Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 129 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 129 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (12)

Now everyone is well aware of the relationship between the two, so the interaction between the two at this time is more like desensitizing the fans so that they can accept the fact that their idols are in love sooner.

The content on the barrage was complicated at this time, with some blessings and some scolding. Of course, most of them were scolded.

"How long are you going to hug?"

When everyone was silent, Jin Shu said this unceremoniously.

He Shaoyu gave her a cold look, then let go.

"The countdown has begun. I suggest you go out and find a place where no one is around before continuing the hug."

Xia Ke suppressed a smile, looked at the unnatural expressions of the two people opposite him, and couldn't help but follow.

"Jin Shu loves to joke, but we really don't have much time now. Let's quickly find clues and get out."

【Jin Shu: My mouth is for you】

[I really can’t stand anyone showing affection in front of me!Not to mention that He Shaoyu is still my husband! 】

[Congratulations, your husband is in love]

[I just love watching the sweet part of sprinkling sugar. Jin Shu can’t eat the grapes and says the grapes are sour. It’s really interesting]

【Hurry up and play the game!Real ink stains!Could it be simpler? 】

At this time, one of the protagonists, Shen Mianyi, just thought Jin Shu was funny.

It's really interesting how she can't help but love him. Shen Mianyi doesn't mind continuing to stimulate her, so that she can completely give up on this idea.

At this moment, the little girl's choking sound came from the room.

"Have any of you seen my master? Her name is Alice. She seems to have not come to see me for a long time. Who are you? Are you here to play with me?"

Everyone was taken aback.

Jin Shu turned around and looked at the place where the sound came from, and finally her eyes rested on the doll on the bed.

Just when everyone was staring at the puppet, suddenly, the puppet's eyes moved. "ah!"

Xia Ke was so frightened that he jumped up and subconsciously grabbed Jin Shu's arm.

"One of you is my friend and my kind. Leave that person behind and the rest of you can leave. Otherwise... you all stay with me."

With laughter echoing throughout the room, the little girl continued.

"My kind is very slow. The balloon here contains a small note written by the owner. The person who finds the smallest note is my kind."

As soon as the words fell, everyone began to look for the balloons on the ground.

"The balloon...there is a note inside the balloon, we need to pop the balloon now!"

As he said that, Kong Weishang picked up the balloon and put it under his feet to step on.

With one kick, the balloons exploded with "bang", "bang" and "bang", and the room was filled with gold powder that dazzled everyone.

Everyone will bend down and look for it on the ground.

At this time, Shen Mianyi noticed that Jin Shu was not searching with everyone at all, but stood there and looked around.

"Jin Shu, what are you doing? Have you found any better way?"

The only thing Shen Mianyi was sure of was that Jin Shu must have known the rules of the game in advance. She never believed that a person like Jin Shu would suddenly become smarter.

The only way to deal with this kind of person is to do whatever she does. So what if she knows the inside story?Everyone stared at her to stop her from trying to steal the show alone!

Jin Shu didn't speak, just stared at the balloon pattern on the wall. Suddenly she looked away, as if she was worried about being discovered.

Shen Mianyi caught the look in her eyes just now, and she became enlightened and curled her lips into a sarcastic smile.

"Stop looking for it on the ground. It's a waste of time."

(End of this chapter)

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