Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 101 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Everyone looked at her silently, some greeted her in a low voice, and some immediately looked away and lowered their heads to read.

Finally, Jin Shu sat in the corner by the window according to her height.

After this exam, the members of Class [-] have not changed much. Sitting here are all well-known top academics in the city. Some of them have parents who are professors who have returned from studying abroad. There are also high-quality talents who have followed their parents on inspections since they were young. There are also many Unlike Jin Yin, her parents are from an intellectual family with two teachers.

Before this exam, there had been no personnel changes in this class for a long time.

Therefore, everyone is very familiar with each other. Before class, they all discuss the plans for the next winter vacation lively, and the atmosphere is harmonious in small groups.

Only Jin Shu sat alone in the corner, lowering her head and silently reading the book in her hand.

After the day's class, Jin Shu was packing her things when a voice suddenly came from in front of her.

"Jin Shu, I knew you would come back. It's my birthday soon. Do you want to go to my house for a meal? There will be fireworks tonight."

Chu Dong was sitting in front of him wearing a leather jacket. His hair was waxed and combed to a shiny finish, which made the light reflect off his oily and pink face.

"No, no time."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"What are you angry about? Get out of the way, your hair smells bad."

As expected, these words worked. As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Dong immediately got out of the way, and kept reaching out to touch his hair and put it under his nose to smell it.

"This is hair wax. It's an expensive brand. It doesn't smell bad."

Jin Shu didn't want to waste time on these irrelevant people. She had to arrange delivery today and the time was tight.

Chu Dong wanted to keep up, but Jin Yin grabbed him by the sleeve.

"Didn't you say you would go shopping with us after class? Will you accompany us? Do you want to copy your homework?"

"Think about it, I know, I know."

Jin Shu's attitude was too cold. A young man like Chu Dong only had three minutes of heat, and he always had a warm face but a cold butt twice, which made him impatient very quickly.

"Jin Shu did well in the exam this time. She actually came first."

Several girls who played well with Jin Yin walked hand in hand on the street, talking all about Jin Shu.

"How did she catch up on so much knowledge after not going to class for two months? Yinyin cooks a small stove at home every day, and she only came second in the exam this time."

Jin Yin's grades were good when she was studying in the town, but she couldn't stand being looked down upon and ostracized by others every day at school. In her last life, she chose not to go home and get married.

Ever since she knew her true life experience in this life, she had been working hard to study. As soon as she changed her identity, she continued to have the privilege of having her parents both as school teachers, so she could go to different teachers every night to cook.

Since she came to the city to study in her second year of high school, she has always ranked first among her peers in the first two monthly exams. She can answer fluently no matter what the teacher asks during class.

Soon, she became an even better being than Jin Yin.

The more everyone sympathizes with her plight, the more they hate Jin Shu, a thief who steals other people's lives.

This time when she came back, her classmates naturally didn't have a good attitude toward her.

After all, everyone knew from Jin Yin's few words that Jin Shu had long known that she was not her biological child and had been dominating her urban parents.

As for why Jin Shu knew.

Everyone doesn't care or look into it.

Jin Yin is so pitiful and cute, yet so cheerful and generous, willing to help her classmates, and respects teachers and teachers. How could such a person lie?

Therefore, Jin Shu is very scheming.

She went all out to come back just to continue sucking the blood of her parents in the city.

"What's the use of doing well in the exam? Why is she so shameless? She doesn't study in so many schools, so she has to come back to Yin Yin?"

"I suspect she did it on purpose. Do you know the dress she is wearing? It's from Jinhe brand. It costs more than ten yuan a piece. How can she, a country girl, afford it?

Maybe it was given secretly by Yinyin's parents. "

Jin Yin stood silently beside her, her head lowered and her dull look made her classmates even more sympathetic.In this era, everyone responds to the one-child policy, so many people here are only children and enjoy all the preferences of their parents.

Because of this, they hate people like Jin Shu who deliberately take away other people's parents.

"Yinyin, don't feel bad. Your parents can give her a moment, but how can they give her a lifetime? Director Zhao and Teacher Liao still love you the most."

"I have been through so many years of hard life. Now I just want to live a stable life. I just didn't expect that Jin Shu has already gained so much, and now she even wants to take away what belongs to me."

"She is really hateful! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Don't worry, let's ignore her and let her taste the price of occupying a magpie's nest!"

With the little sister's comfort, Jin Yin finally felt better, and she took a deep breath.

"Forget it, let's go shopping. Boss Chu said today that in order to repay me for helping him study during this period, he will help me check out today."

"Chu Dong, keep your word, we are all witnesses!"

Chu Dong nodded helplessly.

"Yes, yes, ancestor, I will pay for whatever you buy today, okay?"

"Wow, Boss Chu is so generous! I'm so envious. Why don't I have such a rich and generous childhood sweetheart?"

Jin Yin stood beside Chu Dong with a smile.

"Have you brought enough money today?"

"Take it, take it, 100 yuan, is it enough for you?"

"That's pretty much it. Let's go, I'm going to Jinhe to buy clothes."

Nowadays, many girls in the school are wearing Jinhe brand, but Jin Yin is extremely envious.

However, the clothes are too expensive, and my parents are very strict about money. If you want a set of Jinhe brand, you need at least fifty.

Chu Dong, the one who was taken advantage of, will not be killed unless he is killed.

Anyway, she will be with Chu Dong sooner or later. His money is her own money, so what's wrong with spending it?

As soon as I arrived at the door of the clothing store, I saw that it was packed with people.

There are still many people queuing outside, refusing to move even when the weather is so cold.

"This store's clothes are so famous now, have you heard? Even female TV stars have come to her house to see the clothes."

"Real or fake? Which celebrity?"

"Just acting..."

The people in front were talking loudly, which made everyone even more enthusiastic.

Jin Yin glanced inside the store, and suddenly she noticed a familiar face.

"Wang Dan? It's really you. I thought I made a mistake."

Xiao Wang was busy when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around, it turned out to be an old acquaintance.

"Jin Yin? Are you here to buy clothes?"

"Yeah, you are..."

Jin Yin stared at Xiao Wang's clothes. There was a clear Jinhe brand printed on the chest of the clothes, which was different at first glance.

"I sell clothes here."

"You sell clothes here?! Do you open this store?"

Jin Yin asked two questions in succession, which was enough to show the surprise and shock in her heart.

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