my world double door.

Chapter 472 Fishing Law Enforcement

Chapter 472 Fishing Law Enforcement
While the outside world was in turmoil, Li Yang and the little dragon in the Dragon Pond were not idle.

In the outside world, Li Yang constantly discussed with three beautiful elders and a group of beautiful disciples about how to practice Taoism and accumulate and improve his magical powers.

There is nothing much to say about these, they are nothing more than all kinds of tricks, up and down, front and back, inside and out, turning over and over again, of diligent practice.

This makes Li Yang's aura extremely powerful now. The terrifying divine power is contained in his Nascent Soul. Every move he makes has the power to destroy the world, making his own strength reach a complete state.

There won't be a situation where one has the will but not the strength due to insufficient magic power due to a high level of realm.

The little dragon in the Dragon Pond is also working very hard.

Ever since the little white dragon from the East China Sea entered the Ten Thousand Dragons Monument, the little dragon felt that it had a connection with it, mainly because it was the first intelligent real dragon creature it had come into contact with, so it naturally liked it. Therefore, it brought the inheritance it had received into it and guided it to receive the second level of inheritance.

The little white dragon who inherited the silver dragon's legacy was overjoyed, especially after feeling the extremely strong dragon power coming from the little dragon, he immediately worshipped him as the big brother and made him the leader.

Xiaolong was very satisfied with the little white dragon, so he accepted it as his younger brother. While he was comprehending the inheritance of the Ancestral Dragon and making his own dragon body and soul purer, he was also listening to it tell about the various scenes and customs of the East China Sea dragon clan.

Now, while it was telling Li Yang about these scenes and scenery one by one, a large number of human limit magical powers were also passed on to Li Yang.

“These magical powers are indeed extraordinary.”

In the void, Li Yang felt the ultimate magical powers of the human world coming from Xiaolong, and couldn't help but sigh.

The magical powers of the dragon clan do not mean that they can only be practiced and performed by the dragon clan. In fact, the magical powers of the dragon clan and the demon clan are extremely similar.

Although it is essentially a magical power created for the dragon clan, the information about Tao contained in it is essentially the same.

The special nature of the human race allows human cultivators to learn magical powers from any race, even those of the Blood Sea Demon Race.

Li Yang is now blessed by heaven, so it is naturally very easy for him to learn this thing. Although he cannot grasp its full picture, he will first digest what he can understand, and look for answers to what he cannot understand from his own magical powers. These dragon magical powers have also been mastered by Li Yang one by one.

In the end, he had thirty-five great dragon powers that could reach the level of great powers, and only four great powers that could reach the limit of the human world: Dragon Hiding Power, Becoming Bigger, Becoming Smaller, and Riding on Clouds.
The Dragon Hiding Ability is the magical power that Xiaolong is displaying at this moment. It has great power and can make one invisible, hide one's spirit, hide one's traces, and even hide all information as one masters it.

The ability to grow bigger or smaller is the magical power of the dragon. Growing bigger can make Li Yang's three treasures of essence, energy and spirit bigger, and the physical fighting power increases. Shrinking smaller means that the essence, energy and spirit are compressed to the limit, and the extremely strong mass is transformed into the size of a mustard seed for more complex battles.

Riding on the clouds and mist is a magical power of escape, which not only has extremely fast speed, but also has extremely strong concealment ability. It can conceal one's own breath while escaping and has extremely strong defensive ability.

If you travel in this way, even if you face a surprise attack, the first layer of attack will be blocked and you will not be hit immediately.

Riding on clouds and mist is a method of escape in myths and legends. Since Li Yang entered the Nascent Soul stage, he has collected many methods of escape. There is even a method of escape inherited from the Golden Palace of Longevity called [Cloud and Mist Escape] which is also one of the great magical powers.

However, compared with the top-level magical powers such as flying in the clouds and riding on the mist, there are still very few.

In general, Li Yang was very satisfied with this ultimate supernatural power, especially [Riding the Clouds and Mist]. Apart from anything else, at least this way of escape was quite impressive. Riding the clouds and mist, he looked like an extraordinary person.

However, although these magical powers are powerful, their actual use to him is more in increasing and promoting his foundation. The configuration of his nine magical powers roulette is already very complete, and these dragon magical powers are more like daily magical powers and foundation, which may play an extraordinary role at critical moments.

However, the real foundation in spiritual practice is not very effective and may not even play much of a role.

