Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 102 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Xiao Wang is a genius, so he couldn't understand the meaning of Jin Yin's two sentences.

She used to be her highest-status friend in the countryside, an accountant who ate commercial food, but now she was just an ordinary person working in the countryside. Now she was opening a shop selling clothes in a bustling downtown area, and naturally Jin Yin couldn't accept it.

"This is not my store, I'm just a clothes seller."

"Oh, then your boss should trust you very much, otherwise why would he leave the store to you alone?"

Jin Yin saw it just now, and stuffed a lot of money into Xiao Wang's hand. She never thought in her life that money could be so easy to earn, and someone would stuff it into your hand without doing anything.

"My boss is very nice. He's a little busy right now. Can we talk about old times later?"

"It's like this. My friends and I are also here to buy clothes. By coincidence, you are the salesperson. Please recommend some to us."

As soon as he said this, the girl next to him who had been waiting for a long time was not happy.

"First come, first served, do you understand? Everyone is queuing up, and you just run over and want to buy first. How can this make sense?"

Jin Yin blushed. She had never been accused like this in public. She naturally thought that Xiao Wang was a friend. What happened to giving her some privileges?It’s not like they don’t give money.

Xiao Wang quickly spoke to comfort him.

"Indeed, it's a first-come, first-served basis. Jin Yin, go to the store next to you and sit there for a while. After you've been busy for a while, come back and choose slowly.

Sorry, these are just a few words my friend just said. Please read on and tell me which one you like. "

Xiao Wang gave Jin Yin face and steps. Jin Yin was a little unhappy, but she still endured her displeasure and went out.

The classmates who came with me quickly stepped forward and asked.

"You know the boss?"

“It’s not the boss, just a friend from before who is now selling goods here.

Let's go to the store next door first. I think the clothes here are just average. Don't Youyi Store also sell coats? They are also very nice.

Moreover, there is Chu Dong’s store, so the wealth does not go to other people’s fields, so why bother buying from other people’s stores? "

That's the truth.

But they have visited Chu Dong's clothing store eight times instead of ten times. They only have a few styles that they have been wearing before, so they don't think there is anything wrong with them.

Now that I have seen the styles of Jinhe brand clothes, when I look back at Chu-style clothes, I really can’t stand them.

The style is old-fashioned, the colors are single, and the clothes are thick and heavy. It is difficult to lift your arms when wearing them in winter.

Several people didn't want to leave, and Jin Yin kept trying to persuade them. In addition, Chu Dong was standing nearby, so they had no choice but to follow them and take a look.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Jinhe International Clothing Store, Chu Style Clothing Store in Youyi Shopping Mall can be described as "bleak".

After walking around, the salesperson was sitting on a chair and yawning. When a customer came, he just shouted indifferently.

“You can look at it but not touch it, and you don’t have to negotiate the price.”

The more this happens, the more the girls want to go back.

Jin Yin happened to walk in and looked over several times at the striped brown coats hanging on the wall.

"Isn't this pretty?"

"To be honest, it's not as good-looking as Jin He's. Yin Yin, let's go back and line up, lest all the good ones are snatched up."

Jin Yin had a sullen face and held a breath in her heart.

As a former friend, she didn't even give him any convenience, so she wouldn't take care of business.

"Chu styles are all classic models, with a factory behind them and guaranteed quality. Jinhe is just a miscellaneous brand with no foundation at all. I don't like it anyway. Are you going to follow the trend like those people?"

"Forget it, you'd better watch it for yourself, we're leaving." If you don't hurry up, you'll really be robbed.

After saying that, a few people ran away without looking back, looking anxious for fear that they wouldn't be able to buy anything if they were late.

Jin Yin watched from behind, her face darkening.

The salesperson urged from behind.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to buy it or not? If not, don't keep occupying the spot. Come back after you think about it."

"What's your attitude? Do you know who we are?"

"Who are you? So what if you are the King of Heaven? If you don't buy it, you, a little girl, won't be ashamed."

Jin Yin's face turned red with anger, and she turned around and shouted at Chu Dong.

"Is this the attitude of your employees? How dare you be so arrogant and domineering after seeing your boss! Why do you keep such employees?"

Later, when the salesman learned Chu Dong's identity, his arrogance immediately subsided and he apologized to Jin Yin in a gentle manner.

Jin Yin's anger quickly dissipated when she thought of her arrogant attitude toward others and how she could only grovel in front of him.

Finally, Chu Dong gave her another coat.

The material is very good and thick, and it has a belt in the middle. It is already a popular style. A simple piece can be sold for nearly 40 yuan, which is considered a luxury item nowadays.

Jin Yin felt much better. She changed her clothes and went to the door of Jinhe Clothing Store. She found that there was still a queue there, and the business was so good.

She didn't understand what was so good about these fancy clothes, and now that the country advocates frugality and simplicity, here they were all fancy clothes.

At this time, several girls who came with her came out happily.

Everyone is wearing a new set of clothes, loose jeans, casual baseball uniforms, fresh floral jackets, or slim-fitting jackets.

In an instant, the whole street looked like a fashion catwalk, with bright colors that made people unable to take their eyes away.

Several people were discussing the clothes they were wearing.

"The salesperson in this store is very kind and even let me try on a few clothes. Although the clothes are a bit expensive, they will not be out of date if I wear them for another ten years!"

"Jin Yin, are you really not going to take a look? Your friend just asked us why you didn't come."

Jin Yin's expression remained unchanged and she smiled lightly.

“I don’t like clothes that are too fancy, and this kind of pure woolen woolen fabric is more comfortable for me to wear.”

"They also have pure wool sweaters! They are very beautiful! They are exactly the same as those worn by Hong Kong celebrities! Unfortunately, they are too expensive and I can't afford them, but I plan to bring my mother!"

A hint of disdain curled up at the corner of Jin Yin's mouth.

"Pure wool? Where else in the city can you buy wool products besides Chu's?"

Don't be fooled. "

Chu Dong spoke at this time.

"This kind of store won't last long. My dad said that the better your attitude towards customers, the less likely they are to retain them. You have to focus all your energy on the products. It's useless to waste time elsewhere.

Moreover, I dare say that my clothes are the only ones in the city that are made of wool, and hers must be fake. "

As soon as he said this, several girls asked back.

"How do you know it's not made of wool? It feels so comfortable to me. The material feels softer than the one Jin Yin wears." (End of Chapter)

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