Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 132 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 132 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (15)

Kong Weishang himself did not expect that he would not be able to get out with the password in his hand.

Across a glass door, his companions were outside, and he slapped the glass in fear.

"What's the situation!"

"Don't worry, we are trying to find a way to rescue you."

Ji Cheng was the captain of this period. He looked around and finally chose to ask Jin Shu for help.

It's not that she knows the inside story, it's just that Jin Shu's performance makes people feel very reliable.

"Look at what I do?"

"You have a way to get him out, right?"


Shen Mianyi looked at Jin Shu with hatred hidden in her eyes and asked eagerly.

"You know how to get Xia Ke out, how could you not know how to save Kong Weishang?"

Jin Shu looked at him.

"I obey the rules. You just hurt your teammates by not obeying the rules, and now you want me to break the rules?

Just calm down and apologize honestly when he comes out. "

Seeing Jin Shu's cold and indifferent expression, Shen Mian became distraught.

"If you don't save me, I won't be able to move forward if one person is missing."

"Well, good luck to you then."

Jin Shu is here to play games. A group of people can play, and a person can also play.

Seeing her turn around and leave, Xia Ke quickly chased after her.

"Are you really not going to save Kong Weishang?"

"What can I do to save you? If you lose, you will be punished. This has been agreed upon a long time ago."

"Yes, but let's just leave. Can we do it later?"

Xia Ke was mainly worried that the two of them would not be able to pass the next test.

Jin Shu didn't care.

"Take it one step at a time. Don't worry, the people who pay us wages won't let them continue to waste time there."

The game time is limited, so if you don’t play it quickly, the people who paid for them will definitely not be happy.

As expected by Jin Shu, as soon as the two of them walked to the next room, there were footsteps behind them. Looking back, Shen Mianyi, who had just vowed not to leave, was now following him with a dissatisfied look on his face.

When Xia Ke asked about the situation, Ji Cheng said helplessly.

"As soon as you left, the lights in the room suddenly went dark. Weishang shouted and then stopped. The voice inside told us that if we want to save him, we have to keep walking."

When Xia Ke heard this, he looked at Jin Shu with admiration.

"You're really right."

Six people turned into five people. The atmosphere in the team was a bit depressing. After a few steps, the lights above their heads suddenly went dark.

In the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers, Ji Cheng shivered and his voice trembled.

"Where are you all? Where is this place? What should we do?"

Xia Ke was not much better.

"Jin Shu, Jin Shu, where are you? Oh my god, don't scare me. I'm too timid to be scared, ah——!!!"

With a piercing scream, Xia Ke saw a faint green light suddenly appear in the darkness, and in the middle of that light, there was a person wearing a princess dress floating.

Jin Shu also noticed the legless man and walked over to take a look. She couldn't see the face under the long hair clearly under the dim light, so she reached out and touched it.

Suddenly, the figure in front of him seemed to have been touched by some mechanism, and his limbs began to shake with "clicks" and "clicks." Its two arms seemed to be hung up by two wires. As the music sounded, it seemed like The string puppets sway mechanically and rigidly to the music.

"Ah! Ghost!!"

Xia Ke's scream was quite penetrating.

Jin Shu directly covered her mouth.

"Stop shouting, he's a dummy."

"It's moving!! It's moving!!"

Xia Ke was so frightened that he babbled nonsense. At this time, Jin Shu noticed that her sleeve was grabbed by another hand. She turned around and saw that Ji Cheng had touched her behind and tremblingly grabbed her. A piece of sleeve. "Dummy, comrades, this is a dummy."

Jin Shu's left and right hands were being pulled and she couldn't move.

【Hahahahahaha! !Comrades!dummy! ! 】

[I finally know what Jin Shu’s temperament looks like!Like a retired cadre walking in the park with a teapot!Hahahahaha]

[If it were me, I would be scared to death. You should be a human being on the show team. This must not scare Xia Ke and Jicheng to death! 】

[Jin Shu has a maturity and stability that belies her age, which cannot be faked]

[Hahahaha, the silly Baitian was just a character in the past, but now her true colors are revealed and she turns out to be a veteran cadre]

[Xia Ke: Screaming and twisted, Jin Shu: This thing is really interesting, let me take a closer look]

In the end, the two of them calmed down.

Because Jin Shu closed the mic directly manually.

"I told you, it's just a dummy."

Moreover, the service level is average. Jin Shu, who used to be a professional NPC, said that the terror index is about zero.

After walking around the dummy, Jin Shu touched the switch on the wall.

The moment the lights came on, the dummy stopped moving.

It was at this time that everyone saw Shen Mianyi and He Shaoyu embracing in the corner.

【Absolutely, can you send Q anytime and anywhere? 】

[I just saw it, why is he afraid of the dark? Shen Mianyi has been protecting him, this is nothing to complain about]

[Okay, okay, don’t pretend anymore, right? 】

[I used to struggle to survive, but now I sneer at it]

[You guys are falling in love here, don’t move around, I’ll buy your favorite big mouth guy]

Xia Ke and Jicheng can already turn a blind eye.

The two of them were so frightened that they were reduced to human form. Instead of gossiping, they wanted to follow Jin Shu closely to avoid a critical attack by turning off the lights the next second.

"What on earth is this? Why is there such a thing in the little girl's house!"

At this moment, the dummy hanging in mid-air suddenly fell down, and fell to the ground with a "bang" sound, which scared Xia Ke and made him cry again.

The wig unraveled, revealing the dummy's face.

"Isn't this Kong Weishang!"

There was a picture pasted on the dummy's face, and it wasn't Kong Weishang's face.

"It means that Kong Weishang was arrested and is still hanging here."

Ji Cheng analyzed calmly, while Xia Ke silently said something next to him.

"Then will he show up next?"

If he charges the same amount, why can he get off work early?

Ji Cheng shook his head.

"I don't know, but I think he's not dead yet, he's just hanging here to scare us."

At this time, sharp laughter came from the corridor again.

"Your friend is in my hands now. Do you want to save him? If you want to save him, then come to me. As long as you find me, you can save your friend.

If you can't find me, then you all have to stay here! ! "

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Shen Mianyi leaned against He Shaoyu and looked at Jin Shu.

"Where to find him? If I find him, I will go and rescue Wei Shang myself."

Jin Shu pointed to the door in front of her.

"Where else but here? Don't you even use your brain when playing games?"

"I thought you would know something that others don't know. After all, didn't you show that you are familiar with this place before?"

(End of this chapter)

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