Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 105 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Chapter 105 The male and female protagonist died in the 80s (31)

A foreign trade import store opened across the street.

Specializing in novelties imported from abroad.

Xiao Wang ran into the store excitedly. Jin Shu was sitting at the cashier doing the accounting. The account book in her hand was getting thicker and thicker. The abacus in Jin Shu's hand was "crackling" and her long fingers were moving quickly. Xiao Wang couldn't see her fingers clearly.

"Why are you still using an abacus? Didn't I buy a calculator for you?"

"I'm not used to it, but this is more comfortable to use."

Jin Shu worked as an innkeeper for a period of time. At first, he just wanted to cope with the long life. Unexpectedly, the birds and beasts on the mountain next to him absorbed the spiritual power emanating from Jin Shu, and each of them became refined. Hence the name of Fairy Mountain. Word spread, and the business of the inn at the foot of the mountain was getting better and better.

Because of her lonely temperament, Jin Shu was the only one in the inn. When business was good, the stack of ledgers would be as tall as one person. In order to deal with these ledgers, Jin Shu learned abacus.

After so long, I never thought I could continue to pick up this craft.

"Oh, don't forget it. When the business gets bigger, you can hire an accountant. Besides, I can do this too. Come and see the store opposite. It's really cool. There's a piano in it!" "

This city is indeed a big city, and all developments are at the forefront of the country. Xiao Wang thinks that he has gained a lot of knowledge after coming here, and he will not show any shyness when going out.

But when she looked at the foreign trade mall opposite, she felt like a country bumpkin entering the city. Everything in it was so novel, many of which she had never heard of.

"A lot of people are outside watching the fun. Hurry up. If there are too many people, you won't be able to squeeze in."

Jin Shu slowly finished calculating the accounts at hand.

"If you want to watch, just go, why bother holding me back."

"No, I don't dare to do it alone. You are richer than me, you have the confidence, and you are from the city, so you must be more knowledgeable than me."

Xiao Wangsheng forcefully pulled Jin Shu over. Sure enough, almost all the shops on the street were gathered outside, and there were already many people inside. Everyone was full of curiosity about this suddenly opened shopping mall.

"This is private, right? Who is the boss? It's five floors up!"

"Who knows, those who can open such a big shopping mall must be big bosses."

With Jin Shu by his side, Xiao Wang instantly felt confident and pretended to walk in leisurely and naturally while facing the smiling faces of the two welcoming guests at the door. "Wow! It's so soft here!"

There was a huge red carpet at the door. It felt soft when you stepped on it, and your legs became soft.

In front of you is a two-story high hall. In the center of the hall is an artificial fountain, with water gurgling from all directions and melodious and soothing music.

Xiao Wang was dazzled and overwhelmed.

"Look, there's a piano here. It looks so expensive."

There was a price tag next to it, and Xiao Wang curiously went over to take a look.

The next second, she rubbed her eyes and then took another look.

"Is this marked wrong? How much is it?"

Xiao Wang lowered his head and started counting.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand... 60?!!"

60? !

This thing costs 60? !

This has completely exceeded the astronomical figure that Xiao Wang could have imagined.

For 60, I can buy the entire street of shops.

"Who would buy something so expensive?"

“There are more rich people than you think, and more money than you think.”

(End of this chapter)

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