads away from the people they were escorting, half-carrying themselves.

Wang Qiang looked at him awkwardly for a while, then turned away reluctantly.

On the contrary, the bodyguards who were escorting Cao Qiang who was struggling and crying were a little embarrassed. Mr. Li seemed to be about to fight. It didn't look good to them, but the crying and shouting voice of the guy they were escorting seemed to be Mr. Li's accompaniment. , if you don’t go there, will it disturb Mr. Li’s enjoyment?
  But fortunately, Li Yang did not make it difficult for them for too long. After a while, he hugged Cao Qiang's mother's thigh and carried her to the rest room aside. Then the door was gently closed, and everyone relaxed. Take a breath.


Cao Qiang on the ground was still shouting hysterically, but after a while, he saw a trace of the hem of a long skirt peeking out from the bottom of the door.


The door shook violently, and Cao Qiang's voice became more and more hysterical.


Li Yang suddenly discovered that this beautiful lady who still had charm was also very delicious, which gave him a completely different feeling than before.

He liked this wonderful feeling very much. He kept fighting over and over for more than two hours. The noble lady couldn't bear it anymore and then she stopped with a smile.

The empty long skirt that had fallen at the bottom of the door was picked up and put on again. Fang Fen straightened her clothes and took the initiative to snuggle into Li Yang's arms. Li Yang looked down at the woman who took the initiative to lean into his arms. He curled his lips and stretched out his hand. He held her neck, touched her smooth face, and extended his hands from her neck to her upper body with soft hands.

"Mr. Li Yang, can you also spare my son's life? He is a disabled person now and is no threat to you."

Fang Fen rubbed her mature and gorgeous cheek against Li Yang's face, and spoke to Li Yang in a warm voice with her red lips. Li Yang immediately raised his eyebrows, looked down at the woman who was acting coquettishly towards him, and stretched out his left hand to hold her She moved her body towards him, and pinched her pert buttocks with both hands: "Your son disgusts me so much, but you want me to spare him. What I just said was to spare your life and your daughter's life, Not including his.”

"I don't mind sparing you and your daughter, both of whom are women, but sparing him would make me very embarrassed."

Li Yang squeezed Fang Fen's plump butt with a smile on his face, and looked at Fang Fen's mature aunty face with a meaningful smile.

"Please, please spare his life. Besides, if you keep him and look at him like a useless person, you won't be able to have more fun every day."

Fang Fen's eyes flashed, and she instantly felt something was going on. She hurriedly hugged Li Yang's neck and spoke coquettishly.

"Hey, you know, I can't stand women acting coquettishly and begging for mercy from me."

Li Yang sighed and shook his head, then tightened Fang Fen's buttocks in his arms, and looked at Fang Fen whose eyes were slightly enlarged with twinkling eyes: "For something that is so embarrassing for me, I have to add chips."

"What kind of chips do you want to add?"

Fang Fen blinked and asked in a low voice.

"Your daughter is still outside. She doesn't seem to be crying now."

Li Yang looked down at Cao Qiang's mother's eyes, with a bright smile on his face: "Go and call her in."


Fang Fen's expression froze for a second, and then a smile appeared on her face. She opened her mouth and took a breath. Li Yang saw her lips opening and closing, hugged her into his arms, kissed her wetly, and patted her after a moment. Butt, motioning for her to open the door and go out.

Fang Fen took two steps back, straightened her clothes and hair, turned around and opened the door and walked out. Li Yang stretched with a smile, sat there with his hands in his pockets and waited. After Fang Fen went out, she instantly attracted everyone's attention. Her eyes first looked at her absent-minded son Cao Qiang, who was tired from crying and slumped on the ground. Then she silently turned to look at her daughter who was squatting on the side with messy hair. , stepped forward to her daughter.

"Xue, it's okay. We are all still alive. Come with mom."

Fang Fen went up to hold her daughter in her arms and comforted her in a low voice. Cao Xue immediately hugged her mother and cried bitterly for a while, then wiped her tears and raised her head: "Mom, can we take my brother with us from here?"