However, no matter what, supernatural powers are the foundation, which can not only increase his understanding of various powers and help him to exert the power of various supernatural powers with ease, but also provide more foundations to support his creation and improvement when he needs to create and comprehend the skills.

In addition, it can also increase his own Taoist power, which can provide better strength when breaking through to the God Transformation stage.

Considering that these were what Xiaolong had gained in the Dragon Pond in just a few short years, Li Yang felt deeply moved. The dragon clan's heritage was indeed unique and extraordinary.

Not only does it have such power, but it can also be passed down in such a way. The methods of that Ancestral Dragon are truly amazing.

However, Xiaolong’s harvest this time is truly extraordinary!

Many of the magical powers passed down by Xiaolong were powerful, but due to various restrictions, they could only become ordinary magical powers after they came into his hands and could not exert their full power.

However, in the hands of the little dragon who obtained the precious blood of the Ancestral Dragon, these magical powers are the most powerful, with unparalleled power.

It can be said that it really made a lot of money in the Hualong Pond!

Even now, when it was taught to Li Yang again, Li Yang gained a lot - not only did he gain a lot of magical powers, but even the upper limit of his mana was increased. The upper limit of his magical power brought by his supernatural powers was further improved.

In the following period of time, if you practice, your divine power will be further enhanced.

"Most of these magical powers are created by combining the magic of the Ancestral Dragon with the Buddhist and Taoist practice methods I learned. Many are learned from the inheritance of the four great dragons, as well as some interesting and good-looking magical powers learned from big and small dragons."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Xiaolong also smiled: "The inheritance I received is different from the Dragon Transformation Pool encountered by ordinary dragon-transforming creatures. It seems to be connected to many dragon-transforming pools. Otherwise, it would not be possible for other dragon-transforming creatures to appear to receive the inheritance when I received it."

"According to what the little white dragon said, it has never heard of other dragons existing in any dragon's Dragon Transformation Pool opportunity. Normally, for every dragon-transforming creature, the inheritance received from the Dragon Transformation Pool should be unique and only belong to them. However, another dragon appeared in my Dragon Transformation Pool inheritance."

“Perhaps, this is also the reason why I can learn any dragon magical power inheritance I want.”

Is there anything else to say?
"The dragon race is a powerful race in all the heavens and worlds. It is indeed unique."

Li Yang was a little emotional after hearing this, and then smiled slightly: "At this point, my cultivation has reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and you have also transformed into a dragon. This trip to the Xuanhuang Realm can be said to be a complete success."

"Originally, at this point, we should have gone back, but my magical powers sensed that during the time you and I were cultivating, something extraordinary seemed to have happened in this Xuanhuang Realm. The gathering of geniuses was truly spectacular, and we might be able to gain some benefits from it."

After saying that, Li Yang put away his hidden magical power, with a bright smile on his face: "Defeat the pure-blooded monsters, and you can get the blood that can be used to refine an external incarnation, and the liquid of creation that can increase your own Dao rhyme and increase your understanding of the Dao. If you can defeat the pure-blooded holy beasts of the same race twice, or two, you can not only inherit their magical powers, but also get resources." "It's really a treasure land."

"In addition, there are also the pure blood and vitality water that can be obtained by defeating the demons, and the dragon balls and precious dragon fluid that can be obtained by defeating the dragons. All of them are invaluable treasures."

"You can also gain merit by defeating alien races."

"You and I have both undergone transformation, and now is the time to test ourselves. I think there is no need to miss such a great opportunity to train ourselves at this time."

Li Yang smiled brightly, looking at Xiaolong who was listening to him carefully: "Xiaolong, in order to avoid scaring them, you should take action for me first and capture all the geniuses that should be captured. I will hide nearby, watch and learn the magical powers, and don't be soft-hearted in collecting the resources that should be collected."

"If a powerful opponent challenges me, I will step out from the darkness and capture them in one fell swoop, so as not to scare them."

Li Yang's worries are not without reason.

When he was still in the fourth stage of Nascent Soul and had ordinary magical powers, he could beat the so-called holy beasts and quasi-divine beasts of the demon race.

Now, he has accepted a large amount of inheritance from the Immortal Palace of Longevity, and his strength has been improved to the terrifying Nascent Soul Nine Transformations. Combined with his initial magical powers and the magical powers of his physical body, it is a full Nascent Soul Eleven Transformations. Moreover, they are all based on the most powerful magical powers that are within the limits of the human world. It is difficult to guess how strong he is. Once he makes a move, I am afraid he can really scare those holy beasts and quasi-divine beasts.

