Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 131 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 131 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (14)

Kong Weishang, on the other hand, had been lying on the ground blowing gold powder. He was not idle from beginning to end. He finally blew out three or four pieces, and then was directly picked up by Shen Mianyi.


Shen Mianyi didn't even look at him.

"Let's hold on tight and don't let the people outside wait too long."

"There are three of us, two passwords, and no matter what, no one can get out."

Kong Weishang is not stupid. The two people in front of him look like they are in the same group. If he cooperates with them, he will most likely be at the bottom.

Shen Mianyi said firmly.

"Don't worry, I have a way to get all three of us out."

"real or fake?"

"You don't believe me? When did I lie to you?"

Kong Weishang was dubious, but in the end he knelt down silently out of sympathy and followed He Shaoyu to look for notes in the gold powder.

With 3 minutes left in the final countdown, Shen Mianyi opened all the notes and found two strings of passwords in two of them.

"found it!"

Kong Weishang stood up with a look of embarrassment and was about to check the password, but Shen Mianyi was busy helping He Shaoyu wipe the gold powder from his face.

"Don't waste time, get out quickly."

There was a strange energy in this room, which made people feel uncomfortable just looking at it. Kong Weishang couldn't wait to get out, so he went directly to the password screen at the door.

"Where's the password?"

Shen Mianyi told him not to worry, and she stepped forward.

"So, what's your solution?"

"It stipulates that only one person can go out at a time, but what will happen if two of me go out together?"

"Stacked together? What do you mean?"

Shen Mianyi gave a string of passwords directly to Kong Weishang.

"Shaoyu and I will try it first. Anyway, if you have the password, you will definitely be able to get out."

After saying that, Shen Mianyi looked at He Shaoyu.

"do you understand me?"

He Shaoyu shook his head, he didn't understand much.

"You are really stupid sometimes. Forget it, I won't talk nonsense for the sake of the mission."

After saying that, Shen Mianyi walked directly to him, put her hands around his neck and jumped up, while He Shaoyu hugged her subconsciously.

Seeing this operation, everyone inside and outside the door was shocked.

【Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! 】

[The most exciting scene in my life finally appeared! 】

[It’s Chinese New Year, it’s Chinese New Year, I smashed the peach CP and sprinkled it with sugar! 】

【I do not accept!I do not accept!He Shaoyu is mine!I don’t accept it ah ah ah 】

[I hugged you right away?Are you all lying together behind your back?Love at public expense? 】

[My current expression is similar to that of Kong Weishang, confused, shocked, and unbelievable]

[It was just ambiguous before, but now it’s no longer hidden, right? 】

[There are so many positions to choose from, does it have to be a princess hug? 】

[The lives of fans are not valuable, right?I spent all my hard work on rankings so that you can show off your affection, right? 】

The few people outside the door were already used to it.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this scene will happen sooner or later, and my job is to make a surprised expression next to it."

Xia Ke expressed his feelings as a supporting role without expression.

Then she asked Jin Shu again.

"Do you think all three of them can come out?" "No."

"Isn't this coming out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door opened and He Shaoyu strode out with Shen Mianyi in his arms.

A smile appeared on Shen Mianyi's lips.

"If we use this method early, everyone can come out together."

Jin Shu pointed at Kong Weishang behind him.

"you sure?"

At this time, a harsh alarm sounded. Kong Weishang, who was about to go out after entering the password, was startled by the sudden sound. The door that was half open suddenly closed again!
Kong Weishang stood helplessly inside the glass door, watching the people outside banging on the door.

"What's going on! Why can't I get out!!"

Shen Mianyi was also a little panicked.

She didn't expect this to happen either.

"Didn't it mean that a person is alone with a password? Why can't he get out if he has a password?"

She looked at Jin Shu, as if she was sure that Jin Shu would know the answer.

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows and spoke calmly.

"How do I know? Maybe it's because you cheated. Didn't it just say that only five people can pass?"

"But we...but we only used a password!"

"A string of passwords, one person, the rules are very clear. Do you have any problem with your understanding?"

"You! Why did you speak so hastily?! I didn't mean it, and I didn't know it would be like this! Why didn't you tell us if you knew in advance?"

Jin Shu looked cold.

"Did I ask you to put your arms around his neck and carry him out together? Did I ask you to leave Kong Weishang as the last one to come out?

Since it was you who came up with the solution, it should be you who takes the full responsibility, but you let Kong Weishang take the full responsibility.

You have taken all the benefits, and now you are blaming others, what?Are you able to become a star just because you are thick-skinned? "

It's not that Jin Shu can't speak, but she's too lazy to speak. Whenever someone really offends her, I'm sorry, but Jin Shu has the strength to argue to the end.

Shen Mianyi was completely speechless at this time.

She looked at He Shaoyu and shook her head helplessly.

"I didn't mean it. I really didn't expect it to be like this. Otherwise, send me in and replace Kong Weishang!"

[I didn’t realize it at first, but what Jin Shu said was indeed true!Being the last one to come out must be risky. Since it was her request, why didn't she go to the last one? 】

[Don’t blame Mianyi, it’s obvious that she didn’t do it on purpose. Who would have thought of this?The only blame is that the show crew is so disgusting]

[If you don’t blame her, who should you blame?Originally, Kong Weishang had already found the note, and he only handed over his note after hearing her solemn promise]

[Indeed, this is the rule, if you have to be smart, you have to have others pay for her mistakes]

[Hahahaha Kong Weishang is such a miserable man. Not only does he watch others show affection, but he is also shown off to death! 】

He Shaoyu also frowned, he did not expect this situation.

The throbbing that was still remaining in my heart has now completely disappeared.

Being accused by so many people face to face, and he still couldn't say a word to refute, this feeling was really uncomfortable and made him extremely irritable.

"I don't know either, don't ask me, I have a headache right now."

He Shaoyu's tone was a little aggressive.

[He Shaoyu’s temper seems not to be very good]

[He has always been like this. He has long been exposed on the set and yelled at people. Many people have forgotten about it]

Xia Ke's eyes flickered between the two people, and then she moved closer to Jin Shu.

Stay away from them. Looking at her very unstable mood, Jin Shu is still reliable.

"Instead of wasting time here to shirk responsibility, you should find a way to comfort the comrades you left behind."

(End of this chapter)

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