my world double door.

Chapter 217 Don’t say that about your Uncle Li Yang

Chapter 217 Don’t say that about your Uncle Li Yang

The closed door opened, and Cao Xue, who had just walked in, walked out again.

Li Yang held Cao Xue tightly in his arms with a smile on his face. Cao Xue's back was in front of Li Yang, and he and Li Yang walked with difficulty towards Cao Qiang, who was collapsed on the ground and lost his mind.

The eyes on the left and right gathered together, wondering what tricks the CEO was going to play.

Zhao Mengyi stood aside with twinkling eyes, watching Li Yang's majestic body holding the delicate Cao Xue as he walked step by step to the side of Cao Qiang who was collapsed on the ground.

Li Yang looked down at Cao Qiang, whose eyes were already a little wandering, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He looked at Cao Xue who was standing in front of him, lowered his head and said something in her ear. Cao Xue immediately turned around and kissed him passionately. The movement between the two made Cao Qiang raise his head and focus on them, but What he saw was the scene of his sister being held in Li Yang's arms and kissed passionately.

The feeling of Cao Xue's lips was indeed different from Fang Fen's. They were more moist, smooth and tender, making people want to kiss them more.

Li Yang hugged Cao Xue and stood in front of Cao Qiang and kissed him for a long time, then slowly let go of Cao Xue, whose face was already a little red, and moved his fingers. Cao Xue hurriedly said: "Brother, can you leave here alive with us. "

Cao Xue bit her mouth tightly and finished speaking intermittently. Cao Qiang opened his mouth, but his voice was hoarse but could not speak. He could only watch his sister stumble and be carried away by Li Yang again, to the room where he came out just now. , walked into the room with her mother who was standing at the door.


Cao Qiang opened his mouth fiercely, shouted out hoarsely, "Mom", and his body became even weaker and collapsed to the ground.

Zhao Mengyi watched all this with very interesting eyes. After watching the door close, she slowly sat on a rest chair on the side. The nearby bodyguard glanced at her and saw that she had always been obedient. Just ignored her.

Zhao Mengyi breathed a sigh of relief after sitting on the chair, and then looked at the room with piercing eyes that was constantly vibrating.

The Cao family was already the top family that Zhao Mengyi knew, but today this family was physically wiped out in front of her eyes in such a fantastic way. This made it difficult for her to turn around. There was a feeling of uncertainty compared to a civilized and stable society. Strong impact.

Is there anyone in this country who can be so awesome?
  Zhao Mengyi felt a little unbelievable no matter how she thought about it, but the fact actually happened before her eyes, so she had to believe it. At the same time, she also had an unspeakable emotion in her heart.

She originally encountered some special circumstances and asked the Cao family in a hurry. She wanted to see if she could solve the problem by building a good relationship with the Cao family. However, after contacting the Cao family, she discovered that the Cao family was actually such a good person. She continued The price to pay for continuing the contact may not be less than the current trouble, but I didn't expect that before the contact continued, I suddenly encountered such a series of things.

She was also a little surprised - the reason why the young master of the Cao family appeared here and gave her the opportunity to come into contact with him was probably because of Mr. Li Yang, not her.

However, in the eyes of the previous Cao family, Li Yang was just a sheep, and he ate whatever he wanted. As a result, the sheep turned around and turned into a dragon. Not only did the Cao family not succeed, but he also devoured the Cao family in one bite. Not even a scrap of bones is left.

The thoughts in Zhao Mengyi's mind were as intense as riding a roller coaster, and then she looked aside, focusing on the young master of the Cao family who was high-spirited and arrogant just three hours ago.

Compared with when he first entered here, he had a lot less defiance and defiance, and a lot more... dog smell.

Like a dog, this was the first option that popped into Zhao Mengyi's mind when she looked at the current Cao Qiang.

Zhao Mengyi's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but move towards the closed door over there, and her white and tender fingers couldn't help but pull at it.

What kind of power could allow Li Yang to be so unscrupulous?

Are they those magical sci-fi mechas? Or a terrifying aircraft carrier parked in the sky?
  Then, why did so many drastic things happen, but neither the police nor other outside parties responded at all? It has been two or three hours, and everything here is going in the direction Li Yang wants.

The power of technology that transcends eras?
  Zhao Mengyi's eyes were burning, and her hands couldn't help but tighten on her plump legs.

Compared with Zhao Mengyi, Wang Qiang's mentality on the other side is actually more intense and even bizarre.

In his eyes, Li Yang first changed from a nouveau riche, to a perverted boss who liked to play with women, then to a genius, and now he has become a person who doesn't know how to describe it.

This is amazing and science fiction. Mr. Li actually has such awesome mechas and aircraft carriers. Has the cutting-edge technology in the real world reached this level?

But why is there no movement at all?

Could it be that Mr. Li did all this alone?

The more Wang Qiang thought about it, the more exciting his eyes became. He couldn't help but rub his hands together, and sat there with great anticipation, waiting for what would happen next.

He had a hunch that after today, the world would change.

Li Yang's bodyguards all straightened their backs. They didn't even feel worried or scared, because the facts had already given the answer - this was a pistol and a submachine gun, and so many people died, so A long time passed, but there was no response from the outside world.

This is enough to prove everything. As long as they follow their boss well, they will make no mistake.

