Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 121 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

That night, Zhao Yan rejected an announcement and asked Jin Shu to study hard at home.

Textbooks from the first to the third year of high school have been prepared, and math tutors will come to my door soon.

Opening the door, there was a very young boy standing outside, carrying a black backpack, dressed casually, and wearing a pair of half-rimmed glasses.

When he saw Jin Shu, he glanced at her one more time, then bent down and took off his shoes.

"Hello, my name is Mo Zhongxue, your math tutor. This is my student ID."

The ID shows him as an undergraduate in the Department of Mathematics at a certain university. The photo is as handsome as the person he is, except that he does not wear glasses and has a pair of narrow, deep eyes.

The two of them sat face to face. From the first to the third year of high school, Mo Zhongshu made a detailed class schedule and directly solved the mathematics college entrance examination questions without following the book content, starting from the simplest knowledge points.

He spoke very seriously, and his eyes rarely stayed on Jin Shu. Occasionally he would look into her eyes to judge her current mental state.

The first two hours of class passed quickly.

"You can first choose a target university and then set the score requirements, so that you will have a goal when studying, and you can adjust faster when you slack off."

"Well, let's go to your university. I saw the university photo on your student card. It's very nice."

Mo Zhongxue was silent for a few seconds and then answered.

"Our university has very high score requirements. I suggest that you don't set your initial goals too high and set them based on your own conditions."

The other person said it very tactfully.

The college entrance examination is still half a year away, and you have no chance of getting into our university.

Jin Shu didn't seem to understand and said another sentence.

"I like to challenge myself. Let's set this goal for now. Thank you for today."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The action of avoiding suspicion was quite obvious, and the speed when he left was obviously faster than when he came.

Jin Shu just smiled, closed the door, turned around and started sorting out what she had learned today.

She has experienced a college entrance examination. The content of the modern college entrance examination is obviously much more difficult than that of the early 90s, and there are many new question types that she has never seen before.

But if it’s difficult to argue, how could the teaching staff of that era be as good as today’s?

Sitting in a comfortable and clean environment with the evening breeze and focusing on studying is also a luxury for Jin Shu.

She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, mixed with some sugar. The sweet boiled water could alleviate the boredom a little.

As soon as seven o'clock arrived, time stood still. Jin Shu went out for a walk and carefully studied the city's operating system to ensure that she would not be exposed in the future.

After staying at home like this for two days, the manager came to the door with his assistant and makeup artist.

"Hurry up and don't sleep. The next escape room recording is about to start. Make up quickly and get to the recording site before seven o'clock."

As soon as Jin Shu got up, she was pinned down on the sofa. There was a makeup artist on the left and an assistant on the right. One brushed her face with a small brush, and the other directly stuffed a glass of cold black unknown liquid into her hand.

"what is this?"

"Iced American style, sister, please drink more to reduce the swelling."

Ice American?
She only inherited some important plot points from the original owner's mind, but not the details.

Looking at the dark liquid, Jin Shu took a sip and then spat it out expressionlessly.

"So it's Chinese medicine."

"Haha... Sister, you are so funny. Didn't you always rely on Bingmei to stay alive? Hurry up and drink. Time is running out."

The agent was on the phone nearby, and she was arguing grumpily with the person on the phone. "Was it an accident in the last recording? It's okay if you let a flying guest win. What does it mean to suppress our artist?
Don't talk nonsense. Please arrange for our artist to be farther away from us for this recording. Her brain is not working well in the first place. Please don't cause any trouble for us, okay? "

Jin Shu, who was lying on the gun inexplicably: "..."

The makeup artist whispered in her ear.

"Actually, your face looks better without makeup, or with light makeup..."

"Okay, you can figure it out."

"Ah? Really? I really...are watching?"


Why is this big star so talkative today?I had previously advised her that makeup that was too thick was not suitable for her, but she has her own aesthetics, which is to wear makeup on camera, so the thicker the makeup, the better.

The makeup artist was a little overwhelmed by the sudden compliment.

Because the make-up was simple, and the style was a simple double ponytail, a full hour was freed up in the originally tight time, and there was no one at the scene.

She came early and had nothing to do, so Jin Shu just took out the ancient Chinese poems and memorized them.

These ancient poems were too unfamiliar to her. Even though she had already passed the college entrance examination in the last century, but now looking at the ancient poems in this world, she suddenly discovered that the histories of the two worlds seemed different.

The dynasties are different, the historical celebrities are also different, and the poems and operas handed down are even different.

After discovering this, Jin Shu realized that she couldn't use the knowledge from the previous world to cheat, so she could only sort out all the content that should be memorized.

A thick stack of poetry collections, both in and out of class, are all within the scope of the exam.


It’s really not easy for modern students. In order to get a few more points, you have to put in so much effort.

Jin Shu has a good memory. She only needs to go over a necessary classical Chinese article two or three times before she can recite the outline.

The surrounding staff cast curious glances from time to time, the live broadcast camera was pointed at her, and the two directors sat not far away and laughed.

"Don't tell me, it's really like that."

"We just need to understand in our hearts. We still have to cooperate when we should. We will temporarily add post-production in the live broadcast room."

[The family members laughed, why are these sisters still deceiving themselves? 】

[I was in the first year of high school when she was reviewing for the college entrance examination. Now that I am in college, she is still reciting classical Chinese]

[Jin Shu vividly demonstrated that as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed]

[I usually put on a show, but my secret was revealed in the exam. I was so ridiculous that I was pretending to be a top student. Didn’t the slap in the face hurt enough? 】

[You can’t figure out calculations in elementary school and now you want to go to college?Can such low-energy artists be banned?What impact can it bring to the audience? 】

The barrage was filled with sarcasm, overwhelming.

Jin Shu, on the other hand, was minding her own business, turning the pages with her eyes downcast.

[If nothing else, she is really good-looking when she is pretending, why not just be a vase?]

[Do you feel that Jin Shu has changed today?This side face is so pure and beautiful]

[Pure-faced dog, if nothing else, I will lick this sister’s face. With such a face, people in the entertainment industry will be killed indiscriminately]

[Laughing to death, just a face and no brains, just a pure nine-leak fish]

"Jiu Le... No, Teacher Jin, the other guests have already boarded the car."

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