Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 103 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

"The wool has to be transported from XJ. I am the only one in the city with a dedicated fleet that collects wool every year. Other clothing stores do not have this channel at all.

So I said her house is fake and sells fake goods. "

Chu Dong's tone was firm and his attitude was confident.

At this time Jin Yin suddenly asked.

“What should I do if I buy a fake?”

"The Industrial and Commercial Bureau can report it. Nowadays, private shops like this are strictly regulated. As long as the report is true, the business license will usually be revoked and a fine will be imposed.

A while ago, a store selling fake wool products was closed down. The owner lost [-] yuan and almost lost everything. "

At this time, the market economy had just started and was already struggling. Most businesses were operating with integrity, and not only did they not have the intention but also the ability.

That store was only found out because it used chemical fiber wool to pretend to be wool. Nowadays, few people can use wool products. Naturally, it is easy to be deceived, but experienced people can see it at a glance.

Jin Yin's eyes lit up and she asked excitedly.

"Can it really be punished that much?"

"My dad said this. It can still be fake. There are not many fakes in the market now. If there are any, they will definitely be fined."

And the amount of the fine depends entirely on the person's mood.

Jin Yin looked at the busy shop in front of her and held Chu Dong's arm.

"Then buy one."

"buy what?"

"Wool clothes, unscrupulous shops selling dog meat like sheep's heads, if we don't care, won't more and more people be deceived?

It’s not easy for everyone to make some money, not to mention, wouldn’t it be good for the Chu family? "

Chu Dong disagreed.

"This kind of small store won't last long. Don't compare it with Chu's. Our Chu's has branches all over the country. This kind of store will not have much impact on us.

However, it is indeed wrong to lie to people, so buy one and take a look. "

Jin Yin finally had the patience to wait in line.

She stood at the back of the team and watched each girl come out anew, with a touch of disdain in her eyes.

Finally it was her turn, and Xiao Wang entertained her warmly.

"I thought you wouldn't come just now. It doesn't matter which one you like. It doesn't matter if you look at a few more. Just try it slowly."

"Do you have woolen sweaters at home?"

"Yes, we are the only ones selling woolen sweaters on this street. There are tight and loose ones. Which one do you want?"

"Show me all of them."

Xiao Wang took off two white wool sweaters, placed them in front of Jin Yin, and let her try them on.

The clothes are soft and comfortable, and the lines fit the body perfectly, making the young body slim and graceful.

Jin Yin looked at herself in the mirror, and her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

"How's it going? Is this dress comfortable? Our boss wears it himself, why don't you get one?"

"Your boss is very powerful. Where did you get the wool?"

"I don't know about that. I'm just a clothes seller. If you want to know, you can ask her in person when she comes."

Jin Yin smiled and tugged on her sleeves. They were very elastic. She then tugged on the hem of her clothes. They were much looser and more elastic than ordinary wool products.

"how much is it?"

"Wool products are very expensive, this one costs 38."

"38...is it more expensive than what Chu sells?"

"I've also looked at Chu's clothes. They don't use as much wool as ours, and their styles aren't as good-looking as ours. We've clearly marked the prices on them. If you think they're expensive, you can change them to wool vests."

Jin Yin looked calm and spoke in a calm tone. "Fortunately, it's not too expensive, so I bought it."

Liao Lin just gave her the book fee for the next semester, plus what he had saved, Jin Yin paid for it all.

She just took a piece of clothing from Chu Shibai, but this time Chu Dong refused to help her pay for it.

But it doesn’t matter if you pay it yourself, since you will have to return it to her intact when the time comes.

"How much money can you make if you help the boss sell things? I worked well as an accountant before. Why do you come here to do this kind of work?"

Jin Yin was chatting while paying, and her eyes accidentally glanced at the cabinet in front of Xiao Wang. It was full of banknotes.

Xiao Wang was very busy. Although he could hear the sense of superiority in Jin Yin's tone, he had no time to argue with her.

"It's only two hundred a month. I don't know how much you city people earn. Anyway, this little money is enough for me. One month's money is worth what I used to do for a year."

"One or two hundred? Haha...you are still so joking."

Xiao Wang is still smiling.

She has made money, is broad-minded and fat, and can tolerate all scoundrels and fools, let alone people like Jin Yin who look down on others.

After buying the clothes, Jin Yin asked casually.

"How did you meet your boss?"

"I'm from the same village."

"From the same village?"

Jin Yin glanced at her one more time, with these surprises in her tone.

Xiao Wang smiled meaningfully, nodded, and raised his tone.

"Yes, you know him from the same village."

"From the same village? Do I know him? Who?"

Xiao Wang turned away and went to receive the next guest.

Jin Yin was hanging there, feeling stuck in her heart, unable to get up or down. She felt that the originally simple Xiao Wang had now become a little disgusting.

There is more of a businessman's philistineness and cleverness, and he smells like copper, and lies easily come out of his mouth.

Could such a big shop be opened by a villager?Those who can open shops on this street are basically all locals. How can outsiders have the ability to buy such a large shop and do business here.

Jin Yin was sure that Xiao Wang had deliberately lied to her. Was she worried that she knew the owner of this store?

But it's not impossible. This street is not far from home, and there aren't many locals here. Maybe she can really know the store owner.

Even if she didn't know him, her parents had taught for so many years and even the city leaders knew him, let alone an ordinary vendor.

Thinking of this, Jin Yin's mood calmed down a lot. She looked at Xiao Wang and smiled coldly, turned around and left directly.

Before leaving, she saw a familiar figure.

She was so familiar with this person that Jin Yin could recognize him at a glance even from his back.

Jin Shu, why is she here?

Oh, by the way, wasn't the dress she was wearing bought in this store? Maybe she got to know Xiao Wang because of it.

Both of them came from a small place, so it was normal for them to join a group to stay warm in such a big city.

Seeing Xiao Wang talking and laughing to her, Jin Yin sneered.

They all come from small places, and they are used to grouping together to exclude others. Xiao Wang probably learned this from Jin Shu.

It's quite sad. The only way out for these people is probably this, to smile at others and grovel to earn so little money.

Such people won't be able to laugh for long. Since ancient times, they have been inferior in everything but have good education. Without education or culture, they can only do these undignified jobs for the rest of their lives.


"Jin Yin came here specially to buy a woolen sweater. She always feels like she has no good intentions when asking questions." (End of Chapter)

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