my world double door.

Chapter 474: Killing Monsters

Chapter 474: Killing Monsters


On the mountain of stone forest, the white tiger that was fighting with the giant dragon let out a roar of shame and anger, and angrily shot out Gengjin Energy as if it was seen naked, causing the surrounding stone forest to be completely destroyed.

After it left, a giant dragon appeared from the sky with a contented look, and disappeared from the sky with a smile. Its expression made the surrounding Nascent Soul creatures look at each other in bewilderment.

What's going on? I saw something vulgar on a dragon's face?
Just as they were puzzled, the giant dragon swung its tail and disappeared from their sight.


A newly emerged true dragon defeated the sacred white tiger. This event undoubtedly attracted the attention of all living beings. Moreover, the dragon did not stop at all after defeating the white tiger and appeared in the public eye again and again in a short period of time.

"This dragon is too arrogant. Let me teach it a lesson."

A master among the geniuses, comparable to the first pure-blooded creature among the pure-blooded creatures, watched the dragon defeating creatures of various pure-blooded creature levels one by one without the help of essence blood and saponified liquid, and the key was that it kept winning. It couldn't stand this pretense anymore, so it snorted coldly and decided to fight it with its identity as the first pure-blooded creature.

The first pure-blooded creature rushed forward decisively, but halfway through, it suddenly saw a human appear in front of it with a smile.


The first pure-blooded creature just had doubts, but when he saw the human wave his hand, he instantly lost consciousness, and then his whole body was captured, and he disappeared silently from the spot.

When it woke up from its daze, it saw the human looking at it with kindness.

"Either I seriously injure you, leaving you with your essence blood and fortune fluid, or I want you to show me the inherited magical power of your race?"

Li Yang looked at the creature who wanted to speed up the progress of Xiaolong's challenge with a kind smile, and spoke very politely.

His goal is to gather all the magical powers of pure-blooded holy beast-level geniuses, then go to the Daoguan Great Wall, accept the merit rewards from the Jiuli Dynasty, obtain the most magical powers, and sprint into the God Transformation Realm with the strongest foundation.

Now the great changes in the Xuanhuang Realm have included all living beings in the area radiating from the Immortal Cultivation Realm. The geniuses of every race are basically here. It is the best time to collect the world's magical powers.

During Xiaolong's challenge, he was not idle. He used his divine eye to observe the world, looking for races and creatures with special magical powers. When he met a conscious one, he would approach and communicate with them in a friendly manner. In the end, he collected a lot of magical powers as he wished.

Although these magical powers are not as powerful as the great magical powers he has, their magical qualities can greatly enrich his foundation and are of many uses.

The only difference between him is that although Xiaolong is also collecting magical powers, his collection is open and progressive.

In other words, Xiaolong has to challenge the ordinary pure-blooded holy beast-level genius to the first pure-blooded genius, then challenge the top genius level among all pure-blooded geniuses, and finally challenge the quasi-divine beasts and the first genius of all time buried in the snow.

However, at this level, you don’t get a level up after each challenge.

Instead, they kill monsters in groups.

To put it bluntly, before the ordinary pure-blooded holy beast has completed all challenges and won all the victories, Li Yang, who is hiding in the dark, will not allow it to be forced to expose too much of its strength in the public eye.

Just like this creature who had reached the first pure-blood level, when a challenge appeared, he was directly defeated by him.

Although the areas where these geniuses exist are different, as long as we cycle through them one area at a time, it won’t take long to clear all of them.

After all, although the Xuanhuang Realm is boundless, the number of geniuses is limited.

With the emergence of the Qilin Holy Land, these geniuses gathered together to compete for their own transformation and improvement, so they all gathered in one area.

Of course, because of the terrifying combat power of the Nascent Soul Realm that can pluck stars and take the moon, this range is extremely wide, but they are always gathered together.

After all, for those in the Nascent Soul stage, this range is not large, but for Xiaolong, this range is also not large!

With its true strength, this range actually appears smaller to it than it does to those Nascent Soul geniuses.

It's like a three-meter-tall giant looking at the basketball court.

