my world double door.

Chapter 478 I Have a Master

Chapter 478 I Have a Master
At the edge of the hazy world, yellow light wanders.

In the sacred place, the Qilin with his eyes closed frowned slightly.

"There are such talented people in the world. They haven't even undergone the ultimate transformation, but they can reach my level."

Qilin murmured, his eyes solemn: "This life is so extraordinary, I am afraid the disasters I will face are far beyond imagination."

"Hmm, could it be that among the dragon race, the demon race, and the human race, there are already geniuses who are comparable to the emperor?"

Beside Qilin, the protector whose aura was as vast as the abyss spoke solemnly.

It was not surprised that other races could produce geniuses like Emperor Qilin.

In this world, the demon race is not the only one in power. As the human race, the demon race, and the dragon race are able to stand on equal footing with the demon race, every infinite calamity will give birth to a genius with extraordinary talent who can successfully become an immortal just like the demon race, and become an immortal after the great disaster of the era.

This is customary.

Now that the Qilin Emperor of the demon race has been born, it is time for the Emperor-level geniuses of other races to be born as well.

However, what is very different from the Qilin Emperor of the demon race is that the geniuses of the same level of other races never have a specific form.

Just like, every generation of Qilin must be born in the Qilin Holy Land in the Xuanhuang Realm.

But it is not necessarily the case for other races. Even the geniuses of the same level themselves are not clear about what form their geniuses will appear in before they actually appear, let alone other creatures.

This is especially true for the human race.

Just like the dragon clan, although each generation of dragons born are different, they are all a group that transformed into dragons in the East China Sea.

Just like the demons, although each generation of demons is different, each generation of demons must be a group of true demons in hell.

Only for the human race, the birth of each generation of immortals is full of uncertainties.

There are many immortal sects among the human race. These sects have stood among the human race for countless kalpas and control a large amount of resources of the entire human race.

Under the immortal Taoist tradition, there are dynasties and monarchies that completely control the people.

Not to mention those immortal sects, just the most basic dynasties, the strength and qualifications of their princes, and the resources they have obtained are unimaginable for ordinary people.

For all the worlds, the gap between ordinary people among the human race and the core inheritors of these top forces is like that between a firefly and the bright moon.

In the dragon clan, it is the difference between a snake and the nine sons of a real dragon.

In the demon clan, it is the same perception as that of quasi-divine beasts and ordinary spirit beasts.

In the case of the demon clan, it is the difference between true demons and mixed demons, or even those that are not demons but just infected servants.

However, even so, many of the human immortals that have emerged from generation to generation are not from major forces.

Among them were scholars, soldiers, and even beggars.

Therefore, the genius of the human race who is at the same level as the Qilin Emperor, before he transforms to the final step, even he himself does not know that he has the potential to become an Immortal King.

Therefore, the situation of geniuses of the same level in different races is often unpredictable.

However, looking at today's situation, it seems that Emperor Qilin has discovered something?
“There are actually only two types of geniuses among the outside world, those who have not yet transcended and those who have. Even if those who have not yet transcended have cultivated their magical powers to the extreme level of strength, they are just fish in a pond. No matter how strong they are, they can only swim in this pond.”

“Those who have achieved transcendence, even if they have only gained the ability to breathe, can climb out of the water and avoid being trapped in the water.”

"The best among them are like those with wings on their backs that can spread their wings and fly, they can be free and ethereal, but in the end they can only fight against the wind and rain."

"The best among them are like dragons that can rise out of water and become flying dragons. They can already control their own destiny, but they still cannot change anything in the overall situation."

"Only the emperor, like the sun and the moon, can influence the fate of all living things."

Qilin's eyes seemed to be half open, as if he was still investigating something, but he spoke slowly: "In the past, under normal circumstances, there were only some flying dragons in the outside world. Although they were powerful, they were not a big deal."

“But now, I have seen someone who is like the sun and the moon. Although the geniuses of various races are colliding and competing, the secret of transformation has not yet been born.”

Qilin whispered to himself: "Under such circumstances, he can have such strength. This is the state of the great calamity of this catastrophe."

"Hmm, is it the real dragon that just defeated the eternal prodigy Kunpeng?"

