Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 104 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Chapter 104 The male and female protagonist died in the 80s (30)

"Oh, how do you say that?"

"She was like this before. When I was working as an accountant, she would come to play with me every day, and she would move in with me at night. I was not used to sleeping in the same room as others, so I refused.

Later, she came to chat with me very enthusiastically, and said that I must be lonely here as a foreigner.

I liked her very much at first, but then she was taken back by her biological parents. Before she left, she came over and said a word to me.

Guess what she said. "

Jin Shu asked cooperatively.

"Well, say what?"

"She said that people in the city are hard to get along with, especially since your temper has been spoiled for a long time. You especially dislike country people. She asked me to be careful not to provoke you."

Jin Shu nodded. No wonder the original owner felt an inexplicable rejection and alienation from the people around him when he arrived in the countryside. It turned out that Jin Yin had already vaccinated them.

"So as soon as I saw you, I immediately recognized you. I thought you were a delicate city dweller who looked down on us and didn't want to play with us.

Now it seems that she is just talking nonsense and digging a hole for you. "

Prejudice is a terrible thing. Once you have an impression, it is difficult to change it.

The original owner was homesick and couldn't adapt to the huge gap. Her former friends were hundreds of miles apart, and girls of the same age were prejudiced and dissatisfied with her when she came here.

The original owner, who was already sensitive, became more withdrawn over time and no longer wanted to communicate with others.

There may be some problems with the original owner's character, but the heroine Jin Yin is also inseparable from the original owner's tragic life.

Xiao Wang has a clear mind and takes the initiative to break through prejudices and get to know Jin Shu deeply, only to realize that what Jin Yin said before was completely fabricated.

"That's why I don't like her. She doesn't even understand you, so I just say that you are arrogant and difficult to get along with. It's very irresponsible to say this. I think she hates you very much."

Xiao Wang himself felt baffled when he said this sentence.

"She held the wrong child. She doesn't blame her parents for not taking good care of her, so why does she blame you?"

“If everything in the world had its truth, there would be no bad people in the world.”

Jin Shu was used to seeing hostility from others, and Jin Yin's kind was nothing to her.

"She bought a dress from me, will there be any problem?"

"What's the problem? Relax and work hard, the guests are still waiting."

Xiao Wang immediately shifted his attention and started working.

Seeing that the business in the store was getting better and better, it was definitely not enough for Xiao Wang alone. After the business was over, Jin Shu took Xiao Wang for a walk around the major supply and marketing cooperatives.

Now that the private economy is booming, the business of the supply and marketing cooperative is obviously not as prosperous as before. The salespersons who were once so busy that their feet never touched the floor are now sitting there chatting.

When guests come, few are willing to stand up and shout.

After all, they have long been accustomed to customers being delivered to their doorsteps, and all they have to do is collect money.

Occasionally two people were willing to stand up, but their tone was mostly dull and impatient.

Because Jin Shu and Xiao Wang did not come here to buy things, they looked young and did not seem to have any spending power.

In the end, there was only one elder sister in her forties who followed the two of them with a smile. No matter what she was looking at, she could introduce a few words without showing any signs of impatience.

"Sister, how much will I pay you to work here for a month? How long will you work?"

"Thirty bucks, not much work, and close to home. Why do you two want to come here to do it?"

Those who can work as salespersons here are those with some connections in their families. This was one of the most popular positions in the past. Money was put into the hands of customers without even talking.

If you feel better, just say a few more words.

Even if you are in a bad mood, even if you curse, the guests will not leave.Of course, this is just the past, when there were many people and few goods, there was no need to worry about selling.

Now there are two or three private shopping malls opened in the city. The street across the street is full of private shops. They sell a wide variety of products at low prices, and the bosses have a good attitude and can bargain.

If these salespersons have a bad attitude, the customers will turn around and leave without even looking.

"Sister, the business of the shops outside is so good, is it difficult for our supply and marketing cooperative to do business?"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter to us whether we eat the country's food well or not, as long as we have the money to take it."

"Is the salary getting less and less?"

The eldest sister was silent and looked at Xiao Wang with doubts in her eyes.

"Why do you, little girl, ask so many questions?"

"I like you, so I just wanted to have a few words with you. We opened a store next door, and there is currently a salesperson missing in the store. It seems that you are the most suitable person.

The monthly salary is RMB [-], and the more you sell, you will get commission. If you are interested, you can go to the Jinhe Brand International Clothing Store across the street to have a look.

Sister, fewer and fewer people will come here to buy things. It’s time to find another way out for yourself. "

After saying this, Xiao Wang nodded towards Jin Shu, indicating that it was almost time to leave.

So the two left side by side, leaving the eldest sister standing there thoughtfully.

"What are you doing in a daze? Let me tell you, those two have no money at first sight. They have been working for a long time and haven't sold anything yet."

The eldest sister turned around and heard the sarcasm of her colleagues.

They gathered together in small groups, eating melon seeds and watching TV. Their procrastinating and casual attitude made the customers outside the door who wanted to come in couldn't help but frown and leave.

The eldest sister thought for a while.

"Do you think our job is a guaranteed job?"

"Hahaha! Sister, don't you know how hard you worked to get in? We are assigned by the state! It's not an iron rice bowl, is it?"

"Then no one comes to buy anything, so what else do we need to do?"

The eldest sister seems to have discovered something extraordinary.

But the other party licked the melon seeds with a nonchalant expression and glanced at her.

"Sooner or later, these people will come back. Those people who practice capitalism will be finished sooner or later! Just wait, I told my partner. Those who only think about being bosses and capitalists will be in trouble soon!"

The eldest sister smiled stiffly.

Is it?

When the country announced that private operations could be carried out, these people said that the private sector would be finished soon.

In this way, two or three years have passed, and I have watched others become bigger and bigger. Those who did not have formal jobs before are now driving and becoming bosses, and the control these people talk about is still not implemented.

After looking at the depressed supply and marketing cooperative, the eldest sister secretly made a decision.

You need to prepare yourself in advance.


The second Jinhe International Clothing Store opened.

The newly hired salesperson is kind-hearted and has a friendly smile. Many customers call her Sister Zhou after coming here several times.

Jin Shu rarely looked at people wrongly, and it was no different this time. The eldest sister she fell in love with at first sight was indeed naturally friendly and liked by the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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