In this way, amidst such thoughts, time passed quietly, accompanied by the fierce collision in the room, the increasingly pale faces of Cao Qiang's bodyguards and assistants around him, and the increasingly absent and gloomy look of Cao Qiang, more than three people... The hours passed quietly.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that the closed door of the room finally opened, revealing Li Yang with a smile on his face, and Fang Fen and Cao Xue who were hugged by him on the left and right. The mature and gorgeous expression on Fang Fen's face was much more charming, and her fair and tender face was rosy with beads of sweat and was wiped away. The clothes on her body were even more messy, and the neat collar around her neck was now a lot empty, revealing A piece of skin the size of a palm.

Cao Xue had a confused look on her face, and she looked weak when she walked. Her pair of white hollow stockings were in tatters, and she had to hold on to Li Yang's arm like her mother to walk steadily.

Compared with when they walked into the room, the mother and daughter were obviously much more relaxed, and they were no longer overly afraid of Li Yang. One of them crossed the fingers of Li Yang's left hand, one crossed the fingers of Li Yang's right hand, and the other Holding Li Yang's arm with one hand, there was a lot of intimacy in his expression.

"Thank you for staying with me for so long. I think everyone must be hungry after such a long time. Let's go, boss, I'll treat you to a big dinner today. By the way, your bonuses have all arrived. Let's check them on site. There is only one ordinary team member. Five hundred thousand, Captain, five hundred and fifty thousand, let’s see if there’s anything wrong.”

After Li Yang came out, he first spoke to his bodyguards with a smile. After hearing what Li Yang said, the bodyguards immediately agreed with a happy smile. Then they checked one by one and immediately loudly agreed that they had received it.

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the group of gloomy-looking bodyguards and the assistant, and waved his hand: "Let them go. Remember, don't say or do anything after you go out. Otherwise, dying can be a very easy and simple matter."

"Thank you, thank you, I know."

Hearing Li Yang's words, the assistant quickly thanked him first, then thanked him with sweat on his face and bent down to leave. The bodyguards also thanked him one after another and left in a hurry with their heads lowered.

They had no intention of going to see Cao Qiang. By now, it was very obvious that the Cao family was finished. It could be said that they were completely dead. In addition, the Cao family had such a moral character that they usually only made money for survival. Now since At this point, they will naturally not mind their own business, and they are not good people worthy of love.

"Brother Li, you are so awesome!"

Li Yang set the tone here with a few words. Wang Qiang on the side couldn't help but come over and give him a thumbs up with an expression of admiration.

"This is not worth mentioning."

Li Yang chuckled softly, and then looked at Zhao Mengyi who walked boldly in front with a smile. Looking at the woman's figure, he felt that she was worthy of the Shanghai socialite whom she had just checked. She was indeed beautiful.

Seeing this figure, this skin, and this face, Li Yang couldn't help but touch the buttocks of Fang Fen and Cao Xue in his arms, which made Cao Qiang's mother and sister couldn't help but lean closer to him.

"This is not worth mentioning. You are so awesome today that I even wonder if I am hallucinating."

Wang Qiang spoke happily, and when he saw Li Yang looking at the woman behind him, he stopped talking and took the initiative to stand by Li Yang's side with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Li Yang, I am very honored to be able to talk to you today. Can I be bold enough to add your contact information? You know that the Cao family is so powerful. Thanks to you for indirectly helping me escape from this sea of ​​suffering, although you did not do it unintentionally. , but the little lady also wants to treat you to a home-cooked meal to express her deep gratitude."

Zhao Mengyi spoke hurriedly, reaching out to smooth the white and tender hair beside her earlobes with a charming smile on her face: "I will cook for you at home. I hope Mr. Li can give the little girl a chance to have a taste of the little girl."

Taste the little girl?

"Okay, I'll give you a taste then."

The corner of Li Yang's mouth curled up slightly, and he raised his chin in a gesture: "You already have my contact information on your phone. Open it and see that the one pinned to the top of the chat page is mine. I'm a little busy today. Let's talk tonight. Goodbye."

"Okay, thank you, I'll stay with you for a while."

Zhao Mengyi quickly opened her phone and looked at it. When she saw that a contact named Li Yang suddenly appeared in her phone, her eyes flashed and she spoke hurriedly.


Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then turned around and walked towards Cao Qiang. Seeing that his expression was empty, he didn't regain some energy until he came over with his mother and sister in his arms. He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth: "Congratulations on staying, you bastard." His life."

"You, what did you do to my mother and my sister."

Cao Qiang breathed heavily, and looked at his mother and sister, who had just raised eyebrows with fear on their faces, and now they were so close and charming, clinging to each other with Li Yang's left and right hands intertwined, and he spoke in a broken voice.

"Cao Qiang, don't speak like that to your Uncle Li Yang."

Fang Fen glared at him and said in a reproachful tone: "It's only because of your uncle Li Yang's kindness that you can continue to live. Why don't you thank you, Uncle Li Yang?"

"Yes, you are not allowed to say that about your brother-in-law. If brother Li Yang hadn't spared your life, you would have died. You wouldn't be satisfied."

Cao Xue also spoke hurriedly, with a warning look in her eyes.

"Uncle, brother-in-law..."

Cao Qiang's eyes went straight, his head became dizzy, and he fell to the ground.

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  (End of this chapter)

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