The protector was moved. You must know that there is still some time before the Qilin is fully born, and the Qilin has not yet grown to its complete state. The current Qilin has just reached the level of a flying dragon in the sky.

And now, there is actually a genius like Haori in the outside world?

What if this genius continues to transform?
"Although this true dragon is powerful, it is only about the same as me. It is still far from being as powerful as the sun."

Qilin shook his head and spoke softly, then hesitated: "Also, this dragon seems... to be just a mount pet of that human."





East China Sea Dragon Clan.

After the world-renowned battle between Xiaolong and the greatest Kunpeng of all time ended, a black real dragon emitting a terrifying aura quickly approached Xiaolong who had ended the battle and stopped it.

"My dear friend, I am Xuan Ming, the elder of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. I am honored to meet you."

After stopping the little dragon, the Black Dragon smiled and clasped his fists and spoke, his eyes full of expectation as he looked at the little dragon in front of him that exuded the aura of the Ancestral Dragon, his heart was simply surging. This is the Ancestral Dragon!


The dragon heritage only exists in legends. Even though it has lived for countless tens of thousands of years as the Dragon King, this is the first time it has seen such bloodline!

The moment he saw Xiaolong, all his doubts were suddenly resolved by Xuanming True Dragon.

No wonder Xiaolong has such strength, and he is not from the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

It turns out... it’s the essence and blood of the Ancestral Dragon!
Then everything makes sense, and there is no more doubt.

The power of the Ancestral Dragon's blood is too strong!
You know, even in the previous Infinite Tribulation Conference, the one competing with the Demon Emperor Qilin was only a divine dragon at the level of a mythical beast. The Ancestral Dragon had never appeared except at the time of the creation of the world.

So, at this moment, he actually saw the Ancestral Dragon reappear, how could the dragon not be excited!
"Xiaolong meets the senior."

Xiaolong looked at the real dragon with an extremely terrifying aura with some caution. After making sure that he had no ill intentions, he also smiled and clasped his fists and spoke out of respect for the strong man.

"I wonder what important matter is there for you, Senior?"

After thinking for a moment, Xiaolong took the initiative to speak to this senior in a tactful manner.

"Even if there is no such thing, it's just that such a genius was born in my dragon clan, and our East Sea Dragon Palace didn't even get any news. This is really unsatisfactory for the dragons."

"Even though we haven't been in touch before, all dragons in the world are one family. As an elder of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and a member of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, I would never miss such a genius."

"So this time I came here to get to know you and become your friend, so that we can help each other out if we need anything in the future."

Xuanming True Dragon said with a smile, and what he said made Xiaolong hesitate for a moment: "It is indeed a good thing that you have invited me, but I have to ask the master for instructions."

"The master is going to practice in seclusion recently, so I'd better stay by his side."

Xiaolong answered politely, and the smile on Xuanming Zhenlong's face instantly became stiff.

"Wha...what, you already have a master? Is it some old monster?"

Xuan Ming was extremely angry at first, but then he calmed down and looked at Xiaolong closely.

"Not really. My master is a human who is younger than me, and is also at the Nascent Soul stage. However, he is better than me in every aspect. This kind of competition is just child's play in my master's eyes..."

It was as if thunder exploded. Xuanming's brain was rumbling and he looked at the real number one prodigy of the dragon clan in front of him in disbelief.

"You are actually a slave of the human race's proudest genius."

Xuanming True Dragon spoke incredulously.

"Well, I use it more as a mount."

Xiaolong nodded in response.


Xuanming True Dragon opened his mouth in shock again, and then narrowed his eyes: "Which human genius are you following? I don't think there is a chance that a Nascent Soul creature can be subdued and defeat the eternal genius Kunpeng!"

"Because my master has been busy practicing and has no time to mess around."




In fact, Li Yang was indeed practicing seriously.

It is also an independent world for cultivating immortals, which can be described as quiet.

On this day, as he comprehended and cultivated his water-related magical powers, the world began to change.

In this small world, the sky seemed to be torn apart by an invisible giant hand. In the endless darkness, lightning and thunder were like dancing silver snakes, wantonly shuttling between the thick clouds. The wind was howling like thousands of ghosts, and an unprecedented rainstorm was about to fall.

