my world double door.

Chapter 479: The Explosion of the Five Elements' Magical Powers

Chapter 479: The Five Elements Magical Powers Exploded

"I have not used my magical powers yet I have been able to change the world and influence the world. This is my limit."

In the quiet little world, Li Yang, who was using his water-walking ability but had not yet used it, looked at the heavy rain that was falling all around him because of his own thoughts. He especially noticed the details behind the heavy rain and couldn't help but smile.

Supernatural powers have the power to create illusions. The effects created by all extremely powerful supernatural powers are almost real, but illusions are illusions after all and cannot truly produce the effects of real things.

All these details prove that the rain is real and not an illusion. He has truly cultivated his magical powers to the point where he can influence the world.

Looking at the Nascent Soul in his body again, a large number of magical powers had already left the Nascent Soul's body and formed a circular disk around it that looked like a real object. Only the initial magical powers and the Nascent Soul's nine transformations were imprinted in the Nascent Soul.

This disc looks like it has separated, but it is actually integrated with the Nascent Soul. It is a thing that has both its form and its spirit. The terrifying power it contains enables the divine power in Li Yang's body to grow and transform in all directions.

"I am only one step away from reaching my Nascent Soul limit."

A gleam of light flashed in Li Yang's eyes, but he did not rush to do anything. Instead, he calmed down and continued to comprehend the goal of comprehending the five elements' magical powers this time.

His supernatural powers are so vast, and in order to create the most powerful foundation for God, he has to practice all of his supernatural powers to the limit of his own ability, to the extent that he can influence the heaven and earth.

This sounds like an incredibly huge process, after all, he has so many magical powers.

But with the help of God, all this is not that difficult.

Now, after many efforts, while Xiaolong was harvesting outside, his own magical powers had basically been cultivated to their limits.

The only thing left is the five elements magical power that he re-comprehended after absorbing the five elements sacred beasts of the eternal genius.

During that battle, he was able to feel from this eternal first Five Elements Holy Beast the signs of the Five Elements condensing and gathering and then exploding. Although it was only in its infancy and had to be condensed and practiced through a unique method, it also gave Li Yang a lot of inspiration.

Now, he still has the tendency to explode with the terrifying divine power reaction produced after the fusion of the Five Elements divine power. Naturally, he must practice the Five Elements divine power diligently and strive to reach this level as soon as possible.

He is very much looking forward to the explosion that will occur after the five elements are united.

After practicing the water magic, Li Yang immediately practiced the wood magic.

As Li Yang cultivated his magical power of wood, the surrounding environment began to change. A faint fragrance of plants and trees filled the air, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Lush trees began to grow around Li Yang, and the leaves swayed gently in the breeze, as if cheering him on. As Li Yang's practice deepened, the air around him began to become moist, as if water droplets could drip out.

Suddenly, clouds gathered in the sky, and fine rain began to fall from the clouds, gently hitting Li Yang's body, bringing him a hint of coolness. Soon, the trees around Li Yang began to grow rapidly, and the branches spread out, forming a dense shade.

Under the shade of the trees, Li Yang's figure gradually disappeared, and only the fragrance of the grass and the rustling sound of the drizzle continued to echo. In this rich scent of grass and trees, Li Yang's figure loomed, as if merging with the world.

He slowly raised his hands, and green rays of light bloomed from his fingertips. As he practiced, the light became stronger and stronger, and finally formed a green barrier that tightly surrounded Li Yang.

At this time, Li Yang's cultivation reached its peak, and his whole body was covered with green light, as if he had transformed into a towering tree. The air around him became unusually fresh, the grass and trees grew more luxuriantly, and the whole world was full of vitality.

Finally, as Li Yang completed his practice, the green light on his body gradually dissipated, and the surrounding scenery returned to calm. But the faint fragrance of plants and trees lingered for a long time, making people feel peaceful, as if Li Yang's practice was still continuing.

"Water and wood are mutually reinforcing, and both are the power of life. There is a lingering connection between the two. You are in me, and I am in you."

After practicing and comprehending the magical power of wood, Li Yangxin sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain. He had some more insights in his mind, and then his mind moved slightly, and he practiced the magical power of earth.