Therefore, as long as the rhythm of its campaign is not disrupted by the intervention of other creatures, so that other geniuses dare not fight him before they have fought him, it won't take long for Xiaolong to flatten all the geniuses in the Xuanhuang Realm.

To collect the magical powers of every genius creature to the greatest extent possible without loss.

What he has to do is to ensure the normal operation of this process.

When it is completed, that will be the time when he breaks through to the Spirit Transformation Realm.

In [Gate of the World] there is already the location information of a world left by the Immortal Lord Changsheng. When he breaks through to the God Transformation stage, he can go to this place that is separated from the world of immortal cultivation anytime he wants.

Although according to the Immortal Lord Changsheng, as long as he possesses power beyond the three realms of immortal cultivation, he will have the combat effectiveness to face the demons.

This situation is probably equivalent to two completely evenly matched opponents, one of whom suddenly gets a little extra power boost, and will naturally win.

According to this situation, Li Yang, who has mastered the Earth cultivation method, actually already possesses this power.

However, this is not safe enough. If Li Yang can get more power, there is no reason not to increase his combat effectiveness.

Before that, what we need to do is to do the task at hand well.

Thinking in his heart, Li Yang looked at the creature in front of him, and the smile on his face became even wider.

"I am willing to demonstrate my tribe's magical powers to you."

After hearing Li Yang's words, this creature chose to show his magical powers without hesitation, and spoke respectfully, actively showing all his magical powers one by one.

Li Yang was not surprised by this. Except for the human race, the magical powers of all other races basically rely more or less on the power of their own bloodlines to be fully effective.

What's more, even the magical powers of the human race will deliberately retain some means so that those who are not our inheritors cannot learn them thoroughly, let alone these foreign races.

Therefore, the other party's reaction to the request of Li Yang, a terrifying Nascent Soul genius, was justified.

No matter how strong the power of the Nascent Soul is, it is still different from the Spiritualization because the Spiritualization has the aura of the world. Therefore, Li Yang knew that the other party could sense that he was at the Nascent Soul level, and he had no intention of hiding it. What he had to do was to reveal that he was a Nascent Soul. Otherwise, if the Spiritualization cultivators behind these Tianjiao saw it, they would mistakenly think that the Spiritualization cultivators were unethical and attacked the Nascent Soul cultivators. What would happen then?

"Well, you are very sensible."

Li Yang looked at the other party's movements and a smile appeared on his face. Then a brilliant light burst out from his eyes, and he began to learn the other party's magical powers one by one.

In just one day, while this Yuanying genius was terrified and stunned, Li Yang learned all the magical powers he knew.

Moreover, he also cultivated a whole new power based on his own understanding!
"Very good, at this point, the deal between you and me is half done."

Seeing that there was nothing else he could learn from it, Li Yang waved his hand and spoke with a smile.

"So, who's the other half?"

After hearing Li Yang's words, the genius creature who had just felt as if he was seen through and felt uncomfortable all over swallowed his saliva and asked with difficulty.

"Sign the oath. Before Xiaolong has challenged all the Tianjiao, you are not allowed to reveal anything about the relevant matters."

Li Yang's heart moved, and a cross-border contract fell from the sky. He looked at the man in front of him with a smile and spoke.

"Okay, I'll sign!"

Upon hearing this, the genius creature gritted its teeth and fiercely imprinted its own aura and mark on it.

Li Yang withdrew his hand with satisfaction, and then waved his hand. Tianjiao only felt dizzy and the world was spinning.

When he came to his senses, he found that he had left that space and arrived at the place where he entered the outside world.

But when he looked forward again, the scary guy had disappeared, but the things in his mind were so clear that the Tianjiao creature changed his face and quickly returned to his own territory.

Li Yang, who was hiding in the dark, looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction. He looked around vaguely, and then he exuded the aura of his Nascent Soul realm as if nothing had happened. He continued to hide in the dark, using his heavenly eyes to watch the battlefield in the entire area where the geniuses gathered, while continuing to hide his body.

But while hiding, he was also cursing in his heart. Damn it, he had only made a few moves, and this group of gods actually set their sights on him.

