my world double door.

Chapter 471: The Transcendence of the Earth

Chapter 471: The Transcendence of the Earth

The valley is full of lush vegetation, but it is not beautiful. Valleys like this can be called scenic spots in the mortal world, but they are everywhere in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Above the valley, two men and one dragon stood in the air with smiles on their faces.

"Master, thank you for waiting for me for so many days. I have exhausted all the opportunities in the Dragon Pond. I have inherited the supreme true dragon. Now, I am a true dragon with the true blood of the ancestor dragon!"

The little dragon's body was originally more than ten thousand feet tall, with strong muscles, bones, and flesh like a magical weapon. However, in front of Li Yang, it turned in the wind and became two meters long, hovering beside Li Yang, and spoke to him with respect and joy.

Looking again, its horns are like a deer, its head is like a camel, its eyes are like a ghost, its neck is like a snake, its belly is like a clam, its scales are like fish, its claws are like an eagle, its paws are like a tiger, and its ears are like a cow. It has completely gotten rid of the previous image of a dragon and has become a real dragon!
Moreover, the dragon's might is so vast and deep that it is unbelievable. Even though Li Yang is the master, the dragon's might is like nothing to him. However, although it cannot cause any harm to him, he can still clearly feel the power of the dragon's might.

In addition, the blood and energy in its dragon body was boiling like waves of the sea, the divine light bursting from its dragon eyes shot straight into the sky, and the breath exhaled from its nostrils was like the sky. Even if it shrunk to only two meters in length and was not as tall as Li Yang when hovering, that power was enough to frighten the weaker Nascent Soul cultivators.

"The Dragon Transformation Pool is indeed worthy of being called the Heavenly Treasure, a top-level racial treasure left by the Ancestral Dragon. Entering it once can actually make you undergo such a transformation that is far beyond your past, a complete transformation."

Li Yang looked at the little dragon in front of him and spoke with some surprise in his eyes.

The changes in the little dragon were truly astonishing. Before entering the Dragon Pool, although it had extraordinary combat power, that was after all the result of its cultivation using resources and various means, and it was just a very powerful dragon.

However, although it took several years to come out after entering the Dragon Transformation Pool, such a drastic change could not be achieved even in 100,000 years, let alone several years, for cultivators with average qualifications, or ordinary geniuses!
Even he felt a little surprised.

Because Xiaolong's current strength actually made him feel very good, and he felt that it was not much worse than his own.

"It's incredible."

Mo Guangyin's expression on the side became even more complicated.

During this period of time, he was supported by Li Yang, the holy son of the sect. He comprehended great supernatural powers one after another, and his strength increased rapidly. Even the path to breaking through to the state of incarnation became clear with the practice of great supernatural powers. Now that he knew the path to breakthrough, he knew how to seek upward and then practice.

But what I never expected was that after such rapid progress in just a few years, I would encounter a dragon in such a state after I came out.

Before the little dragon entered the Dragon Pond, he couldn't beat it, but with such rapid progress, he still found some confidence. But now that he has cultivated to the limit, he still can't beat the little dragon when it comes out of the Dragon Pond.

Damn it, had he practiced in vain?

Mo Guangyin was speechless, but then he felt the Great Sun Divine Power that he had collected and pieced together with great effort, the other Mysterious Moon Divine Power, and the Yin-Yang Divine Power that was the combination of the two, a total of three great magical powers that he had comprehended, embedded in the position of his original magical power. He made up his mind that he must comprehend them well in the future.

Originally, with his talent, he was already extremely lucky to be able to piece together a great magical power, but later on, Saint Son Li Yang fed him too much, so he just copied others, and with the remaining influence of the great magical powers passed on to him by Li Yang, he comprehended the Xuan Yue magical power and a Yin-Yang magical power that contained the sun and the moon.

Moreover, since there were so many homework assignments that could be copied, he also improved the magical powers he had originally comprehended a lot, and made them several times more natural. Both their power and practicality were far beyond what they were before. Now, these three great magical powers that he had comprehended, and two other powerful magical powers that he had comprehended, were regarded by him as an important guarantee for breaking through to the God Transformation stage.

Why do I say that——Because Li Yang did so.

He can’t do his homework, but can he copy it?

"Master, the Dragon Pond is indeed extraordinary, but it is also thanks to you. Otherwise, I am afraid that I would never get such a great opportunity."

