Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 128 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 128 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (11)

[What does it have to do with our sleepiness?Normal people will ask questions, it would be nice if everyone could explain clearly]

[Laughing to death, you don’t have to be responsible for what you say. No matter what, your family is the right one. I’m surprised she didn’t say anything hurtful? 】

[Watch the variety show carefully and stop arguing. What a good show has been ruined]

The director also has a headache.

Everything was going normally and everyone was doing their job, but unexpectedly something went wrong with Jin Shu.

The reason why Jin Shu was made a permanent guest at the beginning was to make the atmosphere in the team more relaxed. After all, as long as there is someone with an IQ and responsibility, there will be someone to act as a contrast.

No one expected that Jin Shu's IQ suddenly went up. Not only that, he also beat everyone in the team. Even the director himself was wondering if Jin Shu had secretly read the rules of the game.

But Jin Shu's self-evidence just now cleared her of suspicion.

Now there is only one explanation. Jin Shu was very smart before, but she was just pretending to be stupid to cooperate with everyone.

Didn't she say that she wanted to change her personality in front of media reporters two days ago, so now she stopped pretending, showed her cards, and revealed her true face as a genius?
If something is wrong, you have to check again. If something unexpected happens, the live broadcast must be paused at any time.

Everyone was extremely quiet along the way. Those who were laughing and joking at first were now silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

After passing the first level, as soon as the door of the second level was pushed open, everyone was instantly stunned by the pink bubbles that rushed towards them.

Everything in front of me is so pink, from the ceiling to the floor to the surrounding walls, everything is painted a dreamy pink.

The air was also filled with pink balloons.

Jin Shu squinted her eyes, looking at the room full of princess fans with interest, and picked up a balloon.

In this sea of ​​pink is a princess bed covered with pink sheets. On the bed is a one-to-one life-size princess doll, with delicate and beautiful blond hair and blue eyes. The puppet's unique blue eyes stare blankly ahead. Looking at everyone who walks into the house.

"Wow, this is too exaggerated. Is this some kind of princess's dream bedroom?"

Kong Weishang had an exaggerated look on his face. When the pink balloon floated over, he patted it away with a look of disgust, as if his masculinity would be diluted by this balloon.

"I can't do it. I can't do it in this house. It's too pink. I feel uncomfortable looking at it."

"Do you girls all like such pink things?"

Shen Mianyi shook her head.

"I don't like it. I haven't liked pink since I was a child. It's too girly.

Believe me, you guys are not the only ones who are feeling uncomfortable right now, I am also feeling suffocated. "

Upon hearing this, Xia Ke looked at Shen Mianyi silently, then restrained his eyes full of love and whispered.

"well enough."

"I think it's pretty."

Jin Shu stared at the pink unicorn painted on the pink wall, carefully admiring the carefully decorated princess room.

Kong Weishang sneered.

"I see, you like this kind of thing."

Xia Ke was a little angry and glared at Kong Weishang.

"What's wrong with pink?"

"It's okay. It's something little girls like. But when you get older, it's best not to use this color. It's not suitable. It seems like you are pretending to be young."

Xia Ke is 27 and the oldest sister here.

The joke Kong Weishang said with a smile made her heart ache, and she hit him angrily and anxiously.

But it’s hard to act too angry in front of the camera.

Shen Mianyi stepped forward and hugged Xia Ke's shoulders.

"It's so cute to like pink, like a little girl, making people full of protectiveness. Which girl doesn't hope that she can make people feel protective?
You straight men, if you don’t know how to speak, don’t talk nonsense. "

Kong Weishang nodded repeatedly to beg for mercy.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong just now. Anyone who likes pink is just a little princess, right?

Shen Mianyi, you are a real man, come and stand with us! "

Shen Mianyi picked up the balloon and was about to hit him. Suddenly there was a loud "bang" sound and the balloon in her hand exploded. Shen Mianyi was so frightened that she screamed and subconsciously hid behind He Shaoyu.

The balloon in Xia Ke's hand also exploded, and she was startled. When she came to her senses, she had already grabbed Jin Shu's arm, and Jin Shu stood in front of her, holding the blown balloon in her hand. Pi, with a calm look on his face.

[Jin Shu is as calm as a dummy]

[It made me laugh so hard. The real man who hates pink hides behind others while the little princess Jin Shu who likes pink protects Xia Ke with an indifferent expression]

[Is pink a color that cannot be used on countertops?The look of disgust on his face is really disgusting. If you don’t like it, don’t dislike it, okay? 】

[I don’t like pink, but I don’t despise this color either. The Queen of England still likes pink and it doesn’t stop others from becoming the queen]

The balloon exploded, and countless gold powder exploded from inside.

Xia Ke subconsciously locked his neck, but after waiting for a while, he found that there was no gold powder on his body at all.

Looking up, Jin Shu was standing in front of her, her body leaning slightly, and her height of nearly 1.7 meters directly blocked her.

Gold powder fell all over her back, but her body was clean.

"Jin Shu, you...you are all dirty."

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and patted the gold powder on her hair.

"If it's dirty, it's dirty. I have more clothes."

Xia Ke looked up at her. Although Jin Shu had a pair of ponytails, her face was firm and stylish, her nose bridge was high and delicate, her lips were light pink, and her neutral face was paired with those cold eyes. For a moment, Xia Ke's heart was beating fast.

【Oops, it's a heartbeat feeling】

[Oops, I just thought Jin Shu was handsome]

[Subconsciously protecting the companions around you, no matter how bad this kind of person is, how bad can he be? 】

[Xia Ke, can you be successful? Your nose is bleeding.]

[Ah ah ah, Jin Shu really looked like the boy in my dream just now! ! 】

[Jin Shu has always had a youthful feeling about her, which is especially obvious when she is not smiling]

And this time on the other side.

Shen Mianyi was held in He Shaoyu's arms at the critical moment. The two of them maintained this posture for nearly a minute. Gold powder fell from the sky. Shen Mianyi slowly raised his head and looked at He Shaoyu.

The camera also accurately gives them a close-up view of their faces.

【What the hell?Hug together? 】

[Is this a direct official announcement?Watching a secret room show and getting a lot of shit]

[Ah ah ah ah, so sweet, so sweet, so sweet! ! 】

[Seriously, I just want to watch a variety show quietly, don’t do this, okay?If it doesn't work out, can you two start another love show and participate in it? 】

[Jin Shu’s side is more pleasing to the eye]

[As a ten-year-old fan of He Shaoyu, I couldn’t be happier to see this scene]

There is something going on between Shen Mianyi and He Shaoyu, which was revealed in the last issue.

During a break in filming, the two were photographed eating together and going in and out together several times.

(End of this chapter)

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