my world double door.

Chapter 473 Genius Dragon

Chapter 473 Genius Dragon

In the endless yellow sand, the howling wind rolled up layers of sand waves, and the sky and the earth were dim. The sun had difficulty penetrating the sand and dust, casting a hazy light.

Suddenly, a dull sound came from afar, and the sand and dust rolled and surged like boiling water. Then, a huge golden lizard monster suddenly jumped out of the sand, and its shining metallic scales were particularly eye-catching in the sand and dust.

Its sturdy limbs were full of strength, and every step it took made the ground tremble slightly. Its sharp claws flashed with cold light, as if they could easily tear everything apart. Its ferocious head was held high, and its pair of blood-red eyes revealed endless ferocity and brutality.

At the same time, a loud dragon roar was heard in the sky, and a giant dragon swooped down from the clouds. Its huge body was winding and circling, and its scales were as bright as gems, shining with colorful light. The dragon's whiskers danced in the wind like a smart ribbon. The dragon's eyes were burning with anger, and it rushed straight towards the golden lizard monster with majesty and domineering.

The two collided instantly, and a loud noise shook the earth. The golden lizard monster opened its bloody mouth and bit the dragon fiercely, and sparks flew from the collision of teeth and scales. The dragon twisted its body flexibly to avoid the fatal bite, and at the same time swung its huge dragon claws and slapped the lizard monster fiercely.

The lizard monster dodged sideways and swept its strong and powerful tail across, hitting the dragon like an iron rod. The dragon roared and spurted out blazing flames from its mouth. The flames swept towards the lizard monster like a torrent, and the yellow sand was instantly melted into glass wherever it went. The lizard monster was not afraid at all, and a strange light appeared on its body, which actually resisted the blazing flames.

"Boom, boom..."

Terrifying magical powers collided, and waves of magical power surged everywhere.

The terrifying might caused the creatures around the desert to be frightened, but they soon relaxed after they skillfully detected the direction and target were not coming towards them, and then focused their attention on this terrifying pure-blood battle, trying to learn something from it.

Those creatures that were close to the battlefield fled madly with bitter looks on their faces, madly hoping that the big guys would not affect them.

As time went by, they had long become accustomed to the battles between the geniuses.

The way of dealing with it is also extremely skilled.

These pure-blooded holy beasts are not as strong as Nascent Souls, but they are still Nascent Souls after all. After adapting, they can not only react quickly, but also judge the strength level of the fighting geniuses based on the battlefield situation.

For example, the Saint Beast Prodigy level, the Pure Blood Prodigy level, the Top Pure Blood Prodigy level, the Quasi-Divine Beast level, and the most terrifying [The First Prodigy of All Time]

After the terrible battle between the true dragon and the golden lizard broke out, the creatures around them quickly fled and then quickly corrected their posture and watched their fight.

After looking for a while, they quickly came to a conclusion.

"Oh, a battle between two pure-blooded creatures is not bad."

Many creatures quickly came to conclusions through the power of magical powers, combat destructive power, etc., and then discovered that the golden dragon was worthy of being the overlord of this area, and that the majestic dragon could not even defeat it.

It was even at the bottom for a moment.

As they watched, the battle became more intense. The large lizard known as the golden dragon and the real dragon that suddenly appeared fought back and forth, neither giving in.

The lizard monster relied on its tough skin and powerful strength to launch continuous attacks. Sometimes it jumped and pounced, and sometimes it crawled quickly on the sand, looking for the dragon's flaws. The dragon relied on its flying advantage and powerful magic power to hover in the air and attack, with fire, frost, and lightning coming out of its mouth alternately, causing a lot of trouble for the lizard monster.

After a fierce battle, the lizard monster seized the opportunity and bit the dragon's back, tearing it apart. The dragon screamed in pain, but it did not retreat. Instead, it used its claws to hit the lizard monster's head. The lizard monster felt the pain and opened its mouth, but then used its sharp claws to leave several deep scars on the dragon's body.