When Xiaolong heard Li Yang's praise, he immediately showed a happy smile on his face, but he said to him respectfully: "The opportunities in the Dragon Transformation Pond are also strictly hierarchical. Although it does contain the powerful, terrifying and profound inheritance that I have now, there are many more inheritances that are far inferior to this."

"Even, each opportunity is accompanied by extremely mysterious and harsh tests, which are very cruel. If you don't have enough opportunities, it may be difficult to get even one billionth of the opportunities."

Thinking of this, Xiaolong looked emotional, which made Li Yang a little curious.

"It's about me? Tell me what happened?"

Li Yang's eyebrows raised and he couldn't help but smile at Xiaolong.

"The master is willing to bring the little dragon out of the cage and come to this world for one reason, which is also the most important reason. In addition, another important point is the method that the master asked me to practice before entering the Dragon Transformation Pond."

There was a flash of amazement in Xiaolong's expression, and he looked at his master with sincere gratitude.

Thinking back to the days when it had been guarding the wizard in the cave of the magic world, it knew that all this it had was given by the master before it.

"Oh? Tell me in detail?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with some interest, but while speaking he had quietly activated his secret magical powers to prevent the conversation between them from leaking out.

"Good host."

The little dragon also raised its grip, and a magical wave emanated, which made the concealment power between Li Yang and it even stronger, which made Li Yang raise his eyebrows.

"A dragon can be big or small, it can rise or hide. This is the dragon's hiding."

Seeing the surprise on Li Yang's face, Xiaolong smiled and started to explain, and took the initiative to show Li Yang the mystery of this magical power.

Li Yang, who had a terrifyingly powerful background, understood what was going on at a glance and couldn't help but sigh. The dragon clan was indeed a powerful race famous throughout the world. Their unique magical powers were indeed extraordinary. Just this Dragon's Hidden Power had reached the ultimate level of magical powers in the world.

Really powerful.

"That's great. Do you have many magical powers like this that reach the limits of the human world?"

Li Yang couldn't help but nodded, and then asked Xiaolong curiously.

"Yes, master, but to be precise, I have hundreds of magical powers, which are all the limits of the human world." Xiaolong nodded and spoke, then without hesitation took the initiative to display his own magical powers. Eight magical power wheels appeared on his body, and in each of the magical power wheels, eight terrifying magical powers that were the limits of the human world were engraved with dragon patterns. These magical powers represented the Eight Diagrams, and they were all dragon magical powers.

What's even more amazing is that there is an aura of formation on each magical power wheel. The eight magical powers are in the shape of the Eight Trigrams, and there is also some kind of mysterious formation power of the Eight Trigrams, which is incredible.

And this is not over yet, the little dragon moved its body, and eight dragon magical powers that are the limit of the human world appeared in the Bagua formation that covered its entire body of flesh and blood, and faintly formed a magical power roulette!
The figure of the dragon soul was reflected in his eyes, and eight dragon soul magical powers that were the limit of the human world were spread all over his dragon soul body like starlight, and a magical power roulette was faintly formed!
The dragon infant has eight magical power wheels, one for the dragon body and one for the dragon soul. Each magical power wheel is filled with some kind of mysterious formation power, which brings out more powerful power... It actually has ten magical power wheels!
And that’s not all!

Xiaolong exhaled a breath of dragon, and it could be seen that two of the ultimate magical powers in the world seemed to be about to form a roulette, but they were somewhat incomplete and could not form a real magical roulette.

In addition to the ten magical power wheels, Xiaolong actually has an extra one!
What is ten? It means perfection.

The meaning of exceeding a little bit is not just the power of the two extra magical powers, but it means transcendence!

Li Yang looked at the little dragon in disbelief. He didn't expect that it would have such an opportunity.

You know, even if he possessed a corner of the Great Dao, combined with the cultivation methods on Earth, he could only cultivate a complete eleven-path magical wheel.

And Xiaolong actually has such transcendental potential?
"Master, all this is due to your talent."

Seeing its master who was surprised but not shocked, Xiaolong thought to himself, as expected - it had felt a powerful force far beyond its own from Li Yang since it first came out, but it just couldn't be sure.

Now it showed its magical powers, and when it saw its master's reaction, it immediately realized that it was indeed still a little brother compared to its master.

Its master is indeed always powerful.

"Is it because of the Earth cultivation method that you gained extra benefits in the Dragon Transformation Pond?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ask Xiaolong this.


Xiaolong smiled and recounted his experience in the Dragon Transformation Pond: "There are three... no, or rather, six tests in the Dragon Transformation Pond."

