Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 106 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

This foreign trade department store has obviously raised the standard of the entire street to a higher level instantly.

Xiao Wang lay in front of a glass cabinet and stared at the gorgeous jewelry inside.

"This is called a diamond ring, diamond... Jin Shu, do you know what it is?"

Jin Shu lowered her head and looked down. The dazzling stone in front of her was transparent and hard, as if it were the large piece of rough stone she once found in a cave.

Is this thing so valuable?Such a small one costs 10,000+, which is considered a mini Santana.

This mall is more like a museum to most people than it is about selling goods.

In this era when the market economy has just started, everything here gives people a glimpse of the prosperity and progress abroad.

Since then, Xiao Wang will come here to hang out after work.

This time after work, she planned to lock the door and leave as usual. When she turned around, she suddenly saw three men in uniform standing at the door of the store with serious expressions.

"After receiving a report that your store is selling fake wool products, please open the door and cooperate with the investigation."

Xiao Wang had never seen such a scene before. She was so frightened that she stayed in place and did not dare to move. But she soon calmed down and quickly opened the door.

"Okay, I will cooperate."

Fake wool?What fake wool?

Xiao Wang was confused, but she also knew that the situation was serious now, and the only thing she could do was to cooperate.

Several inspectors walked directly into the store.

"Take all the woolen clothes out of your store."

Xiao Wang took out the clothes and spread them in front of them, and then asked carefully.

"Comrade, is there any misunderstanding? The wool products we have here are all real wool. The boss bought them at a high price. There will be no fake ones."

"We will know if it is fake or not after taking it for inspection. During this period, your store will be closed. When the results come out and there are no problems, we will inform you when it will open."

"Huh? Close the door?"

Xiao Wang's face turned pale with fright.

How much money do you lose in one day?

Jin Shu was not here, so she couldn't handle this situation at all. She glanced out helplessly and saw several high school students from a nearby school looking in curiously.

One of them looked familiar.

"Jin Yin..."

Xiao Wang's mind was spinning quickly, and he immediately thought of the wool products Jin Yin bought in the store not long ago.

"Jin Yin!"

Xiao Wang called her, his voice a little nervous, but he still tried to control his emotions.

"Where's Jin Shu? When will Jin Shu come back?"

"How do I know? What's wrong with your store? Is there something wrong?"

Several other girls were also whispering.

Xiao Wang stared at Jin Yin holding back his anger.

"Don't you know what happened to our store?"

"How do I know? If there is something wrong with the items sold in your store and it is investigated, it is your own problem. Where is your boss? Are you the one selling clothes to take the blame?"

Xiao Wang's breathing was rapid. She was already panicking. Now facing Jin Yin, she couldn't think straight and could only listen to what she said.

"I advise you to go back now. It's not that easy to make a living here. How can there be such a thing as pie in the sky? You, a high school graduate, can just take over 100 a month?

This store has a huge problem, and something will happen sooner or later. If it's serious, a jail sentence would be considered a light thing, and maybe... even shot. "

Xiao Wang trembled all over.

It would be a lie to say that you are not afraid.

But she believed in Jin Shu, so she forced herself to calm down, but before she could say anything, tears were about to fall.Jin Yin sighed helplessly and was about to say something else, when suddenly a cool voice came from behind.

"Then do you know what crime it is to report falsely to the police and frame someone else?"

Jin Yin trembled all over and turned around immediately.

Jin Shu was standing behind him with a cold look.

"Jin Shu? Are you here too? Do you have a good relationship with Xiao Wang? But it's no wonder, they are fellow villagers and they should join the team to keep warm.

But I advise you not to talk nonsense and add fuel to others' fire. "

When Xiao Wang saw Jin Shu, it was like seeing a rescuer, his eyes brightened and his voice shouted happily.

"You're here. As soon as I closed the store, they said they had received a report that someone was selling fake wool in the store!"

With Jin Shu, Xiaowang felt confident and could speak much more firmly.

Jin Yin looked at it and wanted to laugh.

Even if it is an emergency, this is not the way to seek medical treatment. Is it possible that a mere Jin Shu can be of any help?

Instead of looking for Jin Shu, it would be better to ask her for help.

"You'd better call your boss here, or be careful of taking the blame and going to jail."

Xiao Wang finally couldn't help it anymore, took Jin Shu's arm, turned around, stared at Jin Yin fiercely, and said loudly.

"Are you blind? Our boss is standing in front of you and you still don't recognize him?"

The smile on Jin Yin's face froze immediately, her expression was weird and complicated, as if she couldn't accept the facts for a while and was deeply shocked.

"She is your boss?"

"What? Is there a problem? Does her being the boss irritate you?"

Xiao Wang had long been unhappy with Jin Yin, but now he looked at her complex expression as if she had eaten shit, and felt even happier, without any of the nervousness and fear he had just now.

Jin Yin immediately put a smile on her face again.

"I didn't expect you to be quite capable enough to open a store here."

Jin Shu looked at her with a calm expression and an even more casual tone.

“What skills are needed to open a store here?”


Jin Yin could no longer look into Jin Shu's eyes. The calm and confident look in those eyes could still show off her superiority at this moment.

What is so superior about her?
Why should a businessman and a rustic countryman be arrogant in front of a local like her?

"Haha...you are awesome, no wonder you earn so much, selling fake goods to deceive people in big cities.

It's a pity that this is not a quiet countryside. The people here have used good products. You can't fool us with fake products that cannot be sold on the market.

Comrades from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau will give us an explanation!And you have to give us a refund for the clothes we bought from you! "

Jin Shu looked at her filled with indignation, waited for her to finish, then nodded and looked at the people watching the excitement outside the door.

"Don't worry, if our store sells fake goods, our store will definitely be shut down. When the time comes, you can return the clothes and I will refund you double the amount you bought.

Thank you for your likes, please believe in our sign of honest management, and ask you to testify in two days to prove that our Jinhe Brand International Clothing Store is genuine! "

As soon as he said this, those watching the excitement outside the door felt confident.

It turned out that it was just an inspection, not that I was found to be selling fake goods.

Next, Jin Shu cooperated with the investigation and closed the shop. The whole process was very fast, and more and more people watched the excitement.

passers-by asked curiously.

"What's going on? Why is this store closed?"

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