Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 127 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 127 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (10)

[Don’t be too outrageous, so many people didn’t calculate it correctly, she was the only one who figured it out]

[I just want to ask if Chen Mianyi’s face hurts from being hit?If Jin Shu targets her, can she help them unlock it? 】

Facing so many doubtful looks, Jin Shu said expressionlessly.

"The number of these colors is different every time. For example, blue is 6 or 7, and the number changes back and forth.

You all only counted the number of the last change, so naturally you didn't notice the difference in the number of these colors.

So the method of counting colors is wrong.

The only constant thing about the entire icon is that all colors are translated at the same angle, and the distance of each translation is the same.

Yellow translates 7, blue translates 2, black translates 5, purple translates 1, red translates 4, and green translates 2.

The final password is 735142. "

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

Everyone stared at the changing pattern on the icon, and it turned out that it was exactly what Jin Shu said!
The amount of each color is constantly changing, but the translation distance remains the same.

Ji Cheng: "Then why isn't the reverse number used as the password?"

"The numbers on the lock are colored."


He picked up the lock and took a look, and sure enough, every number had a color on it!
The numbers correspond to colors, and the password is simple and clear.

[My cerebellum has shrunk]

[Jin Shu just looked like the top student in our class. She was explaining clearly and logically, and the more I listened, the more sleepy I became.]

【real!The number of colors is inconsistent!How could she tell?Didn't she just take a look? 】

[I told you that the program team had an inside story and you still don’t believe it. If Jin Shu hadn’t known the answer in advance, I would have stood on my head and washed my hair live! 】

Naturally, the audience was not the only one to grasp this doubt. Shen Mianyi looked at Jin Shu's eloquent appearance and walked forward directly and couldn't help but sneer.

"So, did you just calculate these? You walked here for less than a minute, and you were able to calculate such a complex password. Jin Shu, you are really a genius!"

"Thank you for the compliment."


Does she really not understand or is she pretending not to understand?

I didn’t expect that the director would do such a thing in order to praise Jin Shu. No wonder the entertainment industry is getting darker and darker. There are so many unspoken rules. Excellent artists have no future, but these cheating and empty-headed idiots can appear frequently. in public.

No wonder the real Shen Mianyi committed suicide. Facing such a dark circle, it’s strange that she’s not depressed!

The more Shen Mianyi thought about it, the angrier she became. She wanted to avenge the original owner and wanted those who manipulated and played with the rules to pay the price.

"The eyes of the five of us are not as good as Jin Shu's alone. I'm a little curious. You have such good eyesight, so can you tell us how many icons there are in total?
You have such a good memory, such a small problem will definitely not trouble you. "

[Shen Mianyi is so strong, she also suspects that Jin Shu knows the rules of the game in advance]

[Aren’t you just waiting for Jin Shu to make a fool of yourself, hahaha, but I love watching it! 】

[If Jin Shu really calculated the password by herself, then she can definitely answer this question]

[Who can remember this?The icons change so quickly! 】

Before Jin Shu could speak, Shen Mianyi had already blocked the icon behind her.

He Shaoyu and Kong Weishang also stood over silently. The two men directly blocked the wall so tightly that Jin Shu couldn't see even if she had eyes on her head.

Xia Ke glanced at Jin Shu, inexplicably nervous.

"Mianyi, since we are all safe, let's continue walking and don't waste time here."

Shen Mianyi raised her eyebrows. "It's just a sentence. It won't waste much time. Jin Shu, do you want to go back and ask the director team?"

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't speak, Shen Mianyi was sure that the director team had told her the answer in advance.

If she dares to do something but doesn't deserve it, she doesn't mind adding fuel to the flames.

He Shaoyu stood beside her, curling his lips slightly.

He was attracted by Shen Mianyi's energy of justice.

Unyielding, unafraid of power, straightforward and transparent, unlike those artists in this circle who wear masks, she is lively and vivid, making people want to get close to her.

[Jin Shu just quit, really, it would be better for everyone]

[Trash show, allowing so many artists to serve as foils for Jin Shu?Is this interesting? 】

[I will tell you that Jin Shu really figured out this code and I will stand on my head to wash my hair!Look, can she say a word now? 】

"Length 52, width 36, a total of one thousand, eight hundred and seventy two."

Shen Mianyi's face froze and she glanced at He Shaoyu subconsciously.

He Shaoyu had been counting the length and width just now, so he knew exactly how many icons there were.

Therefore, after seeing the shock and disbelief in He Shaoyu's eyes, Shen Mianyi's heart clenched fiercely.

Her eyes began to dodge, she hesitated for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence.

"Some things don't need to be verified. As long as the results are good, no matter what your answer is, we believe it."

Jin Shu said nothing, just looked at them silently, then pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, it's really not necessary. After all, everyone should be able to see such a simple calculation at a glance.

Can I continue playing the game now? "

Jin Shu had only experienced the feeling of being an NPC, and it was her first time to be a player, so she was very immersed and enjoying it, and she was too lazy to argue with these people who had their own agendas.

Jin Shu's open-mindedness was like a slap on the face.

Facing so many cameras, He Shaoyu felt that his face was burning.

He turned around and looked at the densely packed icons in front of him. Even he had been counting them for a long time, but Jin Shu could remember them with just one glance.

Ji Cheng laughed helplessly.

"It's really boring. It's a virtue to admit that others are better than yourself."

[The person who just wanted to live stream his hair upside down, I’m already paying attention to you. Either apologize to Jin Shu, or hurry up and prepare water to wash your hair]

【Really!I’ve been counting screenshots for a long time, and it’s really the same as what Jin Shu said! 】

[The director team told her this in advance, right? 】

[Shen Mianyi is really targeting her. Jin Shu is smarter than her, and she is almost jealous to death! 】

[Laughing, what's there to be jealous of a high school educated Jiuluoyu?Can playing a game change the fact that she is poor in studies?Everyone knows whether there is any inside story, we just don’t bother to talk about it]

At this moment, the live broadcast suddenly cut to the director's team, and the director with a serious and unsmiling face said something to the camera.

"The director team accepts supervision from anyone and never communicates privately with the artists in advance.

Those in the live broadcast room who swear that they have insider information, please provide evidence, otherwise our program team will pursue it to the end. "

[Director Guo is angry. He is the most awesome director in the industry, how could he be joking about his own reputation! 】

[Where is Shen Mianyi?She was the one who set the pace first. 】

(End of this chapter)

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