"The first test is to be able to endure the pain of the water entering the Dragon Transformation Pool and being reborn. This pain is like being cut into pieces, as if the blood, flesh, skin, muscles, bones and internal organs are being peeled off inch by inch. If you cannot endure it all soberly and calmly, you will automatically withdraw and it will be difficult to complete the task. This is a test of your will."

"The second test is to be able to sense the extraordinaryness of the wall of the Dragon Transformation Pond, to comprehend the rhyme of the dragon from it, and to improve one's own foundation. It's like comprehending a legendary article from a dry stone. It tests one's comprehension."

"The third test is to be able to find the Ten Thousand Dragons Monument, which contains the most important ship cabin, in the vast and boundless pool of water. From it, you can obtain the complete inheritance of each true dragon, which will bring you the most powerful and direct help. This is a test of fate."

“And there are also four levels of difficulty in this Ten Thousand Dragon Monument. Discovering the Ten Thousand Dragon Monument can only detect the outermost Ten Thousand Dragon inheritance, which are all small dragons and small paths. If the affinity is sufficient, you can further discover the second path of the Hundred Dragon inheritance, which are some strong and powerful big dragon inheritances. If you further explore the fog of fate, you can obtain the inheritance of the four great dragons, and then you can become an immortal and immortal in the world.”

"And contained within these four great dragons is the inheritance of the Ancestral Dragon, which is the most important and fundamental inheritance. It describes the essence of dragons. Those who accept the inheritance will also obtain the Ancestral Dragon's true blood and gain an unparalleled foundation."

"When Xiaolong was meditating in the Dragon Transformation Pond, he unexpectedly met a little white dragon from the East China Sea. I learned from it that in the entire East China Sea dragon clan, no dragon could obtain the Ancestral Dragon inheritance. They didn't even know about the existence of the Ancestral Dragon inheritance. Of course, I didn't tell them that the limit of their inheritance was the inheritance of the four great dragons."

“Also, since no true dragon has inherited the four great divine dragons for who knows how many years, except for the core true dragon clan, the rest of the dragon clan almost all think that the inheritance of the four great divine powers is an opportunity other than the Ten Thousand Dragon Monument, and is another test.”

"For who knows how many years, the entire dragon clan, even the nine true dragons, have only obtained the inheritance of the hundred great dragons in the center. That little dragon was able to obtain the inheritance of the white dragon with its own ability, and it worshipped and submitted to me, handing over its dragon life, so I guided it to obtain the inheritance of the silver dragon."

"The inheritance of the Silver Dragon is located in the deepest part of the Hundred Dragons. It belongs to the strongest of the big dragons. So his strength is not weaker than those of the Dragon Sons and Nine Sons, and may even be stronger."

"After I accepted it as my little brother, I realized how different I am."

Xiaolong recounted the story one by one, with a strange look on his face: "I didn't feel the pain of the inheritance he talked about at all. The pain of being cut into pieces, the loneliness of sitting in front of a dry stone for ten thousand years without being allowed to move, the confusion of being lost in the endless sea of ​​medicine, I didn't feel any of it."

"As soon as I entered and played for a while, I felt happy all over. When I looked around, I felt all kinds of mysteries coming to me. I looked up and saw the Ten Thousand Dragons Monument. I approached it curiously and found many inheritances inside. I lingered at the four great dragons for a while, and finally came to the Ancestral Dragon inheritance and obtained the greatest inheritance."

“After I got the Ancestral Dragon, I realized that the real test of this Dragon Pool is only one: transcendence!”

“Only those who possess power beyond the three true realms and the world of immortal cultivation can inherit the true core of the Dragon Transformation Pond and not feel the pain.”

"And the source of my transcendental power is the Earth Cultivation Method passed down to me by the Master!"

Xiaolong spoke to Li Yang in a serious tone, which made Li Yang feel a little surprised.

"Earth cultivation method... yes, this is indeed a transcendental power."

Li Yang looked surprised, and then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

The heritage of the Earth is so special, but is the Earth itself... really so ordinary?

But if it wasn't so ordinary, why didn't he discover anything else when he was playing like a master on Earth?

It seems that I will have to study it later when I have the chance...

"Master, I think these dragon powers will be helpful to you as well."

Seeing Li Yang's expression, the little dragon waved his claws, and a series of dragon powers that were the limits of the human world surged towards Li Yang. Li Yang came back to his senses and a smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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