The mountains in the distance, which were once majestic and towering into the clouds, now seemed insignificant and fragile in the face of the impending storm. The strong wind swept in first, with the power to destroy everything. The trees on the mountain were blown all over the place, and the branches swayed painfully, making creaking sounds, as if begging for mercy from the violent natural force. The leaves fell off the branches one after another, flying helplessly in the wind, like souls that had lost their direction.

With the first raindrop falling, the prelude of this rainstorm officially kicked off. The raindrops were huge and heavy, hitting the ground, splashing muddy water. In an instant, the whole world seemed to be placed in a huge water curtain, and the vision became blurred. The mountains and rivers began to tremble in the rain, and the rain rushed down the steep slopes and gathered into a turbulent stream. The originally dry valley turned into a turbulent river in an instant, and the boulders were swept by the water and collided with each other, making a deafening roar.

The grass and trees on the mountain struggled desperately under the ravages of the rainstorm. The tender grass leaves were hit by raindrops and stuck to the ground, unable to stand up straight. The flowers withered in the storm, and the petals were scattered all over the ground, washed by the rain, and flowed to the unknown distance. The ancient trees showed tenacious vitality. Their branches swayed in the wind and rain, but their roots were deeply rooted in the earth, holding on to the land tightly, as if announcing their unyielding to nature.

The heavy rain poured down, constantly impacting every inch of the mountain. The rock surface of the mountain gradually became smooth, and the rain eroded the cracks in the rock, causing them to expand. Small pieces of rock began to fall off, rolling down the mountain and joining the rushing torrent below. The soil on the mountain was softened by the rain, and large areas collapsed, forming mudslides, rolling down, burying everything wherever it went.

The water level of the river rose sharply under the infusion of heavy rain. The originally calm river became turbulent, with waves rolling and one wave higher than the other. The river water was turbid, carrying mud, branches and stones, rushing forward with an unstoppable force. The land along the river bank was eroded by the river, large tracts of farmland were submerged, and crops floated helplessly in the water. The bridge was shaky under the impact of the flood, and finally collapsed under the heavy load and was swept into the rolling torrent.

The earth groaned in pain under the baptism of this rainstorm. The land became muddy and walking on it was like falling into an endless swamp. The potholes on the ground were filled with rainwater, forming small lakes. The roads were washed away and traffic was cut off. People could only hide in their homes, looking at the world outside the window, their hearts filled with fear and helplessness.

Between the mountains and rivers, an ancient city stands tall in the wind and rain. The city walls look even more weathered under the scouring of rain. The flags on the towers are torn by the strong winds. The soldiers guarding the city stand firm in the rain. Their armor is soaked by the rain and freezing cold, but their eyes are still firm, guarding the peace of the city.

The streets in the city have turned into rivers, and the houses are crumbling in the rain. Residents have taken shelter in their homes, shutting their doors and windows, praying that the disaster will pass soon. Shop signs have been blown off by the wind, and goods have been soaked by the rain, causing heavy losses. However, in this chaos, some immortals have stepped forward and cast spells to try to mitigate the damage caused by the rainstorm. Some have controlled the flow of water and directed it to flow out of the city; some have reinforced houses to prevent them from collapsing; and some have treated the wounded people.

In a forest outside the city, all kinds of strange creatures were also suffering in this rainstorm. The spirit beasts fled everywhere, looking for a place to hide. The feathers of the birds were wet by the rain, and they could no longer fly. They could only tremble on the branches. And the monsters hiding in the dark were also frightened by this violent force and dared not show their heads easily.

As time went by, the rainstorm showed no signs of abating. Mountains, rivers, grass, land, and mountains were all severely damaged in this disaster. However, in this world of cultivation, life is always full of miracles and tenacity. After the storm, the sun will always penetrate the clouds and shine on the earth, and all things will be revitalized.

The torrential rain continued to pour down, seemingly without end. In this violent baptism, the mountains and rivers gradually lost their original contours. The towering peaks were cut off, and the jagged rocks were polished into round shapes. Mudslides rolled down the hillside, carrying trees and boulders, leaving a mess wherever they passed.

(End of this chapter)

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