Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 120 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 120 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (3)

"Please prepare some test materials for me, no... just hire a tutor for me. When is the college entrance examination this year?"


The agent looked at Jin Shu with a look that looked like a fool.

"What's wrong with your brain again?"

"I can pay for the teacher myself."

"Okay, I can treat you, but don't embarrass yourself this time! You hold a tattered book and pretend to be in front of the camera all day long. If you don't think it's embarrassing, I still think it's embarrassing. Please, sister, don't do that. Ok?"

Jin Shu was speechless.

After all, the original owner did do this.

Of course, she is not pretending, but is really studying hard. However, she is busy at work and only thinks about the top male protagonist in love. In this state, it is very difficult to pass the exam.

Before this, many people had photographed her reading and studying anytime and anywhere, and most of them just looked at her as a joke.

Sure enough, the original owner lived up to expectations, her college entrance examination results were revealed, and her math score of more than 50 points earned her the nickname "Nine Leaky Fishes".

Overwhelming taunts rushed towards the original owner.

The agent thought that losing such a huge person last time would make Jin Shu give up the idea of ​​taking the exam. Unexpectedly, only half a year had passed and she would have to face difficulties again.


The agent originally wanted to say something sarcastic, but when he looked up, he suddenly saw a pair of calm and bright eyes, like a pool of spring water, exuding an indescribable indifferent temperament.

The words suddenly stopped coming out of his mouth.

"Forget it, I will arrange it for you as a tutor. Do you really want to learn? If it is true, I will arrange less work for you."

"it is true."

Nonsense, this is the original owner’s wish.

She only has two wishes in total: to get into college and experience college life.

Then help a friend’s parents enjoy their retirement years.

The heroine Shen Mianyi has her own parents to honor. As for her real parents, the book only briefly mentions that they live far away, and they are never mentioned again.

In fact, the heroine never thought of her original parents again, and the poor couple didn't even know that their biological daughter had lost her life to online violence.

Therefore, another wish of the original owner is to take good care of her parents on behalf of her friend.

This wish is simpler than the college entrance examination. Jin Shu takes the place of the heroine and sends money and gifts to her friend's parents every month.

How to explain to the couple next is something that will happen later, and it is useless to think about it now. After all, in the couple's eyes, their daughter is still alive and well.

Arriving at the interview recording site, the manager repeatedly asked Jin Shu.

"Talk less and laugh more, you hear me? If you ask about emotional issues, don't say anything misleading!"

The original owner of Love Brain often mentioned the male protagonist as his ideal type.

Jin Shu nodded, straightened her skirt and got out of the car.

The flash clicked on her face, and a business smile appeared on Jin Shu's face, which was decent, generous and beautiful.

Reporter 1: "Excuse me, Teacher Jin, are you satisfied with your recent variety show performance?"

Jin Shu replied: "I'm not very satisfied. There is indeed something wrong with the character design given by the company. I'm also seriously considering changing my personal style."

There was an uproar.

Reporter 2 followed closely: "So Teacher Jin's performance in the variety show is a character created by the company, right? For example, is he poor in math, poor in memory, etc.?"

Jin Shu: "My memory is indeed not very good, but it's not that bad. I will perform well next. Please give me another chance."

Reporter 3: "So what are your work plans next? Will you continue to participate in variety shows, or join a group to film?"

Jin Shu: "I will finish recording the variety show at hand first, and then I will consider filming, but in the meantime I still have one important thing to do."

Reporters all asked: "What happened? Is there any news about love?" Jin Shu smiled calmly: "Love is not as important as studying. I am preparing for the second college entrance examination in my life."

The audience was in an uproar again.

Reporters began to ask questions.

"Excuse me, what do you think was the problem when you failed the last college entrance examination?"

Jin Shu: “I lacked self-confidence, but now I am very confident.”

"So you think as long as you have confidence, you will definitely be able to get into college this year?"

Jin Shu: "Yes."

"So which university is your target?"

Jin Shu: “It’s not decided yet. If it’s decided, we’ll let everyone know.”

"Do you like the way you are called by the entire Internet now?"

Jin Shu: "If I don't like it, I will take practical actions to get rid of the Jiuluoyu hat."

"As for the scandal between you and a new idol actor, can you share with us the progress between you and him?"

Jin Shu thought about it for a moment, then looked at the reporter's camera without changing her expression.

"I'm asexual, thank you."



"Jin Shu, if you want to ruin your career, you can actually announce your withdrawal directly. There is no need to embarrass everyone in this way."

He smiled angrily, his manager Zhao Yan was in this state now, the smile on his face was uglier than crying.

Jin Shu looked innocent.

"I think my response was appropriate."

"You say you are asexual. What's the difference between saying that and saying that you won't eat meat for the rest of your life?
Are you waiting to be slapped in the face?

Doesn’t it hurt enough that our faces were hit? "

Jin Shu glanced at her.

"Are falling in love and eating meat the same thing? Will you die if you don't eat meat? Will you die if you don't fall in love?"


The manager stared at her, trying to control his breathing rhythm to restrain his inner urge to strangle Jin Shu.

"Forget it. Who asked you to tell me that you want to go to college? Haven't you heard of doing big things in silence? Before you want to do something, you must keep it secret from everyone. Don't you know? ?
Now that you have made it known to everyone, what will you do if you fail the exam?By then, your reputation will be reduced to rubbish, and you won’t even be able to hold it up even if you’re lying on the floor! "

"I will pass the exam."

Jin Shu replied forcefully and firmly.

There was obviously no expression on that face, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of solidity.

Zhao Yan was defeated by her look again.

It's all like this, what else can she say?
Will you continue to say depressing words to hurt Jin Shu's self-confidence?
"Forget it, forget it, you'd better keep your word. You can't hope to get into undergraduate school. Junior college, please, be sure to get into a better junior college and let those people shut up!"

"Take the exam at Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"If you keep talking nonsense, we have to go home and bake sweet potatoes. We have hired tutors for you. They are all students from key universities. Don't let my money go to waste."

Jin Shu nodded casually.

She actually didn't need a teacher, but learning alone would definitely make progress faster than having someone tutoring her, so this time she chose to take a shortcut.

(End of this chapter)

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