Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 108 The male and female protagonists died in the 80s

Jin Shu has not come to school for two days.

"It's been two days and you haven't come back yet. You can't really be arrested like Jin Yin said, right?"

Chu Dong specifically asked his family to ask about Jin Shu's situation, but in the end he found out nothing.

Soon Liao Lin Fufu and his wife also knew about this, because there was a lot of rumors in the school that Jin Shu was arrested for selling fake goods and was about to be shot.

Liao Lin almost fainted when he heard the news.

Go directly to the door of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and ask for information.

After all, she was the daughter he had raised for more than ten years. Liao Lin would not be able to bear it if she was really imprisoned for the rest of her life for selling fake goods.

The director of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau was Zhao Huaijing's old classmate. For this reason, Liao Lin specifically asked Zhao Huaijing to treat his old classmate to a meal. The man promised, but when he asked him again after a day, he only replied.

"I'm busy, so I don't have the guts to say anything."

"That's Shushu's business. Why are you, a father, so embarrassed to speak up?"

"Whose child is Shushu? Why should we be so anxious? Yinyin has been emotionally unstable during this period. She often goes to the balcony to cry alone at night. Do you know?

We agreed at the time that we would never ask too many questions after we returned. Now that you are so busy, Yin Yin's thoughts have been ignored by you. "

Men's sanity is terrible.

He seems to only care about blood and not family ties.

Liao Lin was heartbroken and helpless.

In this home, the father and daughter seemed to have agreed to be indifferent. As long as she showed concern for Jin Shu, the atmosphere at home would drop to freezing point.

Two days later, there were many people waiting at the door of the store to return the goods with their clothes.

Xiao Wang stood at the door of the store, lowering her head and saying nothing. No matter what the person in front of her shouted, she would only reply.

"Wait patiently for a while. I will definitely give you an explanation today. Either prove your innocence or refund your money. We will not shirk our responsibility!"

Seeing that the time was getting later and later, people coming and going on the street stopped to watch one after another. Everyone was curious about what happened in this store.

Jin Yin stood in the crowd, followed by several female classmates who had bought clothes together in the store.

"Jin Shu said she would refund the money, and it would be twice as much. What would you buy with the money then?"

"You said she was arrested, how can you refund the money?"

"Chu Dong's father sent someone to inquire and said that if there is a problem, even if the person is imprisoned, he will have to pay compensation. Anyway, Jin Shu will definitely have to pay compensation. Don't worry."

"Why don't you think she wants to sell fakes? The clothes are so expensive, but they are still fake. How greedy!"

Jin Yin looked at the store in front of her with a heavy gaze.

"Yeah, so greedy."

Wouldn't it be nice to live a good life in the countryside?Isn't this how she came here in her previous life?
When Jin Yin thought of her miserable life in her last life, Jin Yin felt that Jin Shu had lost too much now.

"It's coming! It's coming! Someone is coming!"

A black car drove slowly, with the words "Official Car" plastered on the car. People could tell at a glance that this must be someone from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Xiao Wang, who had been in a daze just now, immediately raised his head when he saw this, breathing quickly and waiting nervously.

The car door opened, and a young man wearing a white shirt and suit trousers stepped out. He wore glasses and looked polite and elegant. Jin Yin recognized him at a glance. "He is the secretary of the director. I met him when I went out to eat with my dad before."

"The secretaries are here, Jin Shu will definitely be in trouble."

Jin Yin walked up to him and greeted the young man familiarly.

"Hello, Uncle Han, I am Lin Yin, the daughter of teacher Lin Huaijing. We have met before."

Secretary Han smiled politely at her.

"Uncle Han, I want to ask how Jin Shu is doing? She is my classmate and also my friend. I want to ask if I can be dealt with lightly. She may just be thinking about it for the moment. For the sake of my father, can you please Give her another chance?"

Jin Yin knew that Lin Huaijing and the director were old classmates, and they had a good relationship and often ate together. If Lin Huaijing spoke behind the scenes, the director might operate in secret to release Jin Shu.

But if she directly revealed the relationship between the two now, the director would never be merciful to Jin Shu anymore because of this relationship.

Saying this is equivalent to blocking Jin Shu's only way of survival.

Secretary Han looked at Jin Yin choking and pleading in front of her, with a look of doubt in her eyes under the lenses.

"What are you talking about? What does this have to do with your dad?"

"I...I just, just want to plead for her."

"Why are you begging for mercy when someone has not made a mistake? It's inexplicable. It's easy for people to misunderstand you when you say this. Since he is Teacher Lin's child, he should learn how to speak. For such an old girl, how can he speak and do things without thinking at all? "

Jin Yin was stunned by this overwhelming accusation.

She choked for words, looking at him and then at Jin Shu who was following him from the car. Her eyes moved quickly, never expecting that things would develop to this point.

She stood there and watched Jin Shu walking over.

But the other person's eyes were clear and his complexion was fair and rosy, and it seemed that he had not suffered any torture at first glance.

"She didn't make a mistake? Uncle Han, has my dad already contacted the director?

Everyone knows that she sells fake wool, how could she not make a mistake? "

There were many people present, and Jin Yin's words were tantamount to rubbing the reputation and face of Lin Huaijing and the director on the ground.

There were so many people listening, and the situation was so tense now that Secretary Han immediately scolded him.

"What nonsense?! We have found experts to confirm the wool products, and the purchasing channels are also clear and transparent. If you have any questions, you can go back with us now to find out!

Moreover, Ms. Jin has already said that there are malicious competitions that undermine the harmonious relationship in the market. We will follow up and investigate those who report fake wool, and the whistleblowers will also be punished accordingly! "

After saying this, Jin Yin's face turned pale with fright.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the smile in Jin Shu's eyes. In an instant, countless grievances and anger surged into her heart.

"It's my dad who's helping you, right? It's my dad again! You don't have a dad yourself? Why do you have to come and disturb our family's life? You have enjoyed a good life for me for more than ten years, and now you want to continue to rob me? Leave my parents?!"

The words were spoken loudly, and the surrounding students could hear them clearly.

Jin Shu had a calm face, but looked at Jin Yin with helplessness in her eyes.

Her behavior is almost the same as being obsessed with something. Her obsession is too deep and she is narrow-minded, pushing her life to the other end at every turn.

"I have said that I operate with integrity. On the contrary, people who report maliciously should be prepared. I have to find someone to compensate for the losses I have suffered during this period."

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