It would not be fun if we really scared them.

Although Li Yang now has many magical powers, he can feel that he still has room for improvement.

For example, the soul has not yet formed a brand new Nine Divine Powers Roulette, and the divine power created by the extraordinary power has not formed a brand new Nine Divine Powers Roulette.

By this calculation, his limit should be thirteen transformations!

Moreover, although he has many magical powers, if he wants to break through to the God Transformation stage, the more magical powers he learns in the Nascent Soul stage, the better. This will allow the world he creates at the beginning of the breakthrough to the God Transformation stage to have more potential and be more innate, which really kills two birds with one stone.

In this case, he naturally wouldn't mind learning more magical powers.

The way to learn these magical powers is to imitate them from the geniuses of various races. Even if these magical powers cannot increase his power too much, they can increase his foundation. Why not do it?

Speaking of the world of transformation, Li Yang looked a little puzzled.

He couldn't help but feel his Nascent Soul. Inside his body, a hazy world was floating up and down. The space inside was vast and filled with perfection. It gave people the feeling that it was no longer just an illusory space, but a real world!
But... he clearly hadn't broken through to the Spiritual Transformation stage, and he didn't use his magical powers to anchor the four directions and create the world, but such a world was born in his Nascent Soul?
"Ever since I broke through to the illusory space where the Nascent Soul was born, every time my strength increases, this space becomes stronger and larger. Today, it is like a world."

Li Yang's heart was moved. He felt his extraordinary changes and could feel the powerful power and energy contained in this world.

But for some reason, he was unable to mobilize the power contained in it, as if the organs in a mortal body were functioning, but he could not actively control them.

“Perhaps, only after becoming a god can we explore its mysteries.”

As this thought flashed through his mind, Li Yang thought of the goal they had just discussed. He immediately turned his eyes and rushed out with Xiaolong and Mo Guangyin.

Among his magical powers, there are many great ones that can collect information. Although he has been practicing all this time, the changes in the Xuanhuang Realm cannot escape his control.

The place we are going to now is our old friends, the demon clan.

But before that, he took Mo Guangyin with him, hid his body, and followed Xiaolong in secret.

Mo Guangyin followed beside Li Yang with a slight sigh on his face. The secret conversation between Li Yang and Xiaolong just now made him understand that although he and Li Yang had a sect relationship, they were not devoted to each other from the beginning, and their bond as fellow disciples was much less, so there were many core secrets that he had no share in.

However, feeling the powerful and strange power in Xiaolong, he dispelled these thoughts.

As a supreme elder of a Nascent Soul sect, it is already a great opportunity for him to possess such great supernatural powers and find a way to break through to the God Transformation stage. Why should he care too much about other things?

Moreover, now that I am following Li Yang, maybe I can get more.

Thinking of this, Mo Guangyin's eyes moved around, he concentrated and prepared to deal with any situation.

Li Yang took in all of Mo Guangyin's actions and was satisfied, but he did not express anything. As a fellow disciple, he took him and sneaked behind Xiaolong, heading towards the demon clan, preparing for his first battle after his breakthrough - a fishing battle!
The little dragon in front also had extraordinary magical powers. It sensed the location of a pure-blooded holy beast early on, and deliberately restrained its own aura, pretending to be arrogant as it flew towards the desert.


There is no shortage of deserts in the Xuanhuang Realm, and the Golden Dragon sacred beast, which is good at living in the desert, naturally has its territory in the desert. This time when the geniuses gather, the stage for the Golden Dragon clan is in this desert.

Looking down from the sky, the rolling sand dunes are like an endless golden ocean, stretching towards the horizon in waves. The strong sunlight pours down without any hindrance, covering each sand dune with a layer of dazzling light, as if they were made of pure gold. The outlines of the sand dunes are clear and distinct in the sun, and the graceful curves are like the fingerprints of the earth, recording the vicissitudes of time.

In the desert, there is always a black wind blowing. Sometimes it is gentle, brushing across your face like silk, bringing a touch of coolness; sometimes it is violent, whistling and rolling up the dust all over the sky, forming a sandstorm that covers the sky and the sun. When the wind rages, the whole desert seems to be stirred up, and the sand dunes seem to be given life, constantly changing their shapes and positions. The huge sand waves surge, rolling forward like waves, making people feel the incomparable power.

However, even in such an extreme environment, a dragon flew over with great pride.


The powerful aura was exuded unrestrainedly, and the arrogant posture instantly attracted the attention of the golden dragon in the desert.

"Where did it come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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