Fang Fen looked into her daughter's eyes, wiped away her unfinished tears, then nodded slowly and said, "Okay, but I need you to do something."

"Okay, Mom, tell me what you want me to do."

Cao Xue nodded hurriedly, Fang Fen said nothing, and looked at the room she just walked out of. Cao Xue was stunned. Fang Fen took her hand and looked around, and finally turned to the Linhai socialite who looked at her. Zhao Mengyi stayed for a moment, then pursed her lips and strode towards the room with her daughter in hand.

Cao Xue hurriedly followed up on her white sneakers, and within a few steps she and her mother walked into the room with Wang Qiang's increasingly exciting look on his face.

Wang Qiang looked at Cao Qiang who was collapsed on the ground, and then at the door that was closed again, his eyes brighter.

'It's been more than two hours and no police have come...'

At this thought, Wang Qiang's eyes became brighter and brighter. Thinking about his relationship with Li Yang again, his legs and feet became stiffer unconsciously. He looked at the closed door awkwardly, feeling that this game was really exciting. ah.

In the distance, Cao Qiang watched absentmindedly as his mother walked into the room with her sister. He opened his mouth, but in the end, no words came out of his hoarse voice.

In the room, after Cao Xue followed her mother into the room, she folded her arms with some anxiety, lowered her head and looked at her toes, not daring to raise her head.

"Your name is Cao Xue?"

Li Yang looked at Sister Cao Qiang, who was standing in front of him with her head lowered, with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, and asked softly.


Cao Xue nodded and hummed slightly.

"Lift your head up, there's no need for this."

Hearing her inaudible voice, Li Yang smiled softly. As soon as the voice came out, Cao Xue hurriedly raised his head.

"Want to go out with your brother?"

Seeing her hurried look, Li Yang moved his eyes from her legs in short shorts and white hollow stockings to her petite butt and breasts, and finally moved to her cheeks. He asked with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.


Cao Xue bit her lower lip and spoke in a low voice.

"Just think about it."

Li Yang chuckled suddenly, looked at her white shoes, lifted her butt off the table, and squatted forward. Cao Xue was so frightened that she took a step back, and Li Yang grabbed her ankle wrapped in white hollow stockings. Just stopped.

"Why are you running? Why are you so scared?"

Li Yang spoke softly, and when he saw her stop, he slowly moved along the stockings from the ankles to the calves, patted some dust on them, kneaded them twice, and then continued up past the knees and came to On the round thighs wrapped in white hollow stockings, she stroked them in thin circles, then raised her head and smiled at the anxious Cao Xue.

His kind smile almost made Cao Xue cry. Li Yang couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw the corner of her mouth tightened and the look of fear on her face: "I'm smiling at you, why are you so scared?"

"Uh-huh, I'm sorry. As soon as I saw you smiling, I remembered that you were killing people with a smile..."

Cao Xue burst into tears when Li Yang said this. She hurriedly wiped her tears while sobbing and explaining. Fang Fen, who was standing aside, hurriedly stepped forward to wipe her daughter's tears.

"Except when I laugh when I'm killing someone, my smile is very kind at other times. There's no need to be afraid."

Li Yang shook his head helplessly. Why did he scare the little girl to tears with his smile? He couldn't help but stand up and looked guiltily at the little girl who had stopped crying and looked at her with her eyes. He slowly stretched out his left hand and touched the white silk hollow On Fang Fen's thigh, he grabbed the little butt upward again, and compared it with Fang Fen's butt with his right hand. It was indeed much smaller, but it still felt different.

"You have to tell him the good news that your brother can get out alive."

Li Yang held Cao Xue in his arms with a smile and whispered in her ear: "How about you go out with me now, stand in front of your brother, and tell your brother this matter?"

"it is good."

Cao Xue nodded hurriedly, and Li Yang smiled, stretched his fingers into her shorts, and said in a low voice: "But there is a premise, it must be... this way, you can't say a word for a while."

Cao Xue felt her fingers, opened her eyes, and nodded hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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