As Li Yang practiced the earth power, the surroundings began to change. The sky became gloomy, covered with dark clouds, thunder rumbled, violent winds arose, wild sand rolled up, and the whole world seemed to be shaking.

Li Yang smiled, and he slowly spread his palms. An invisible earth energy emanated from his palms, gradually spreading around. The earth began to shake, the soil cracked, rocks collapsed, trees broke, and the entire mountain and river were affected by the earth energy.

Li Yang's cultivation became more and more profound, his aura became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding world became more and more complex, until finally he retracted his palm, and the whole world became clear.

"Earth is the root of the five elements, and can support water, wood, metal, and fire."

With a flash of thought in his mind, Li Yang appeared on a bluestone, with a stern look between his eyebrows. His whole body radiated a faint golden light, and as the true energy in his body surged, the air around him seemed to solidify and become dense.

He has actually begun to practice the magical power of gold.

As Li Yang began to cultivate the magical power of gold, the vitality between heaven and earth began to become disordered, as if all the gold elements between heaven and earth were gathering towards him. In the sky, the originally clear blue sky was gradually replaced by golden clouds, and the sun's light became dazzling, as if covered by a layer of light golden light.

The golden light circulated around Li Yang, forming a halo that made him look like a golden Buddha. As his practice deepened, a thin layer of copper rust began to condense around Li Yang's body. This copper rust exuded a faint golden luster, as if it had been reborn under Li Yang's practice. He slowly put his hands together, and there seemed to be a golden ball in the middle that was constantly rotating, emitting a faint light.

The surrounding earth seemed to be vibrating for Li Yang's practice. Golden spots of light flickered between the grass and trees, as if the air was filled with golden particles. The golden threads on the branches began to grow thicker, and a light layer of gold appeared on the leaves, as if the whole nature was making way for Li Yang's practice.

Li Yang's cultivation continued, and the surrounding environment was also undergoing amazing changes under his powerful cultivation. The golden light gradually dissipated, and the golden clouds in the sky also quietly dissipated, and the sunlight became warm and soft again.

On the bluestone, Li Yang's figure remained, but his aura had become even more unfathomable than before, as if his body had been completely purified by the magical power of gold and reached a new level.

"Gold is sharp, and when it appears, everything else gives way."

A thought flashed through Li Yang's mind, and then he held his breath and concentrated, devoting himself wholeheartedly to the arduous practice of the magic of fire.

He was tall and majestic, like an unshakable mountain, standing quietly between heaven and earth. The powerful aura emanating from his body seemed to have a substantial pressure, causing the surrounding air to freeze and fall into a dead silence.

Li Yang put his hands together, slowly closed his eyes, and began to mobilize the divine power in his body. In an instant, a majestic and hot energy surged out from the depths of his Nascent Soul like a volcanic eruption. This energy instantly spread out from him to the surroundings, and within a radius of several miles, it was all covered by a brilliant and violent flame.

The originally peaceful and tranquil world was like a hot meteorite thrown into chaos and destruction. In the sky, the fire clouds were like surging waves, rolling endlessly. The sky, which was originally as blue as a gem, was now dyed a shocking red, as if it was a burning sky, a scene of doomsday. The scorching heat caused the air to distort violently, and the light reflected in it created a dreamlike, yet terrifying and bizarre scene. The clouds, which were originally as white as snow, evaporated instantly under the invasion of this high temperature, turning into wisps of green smoke and dissipating without a trace.

On the ground, the grass and trees were instantly turned to ashes by the high temperature, as if they had never existed. The fertile, moist and vibrant land quickly dried up and cracked, and huge cracks spread unscrupulously to the distance like the claws of a ferocious beast. The river that once gurgled was now steaming with water vapor, and the river water dried up to the bottom, leaving only a dry and cracked riverbed. The rising water vapor was instantly evaporated by the high temperature before it could rise, turning into wisps of white mist and disappearing in the hot air. The land became charred like charcoal, emitting a pungent burnt smell, as if silently telling the great pain that this land had suffered.