Blood flowed from the dragon's body, dyeing the yellow sand red. But the dragon did not give in. It let out a roar that shook the earth, and its whole body shone brightly. A powerful magical power spurted out of its mouth and shot towards the lizard monster like a laser. The lizard monster dodged in a hurry, but was still hit by this power, and many of its scales were broken.

The lizard monster roared angrily and launched another crazy attack. It rolled and wrestled with the dragon in the yellow sand, and the dust filled the sky and blocked out the sun. Their fight seemed to make the whole world tremble, and the surrounding sand dunes continued to collapse under the impact of their power.

As time went by, both sides gradually became exhausted, but their will to fight remained unchanged. The lizard monster continued to attack with its tenacious endurance, while the dragon stubbornly resisted with its last bit of strength.

Suddenly, the lizard monster let out a shrill howl, and a deep wound appeared on its body. It turned out that the dragon had used all its strength to deliver a fatal blow. The lizard monster struggled unwillingly, but eventually fell into the yellow sand.

The dragon also landed on the ground exhausted, panting heavily, with wounds all over its body, but it still held its head high, as if announcing its victory to the yellow sand.

The yellow sand slowly calmed down, and only the golden lizard monster and the exhausted dragon lying on the ground witnessed this thrilling battle. The sun shone again, covering the battlefield with a layer of golden light, as if remembering this great battle.

"It seems that these two pure-blooded creatures are equally matched."

“It was so hard to win, it was really on par.”

"Hey, that dragon isn't going to continue attacking?"

Seeing the giant dragon winning the battle with such a slight advantage, the audience around them had a flash of surprise in their eyes. Then a monk couldn't help but speak out. Before he finished speaking, he saw that the giant dragon and the golden lizard had disappeared from the spot at the same time.

But only a few days later, the severely injured golden lizard reappeared at the same place, and then returned to its nest with a very unhappy look on its face.

The real dragon recovered from its injuries with a proud look on its face, then disappeared from the spot.

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that some secret deal was reached between the two, with the True Dragon giving up the Yuan Blood and Creation Fluid in exchange for other resources?"

“Whatever happened, I seem to have gained some new insights from this battle. Damn it, I have to go into seclusion. If I don’t make a breakthrough, I will be left further and further behind by these geniuses.”

Voices of discussion rang out, and the news of the Golden Dragon Lizard's defeat spread throughout the desert and was obtained by some other pure-blooded creatures in the desert.

After finding out that this was a battle of equal strength, they paid some attention but did not take it too seriously. Instead, they continued to improve their own strength.

After all, this kind of evenly matched battle can never be replicated. If there is another one, the winner might be the golden dragon lizard instead of the pure-blooded genius-level real dragon.

They were able to occupy a place in the desert, so they were naturally not afraid of a real dragon that was equally powerful as the golden dragon lizard. Even some pure-blooded creatures that occupied better resources did not take this matter seriously.

If they are stronger than the golden dragon lizard, then they are naturally stronger than the little dragon that can tie with the golden dragon lizard.

Until Xiaolong found the sacred beasts hiding in the desert one by one and came to challenge them, they didn't care and even attacked them without fear. But in the end, either because of that or because of this, they were defeated by one move.

This allowed the holy spirits living in the desert to witness one exciting battle after another.

However, the real dragon seemed to have unusually good luck. It always won the battle with one move. Moreover, in the continuous fighting and challenges, it actually defeated all the opponents in an entire desert area!

"No, maybe it's not luck, but a high fighting talent!"

A creature had been watching the dragon's battles for several rounds in a row and felt that he had discovered something of great importance, so he spoke in a serious manner.

"Now that you put it that way, it seems to be true. This dragon must have some special talent."

"Yes, luck can be good for a while, but can it be good this many times?"

"He came here on purpose, but did not accept any blood or creation fluid from any pure-blooded creature. Perhaps his original intention was to hone himself."

As the news spread from their mouths, they all had the same thought: "Could it be that it is a genius who can become stronger and stronger with each setback?"



The genius that was talked about by the desert creatures did not attract the attention of too many creatures even if he picked all the geniuses in the entire desert.

After all, these victories were all narrow victories, and the outcome was not important because the opponent's strength was at that level.

