Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 122 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Jin Shu glanced at him, retracted her gaze, arranged the study materials on her lap, and then spoke slowly.

"Be careful what you say or you will need a lawyer."

Jin Shu, who had been the boss for half her life, had such an intimidating aura that she immediately shut up the other person.

He was just joking, and Jin Shu wouldn't mind it in the past. After all, she was known for her good temper.

Now that he suddenly showed his sharp edge, he was startled and made the other party suspicious and afraid, and he immediately did not dare to say anything nonsense.

"Teacher Jin, it's time to get in the car. The other guests are waiting."

Jin Shu handed the information to the assistant, slowly got up and walked outside.

A bus was parked outside, with several guests already sitting on it.

Four resident guests and two flying guests, there were already five people sitting in the car. When Jin Shu got on the car, there was a burst of laughter inside.

The first person to greet Jin Shu was the resident guest Xia Ke, who is also an actor and has some masterpieces, so she can be considered a quasi-A-list actress.

The remaining two male guests, one Kong Weishang, a fair and handsome actor, were responsible for enlivening the atmosphere in the entire team.

When he saw Jin Shu, he patted the place next to him.

"Come, Sister Jin, come and sit."

The original owner has a good temper and has a good relationship with the people in the team. Although they are not very familiar with each other, they still occasionally meet up to have dinner together in private.

After Jin Shu sat down, Ji Cheng, another resident male guest sitting in the front row, started the cue process directly.

"Let us welcome our flying guests for this episode of escape room, Mianyi and Shaoyu!"

Everyone applauded.

"These two are also our old friends. I can't forget Mian Yi's performance in the last episode. Why don't you take me with you in this episode."

Shen Mianyi was dressed in simple and comfortable sportswear and smiled generously in front of the camera.

"Personally, I think I'm still a bit timid."

Everyone couldn't help but complain when they heard it.

"Are you a coward? You can chase ghosts and fight! If you are a coward, then who are we?"

Shen Mianyi sat next to Xia Ke and moved closer to Xia Ke.

"Only when I see a beautiful woman can I be braver. Come on, beautiful girl."

Xia Ke was so amused that she covered her mouth and laughed. It was obvious at a glance that the two girls had a good relationship, and the three boys also knew each other. Everyone was talking in twos and threes, and Jin Shu on the side seemed a little too quiet.

[Laughing so hard, what route is Jin Shu planning to take?Aloof and cold sister style? 】

[The aloof sister Yu has nothing to do with her. If she has such a low IQ and is a bit more aloof, wouldn’t it be inappropriate to be at the bottom?]

[If you can’t get in, you can’t get in at all, why don’t the program team consider upgrading our sleepiness to permanent guests! 】

Jin Shu didn't feel that she couldn't fit in at all. She was used to staying alone quietly, until Kong Weishang suddenly turned around and told her.

"I heard that this issue has a horror theme, which is quite brain-burning, so we plan to let Shen Mianyi be the main force here, and you can just follow behind. This will save you a lot of trouble, okay?"

What these words mean is that when the time comes, the main player characters should be assigned to people with high IQs, such as Shen Mianyi.

This request was reasonable, but Jin Shu couldn't do it.

"The characters are all randomly arranged. Instead of discussing it with me, you might as well discuss it with the director."

"It's okay. You can exchange character cards then. These are all operable before the game starts. It's not like you don't know."

In the last episode of the program, Jin Shu was like this. She was persuaded to give up the highlight role and only an insignificant character was left behind. In the end, the program was slightly revised and reduced. When it was finally broadcast, Jin Shu had very few scenes.

This time, these people are up to their old tricks.

Anyway, Jin Shu has a good temper and will not show it even if she feels uncomfortable. With a pleaser personality, she is afraid that she will be disliked, so when talking about this matter, Kong Weishang just mentioned it casually, because he knew that Jin Shu Will definitely agree. "It's agreed."

"Is this your decision alone, or is it everyone's decision?"

"Everyone just agreed in the car, let me tell you, what's wrong? Do you have any other ideas?"

Jin Shu nodded.

"The person involved is not here and you make the decision directly. Do you think I should have an idea? Otherwise, you can discuss it again now and I will participate. If it is reasonable, I will agree."

Kong Weishang was choked and speechless.

Now that the live broadcast camera is facing everyone, how can we discuss this kind of thing in front of the camera? Doesn't this seem like everyone is bullying Jin Shu.

He didn't know what to say, so he could only nodded casually.

"It's fine if you don't want to."

"It's you, would you like to?"

"If I don't have enough brains, I will definitely be willing, and I won't hold anyone back."

Jin Shu nodded.

"Okay, remember what you said now."

When the bus arrived, staff in black uniforms came up and distributed eye masks to everyone.

Xia Ke lamented.

"Come again, come again, I'm too timid to go ahead, Mianyi, you go ahead of me."

"Okay, don't worry, I'll protect you."

At this time, Ji Cheng also followed suit.

"Sister Shen is covering me up, I'm also timid."

"It's okay. Aren't you boys like He Shaoyu? He's also very courageous."

At this time, He Shaoyu glanced at Shen Mianyi, smiled and shook his head.

"I can't, I'm afraid of the dark."

"It's okay. Who said boys can't be afraid of the dark? Okay, okay, I'll be the first one. Xia Ke, who is the bravest, will stand in the middle, and Shao Yu will stand behind me.

There are two boys left, can you protect the last girl? "

In her case, Jin Shu didn't even deserve a name.

The heroine has a cheerful temperament, and her love and hate are all written on her face. Everyone can see that she doesn't like Jin Shu very much, and of course, everyone can understand.

After all, Jin Shu's brain is really not very good. Not to mention the delay in the last episode of the program, Shen Mianyi almost failed to complete the task. Everyone should have some opinions about her.

At this time, Jicheng had already grabbed the hem of Xia Ke's clothes, and Kong Weishang, who had just been exhausted, stepped forward and grabbed Jicheng's clothes.

The remaining Jin Shu could only stand at the last one.

[I feel like everyone hates Jin Shu, but I guess I would too]

[Why did the program team choose a nine-legged fish to participate in the brain-burning variety show? It really affects the viewing experience! ! 】

[Hahaha, He Shaoyu really looks like a little wife standing behind Shen Mianyi. What's going on with the two of them becoming more and more clichéd? 】

[Damn it, Shen Mianyi succeeded in the end!Shaoyu, please wake up!The corners of your mouth are grinning to the base of your ears! 】

[I feel that there is something going on between these two people. This ambiguous feeling cannot be wrong. It is possible that our love is just beginning.]

[Hahahaha I heard that Jin Shu also likes He Shaoyu, right?]

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