Under the powerful influence of the fire power, the surface rocks of the distant mountains began to melt gradually, turning into boiling magma, flowing down the hillside like burning fire dragons. The boulders broke and rolled down under the high temperature, making a deafening roar, and the entire mountain range was shaking violently, as if succumbing to the powerful force that Li Yang showed. The creatures on the mountain were terrified, but had nowhere to escape. They were instantly swallowed by the ruthless high temperature and turned into wisps of light smoke.

The howling wind swept in, trying to blow away the blazing sea of ​​fire, but as soon as it came into contact with the flames, it was instantly ignited, forming huge tongues of fire that madly swept everything. The birds and beasts fled in extreme fear, their cries resounding through the sky, but in the face of this omnipresent and unstoppable flame, they had nowhere to escape and could only be mercilessly devoured by the raging fire in despair.

In this world ravaged by the power of fire, Li Yang's aura became stronger and more stable. The flames swirled around his body, as if they had life and obeyed his will.

In the distance, the lake water evaporated rapidly under the scorching heat, and the dry lake bottom cracked into countless fine lines. The once sparkling water surface was now only a barren expanse of gravel.

The birds in the sky had no time to escape from the blazing heat, their feathers instantly burned and they fell down like burning meteors. The animals on the ground also collapsed to the ground and lost their lives due to the extreme heat.

Li Yang continued to form seals with his hands, and the power of the Fire Magical Ability was further enhanced. The surrounding space began to fluctuate unstably, and it seemed that it could be torn apart by this terrifying power at any time.

As he shouted, the flames suddenly shot up into the sky, forming a huge pillar of fire that pierced the sky. Around the pillar of fire, lightning flashed, which was the result of the fierce collision between the power of fire and the vitality of heaven and earth.

When the pillar of fire dissipated, the world seemed to have experienced a doomsday catastrophe. The earth was devastated, and the sky was filled with smoke and ashes. However, Li Yang slowly opened his eyes in the chaos, and his eyes flashed with a determined light. Obviously, he had made new breakthroughs and insights in this practice.

He waved his hand gently, and the surrounding flames instantly subsided, and the world gradually returned to peace. But the scene changed by the magical power of fire was forever engraved on this land, becoming a unique mark on Li Yang's path of cultivation.

“Although fire contains vitality, it is ultimately a destructive force. When it appears, it destroys everything.”

Li Yang looked at the scene around him, and thought in his heart. The magical power of water and wood started to work again. A spiritual rain began to fall from the sky, and the grass and trees swayed with vitality. Waves of the vitality of water and wood spread all around, and the injuries caused by the magical power of fire were wiped out one by one.

Even the dead birds and creatures regained vitality and were resurrected early in the morning. Ordinary animals found inspiration, and the spiritual beasts' qualifications were further improved, and their cultivation was also enhanced. It was a blessing in disguise.

After this round of magical powers, Li Yang received all the living beings in the entire small world into his own [Nine-story Mysterious Tower] Five Elements Space, and then practiced his magical powers here wholeheartedly without worrying about accidental injuries.

With this kind of practice, the entire small world seemed to have turned into a world of five elements. The five elements rotated, and the power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth continued to evolve, which invisibly caused the size of the world to expand.

It was not until a whole year later that this evolution of the five elements disappeared.

A terrifying aura suddenly rose from Li Yang.

"Five elements exploded, it worked."

Li Yang opened his eyes, feeling the powerful force erupting from the Five Elements Magical Power Wheel, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He opened his palms, and the terrifying power generated by the five elements gathered into a sphere. The terrifying divine power contained in it far exceeded all his magical powers.

After this kind of aggregation is released, it is like... a change like a nuclear bomb.

Feeling the power of this magical power, Li Yang withdrew his palm in a very good mood, and took the divine power contained in it back into his body. Then, with a thought in his mind, his figure disappeared from the small world.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived at the connecting point between the small world and the Xuanhuang world. He released all the living beings in the Nine-story Xuanji Tower back to the world that had expanded several times. His figure disappeared and he came to the Xuanhuang world.

(End of this chapter)

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