Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 107 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Jin Yin answered casually.

"You were banned for selling fake goods. Remember to bring your clothes and refund your money in two days. We must not let the sign of our city be ruined by such a person!"

"Fake? What do you mean? Are these clothes real or fake?"

"Of course, all their wool is fake, Chu uses real wool."

"Hey, I quite like their clothes. What a pity, what a pity!"

Jin Yin glanced at her and smiled.

"What's the pity? There are so many clothes in the world. Without her, we can't buy them from other people's houses?"

"You've never shopped at Jinhe Brand, have you? Anyone who has shopped there will definitely not be able to say this.

The clothes in this store are beautiful and fashionable. I heard that even movie stars come to buy them!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, as long as it looks good. "

Jin Yin sneered again and again, feeling unreasonable.

What is fake is fake, and those who sell fakes will be punished!Otherwise, this city would not be allowed to be occupied by these foreigners!
Jin Yin went to school the next day and subconsciously glanced at the corner.

Sure enough, Jin Shu hadn't come back yet after class.

Chu Dong, who had been paying close attention to Jin Shu during this period, noticed it immediately. He was so distracted that he turned his head to take a look from time to time.

"What's wrong? Can't remember the old relationship? Do you care about her so much?"

Jin Yin scoffed while sorting out the books.

Chu Dong asked immediately.

"My classmates, who wouldn't be curious if you didn't come to class, right? Everyone is very curious."

As soon as he said hello, people gathered around him. Everyone felt that Jin Shu and Jin Yin had some connection after all. If Jin Shu was not here, Jin Yin must know something more or less.

Sure enough, it could be seen from her expression that she knew.

"What are you asking about? It's hard for me to talk about her matters. It's very serious. It's definitely not good for me to talk about her casually."

Someone urged anxiously.

"Serious? What's wrong? Say it quickly, paper can't contain the fire. If you don't tell us, we will know sooner or later."

"It's very difficult for me to do this. Forget it...I can say it, but don't spread it, otherwise it will have a great impact on Jin Shu's reputation."

After much hesitation, Jin Yin explained the matter again.

"What?! Jin Shu sells fake goods to make money?! Got caught?! Still going to jail?!"

Three consecutive questions were enough to show that he was extremely shocked.

"No way, I can't tell she is this kind of person. She just works hard to make money if she doesn't have money. How can she sell fakes!"

"She even faked her life experience. What's wrong with selling fake products? Isn't it normal?"

"How long will it take to go to jail? Isn't it possible that she is still squatting in there after we have graduated from college?"

After a heated discussion, Jin Yin lowered her eyes and sighed, looking at Chu Dong helplessly.

"I don't want to see her like this, but the matter of selling fakes will be exposed sooner or later, and it's probably too late to make her return from her lost ways."

Chu Dong had a complicated expression, and his reason told him that this matter would be good for the Chu family.

But I still feel a little regretful in my heart.

After all, a relationship of more than ten years cannot be broken off easily.

"She is quite capable, with good grades and good design talent. If she doesn't go astray, she can actually work at Chu's."

Chu Dong sighed, his face full of displeasure.

When Jin Yin saw it, her eyes dimmed slightly.

"Is it difficult to design clothes? I think the clothes she sells are all of foreign styles." "Not every piece of foreign clothes is easy to sell. People in our country have their own aesthetics. If it were really that simple, Our Chu family has already opened stores all over the country."

Jin Yin's face was sullen, her lips almost pursed into a line.

On the way home, she went to the bookstore and bought a lot of fashion magazines. These magazines were from all over the world. The women in the magazines were dressed in different styles and looked very fashionable and beautiful.

"What's the problem? Just buy a few pieces of cloth and sew them."

She followed the colors and styles of clothes in the book and went to a tailor shop to buy some pieces of fabric. When she first arrived home, Liao Lin saw Jin Yin coming back with large and small bags, untied her apron and stuck her head out to ask.

"What did you buy? So much?"

"Mom, lend me your sewing machine. I want to make something."

"Sewing machine? Can you use it?"

"You can teach me if I don't know how. Didn't you teach Jin Shu before?"

Liao Lin felt a little strange when he heard this.

"Jin Shu? You kid, why do you suddenly want to learn this?"

"Jin Shu can learn if she wants to, but can't I if I want to learn?"

"No... Mom didn't say she wouldn't let you learn. Why are you studying for the Lord now? It's delaying your studies."

Liao Lin followed Jin Yin to the guest room, where there was a sewing machine.

"Then did Jin Shu delay her studies when she was studying? She didn't delay, why do you think I would delay?"

Liao Lin frowned and looked at Jin Yin in front of him, feeling tired.

"You can learn if you want. Why are you always mentioning Shushu? If she is interested in sewing machines, I will teach her. If you are interested, I will teach you too."

Jin Yin sat in front of the sewing machine, lowered her head and choked.

"But when I wanted to learn in the past ten years, I didn't even have a sewing machine. How could I learn? You are my mother, why do you have to teach Jin Shu so many things? And now I don't know anything!"

When Liao Lin heard this, he felt helpless and distressed.

The daughter had indeed suffered, and she was trying her best to make up for it, being careful not to mention anything about Jin Shu.

But now she still couldn't let go. Liao Lin had no choice but to leave his work at home and teach her how to use a sewing machine.

"Twist and thread the thread here. After it is threaded, fold the garment in half where you want to sew it, and push it forward along the needle. Don't stop your feet during this process..."

"Hiss—it hurts!"

Without paying attention for a second, blood gushed out from Jin Yin's finger.

Liao Lin hurriedly helped her deal with it and comforted her.

"Beginners are like this, don't worry, just practice slowly for a few months using some unnecessary fabrics."

"A few months? Then when can I make clothes? A few months is too slow."

"Why are you making clothes? You can't rush this kind of thing. Mom had been studying for several years, let alone making clothes. Take your time and don't rush. We don't rely on this to make a living."

Jin Yin breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She probably asked Liao Lin to go out and do some work after she learned how to do it, and then she started sewing according to the clothes in the magazine.

Finally, the clothes were made, with twisted fabric and centipede-like wiring. Let alone putting it on, you wouldn’t even know it was a piece of clothing even if you threw it on the ground.

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stomped on the clothes on the ground.

It’s all Jin Shu’s fault!
Blame her!

If she hadn't taken away my life, she would be the one who can easily make beautiful clothes now!

Now, on the other hand, she has to start everything over again, like a clown who is angry with herself!
Fortunately, Jin Shu reaped the consequences. She finally had to pay the price for a life that did not belong to her.

This can also be regarded as a kind of compensation for the victims.

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