Fortunately, it seems that in order to allow their genius to get enough experience, they did not intend to remind their genius in advance, otherwise the plan would have been aborted.

Complaining in his heart, Li Yang used all his strength to display his ability of concealment, until he felt that those eyes were no longer on him, then he rushed to the next place with a comfortable feeling.

"It disappeared again, it disappeared again!"

Among the human race, inside the Daoguan Great Wall, several old monsters exuding the aura of the world sat together, staring with wide eyes at Li Yang, who suddenly appeared and disappeared in front of them, with disbelief on their faces.

"It is unbelievable that a Yuanying has magical powers that can even be hidden from us, and has such powerful combat power."

"We all possess the power of the world's creation, yet we can't see through the hidden magical power of a Nascent Soul!"

These Taoist masters who have transformed into gods stared with their eyes wide open, and they felt that whether their geniuses transformed or not seemed not to be so important.

The key point is how to bring this guy with terrible talent into one's own forces.

It's impossible for him to stay in a small Nascent Soul Sect forever, right?
How to stay in a sect whose strength exceeds that of all the practitioners in the sect?
While a group of old monsters were rolling their eyes around in the hall, Xiaolong and Li Yang's recommendations were also ongoing.

Although he noticed the surveillance of the gods, Li Yang had no intention of stopping his plan. Instead, he asked Xiaolong to work harder and move forward faster.

The brutal means led to waves of curses, but fortunately, compared with the improvement of strength, everything was just a little bit of wind and frost and insignificant.

And so, we move forward.

Finally, on this day, the top [No. 1 Prodigy of All Time] noticed Xiaolong.




There is a most magnificent mountain forest in the Xuanhuang Realm, and its name is: Liangjie Mountains.

The name of the Mountain Range implies that it has gone through countless calamities to receive this honor. Once you enter it, you will find that the accumulation of years has endowed it with endless charm and majesty.

Looking down from the sky, this mountain forest is like a vast green ocean, and the rolling mountains are like huge waves, rising and falling. Above the mountains, ancient trees are towering, and the huge treetops are intertwined, forming a green sky that blocks out the sun. The sun shines through the gaps between the layers of branches and leaves with difficulty, casting mottled light and shadows, like broken gold embellishing this ancient land.

A thin layer of mist permeates the forest, making the whole scene dreamlike. The mist rises and lingers from time to time, as if it is the breath of the forest, giving it a lively and mysterious atmosphere. Under the cover of the mist, the peaks in the distance are looming, like a fairy palace hidden in the clouds, which makes people yearn for it.

Walking into the forest, you can feel a strong vitality. The ground under your feet is soft and elastic, and you can feel the pulse of the earth when you step on it. The green grass is like a green carpet covering every corner, dotted with colorful flowers, exuding charming fragrance. Various kinds of exotic flowers grow here wantonly, some blooming with brilliant colors, and some exuding strange fragrance, as if they are precious gifts given to this forest by nature.

In this forest, a sacred beast of the five elements stands on the top of the blue sky. Its body is huge and covered with hard black iron armor, which makes it look mighty and domineering.

Its piercing eyes seem to be able to see through all the vanity in the world, and its long flowing beard leaves a deep impression on people. Its four strong and powerful legs support its huge body, which seems to be able to shake the world and crush the mountains and rivers.

It has a pair of wings on its back, and every flap of them is accompanied by violent storms that make the air around them vibrate.

The Five Elements Sacred Beast is one of the most powerful beings in the world. It can freely control the power of the five elements, transforming into elements such as earth, gold, water, fire, and wood, manipulating everything, which is awe-inspiring. Standing on the top of the mountain, it looks down at everything below, as if declaring its supreme authority, making all living beings submit to it.

"Interesting. He keeps challenging creatures from ordinary purebloods to top-level holy beasts, and still manages to win despite the hard battles."

"Could it be that it is following a unique invincible path, practicing a special method that requires victory after victory to accumulate strength and eventually achieve the strongest transformation?"

"I don't know if you can get past me."

(End of this chapter)

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