Therefore, even what happened after the dragon left the desert area and arrived at another area did not attract much attention.

In a vast and ancient stone forest, stone pillars of various shapes stand in a forest, like a natural maze. Some of these stone pillars are towering into the sky, and some are grotesque, casting mottled shadows under the sunlight.

At this moment, the silent stone forest was filled with a tense and intense atmosphere. A mighty white tiger slowly walked out from behind a stone pillar, its snow-white fur shining like silver frost, and the black stripes on its body adding a bit of majesty.

Its huge head was held high, its sharp tiger eyes flashed with cold light, and its sharp fangs shone coldly in the sun. The white tiger took steady steps, and each step seemed to make the ground tremble slightly. Its momentum was like a volcano about to erupt.

At the other end of the stone forest, a giant dragon appeared vaguely from the clouds.

Its huge body was winding and circling, and its scales were shining with colorful light, as if inlaid with countless gems. The dragon's whiskers fluttered in the wind, like a smart ribbon. The dragon's eyes were like burning flames, revealing endless majesty and domineering. After circling in the air for several times, it stopped on a towering stone pillar and looked down at the white tiger.

If there were any desert creatures here, they would definitely recognize that this is the 'genius dragon' who has great luck and seems to have special talents!
But this white tiger obviously didn't know its name. As the saying goes, dragons fight tigers. At this moment, the white tiger saw a dragon looking down at it from above its head in its own territory. In this era of competition and passionate battles among geniuses, how could it tolerate it?

The white tiger raised its head and roared at the dragon without hesitation. The sound waves echoed in the stone forest, causing the broken stones on the stone pillars to fall down.

The giant dragon was not to be outdone. It opened its bloody mouth and let out a deafening roar. The sound of the dragon's roar intertwined with the roar of the white tiger, making the entire stone forest tremble.

The two roars seemed to be an advance notice and a signal, and the battle broke out instantly after the roars.


The white tiger pounced forward at lightning speed. It opened its bloody mouth and tried to bite the dragon's body. The dragon flexibly twisted its body to avoid the white tiger's attack, and at the same time swung its huge dragon claws, hitting the white tiger with a sharp sound. The white tiger nimbly dodged sideways, and then swept its thick and powerful tail across, hitting the dragon like an iron rod.

The dragon spewed out blazing flames, and the flames swept towards the white tiger like a torrent. The white tiger jumped and shuttled in the flames, but its fur was not damaged at all. It turned out that its fur had the magical ability to resist flames. The white tiger took advantage of the gap between the dragon's fire and pounced on the dragon again, leaving several deep claw marks on the dragon with its sharp claws.

The dragon roared in pain, and a powerful whirlwind blew out of its mouth, carrying countless stones, which flew towards the white tiger like cannonballs. The white tiger dodged left and right in the whirlwind, but was still hit by several stones, leaving some scratches on its body.

However, the White Tiger did not retreat. It used its magical powers again, and a series of White Tiger magical powers with the murderous aura of Gengjin were released from its body.

However, compared with those white tiger quasi-divine beasts, its magical powers seem more immature and shallow. Obviously, this is not from the white tiger clan of quasi-divine beasts, but other ordinary white tigers.

But even so, it can rely on the power of Gengjin that it has comprehended to become a pure-blooded holy beast. At this moment, it is fighting fiercely with the giant dragon that has broken into its territory. It is so majestic and the fight is hard to tell.

Just like that, in the continuous battles, it used all its magical powers to the fullest and felt the battle was more enjoyable than ever before.

In this situation, the dragon was actually able to maintain an equal strength with it, which aroused its interest and made it fight more attentively.

The battle continued in this fierce manner until Baihu was almost exhausted.

At this moment, the dragon suddenly burst out with a force that caught it off guard, broke through its defense, and pressed it to the ground.


The white tiger roared in dissatisfaction, but it was losing move after move and had no strength to rise again. When it looked up again, the giant dragon showed a bright smile on its face: "Do you want to pay with your blood and fortune liquid, or do you want to show me your magical powers so that I can learn from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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