Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 136 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 136 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (19)

After the speech ended, Mo Shen sat in the lounge and waited for his son to finish.

At this time, the assistant came over with a mobile phone.

"Mr. Mo, the old man's phone number."

As soon as the call was connected, the old man's irritable voice came from the other end.

"Didn't we agree to bring Mo Zhongxue to see me? I've been waiting for several days, why haven't I come yet? Do you think it's easy to fool me because I have Alzheimer's disease?

I want to see Zhongxue, you bring him to see me tonight. "

"Well, I'll take him to you for dinner tonight."

"Why didn't Zhongxue answer my calls in the past two days? I called him at 06:30 in the evening, but he didn't answer. Is he in love? Children are young and ignorant. Falling in love will affect your health. oh.

Your brother fell in love at a young age and was diagnosed with cancer after giving birth to Jong Hak.

Look at you, you haven’t been in love in your 30s, you are in good health, there is no illness or disaster.

He must be in love, he is still young, don’t let him get in touch with girls so early, the men in our family have been cursed..."

Mo Shen frowned helplessly.

The old man is getting more and more crazy. Although his speech was chaotic at first, it was at least somewhat logical. Now it is better, and he is talking nonsense.

He had agreed at the beginning not to allow anyone to know the life experience of Zhongxue's child, and to let him, his uncle, be the father.

Now that he's done talking nonsense, Mo Shen has no choice but to let Mo Zhongxue go to the old man as little as possible.

Mo Zhongxue continued to hide it. The child was so irritated by the death of his parents that after a high fever, he grabbed Mo Shen's clothes and called him dad. No matter who tried to persuade him, it was useless.

The old man felt distressed and simply let Mo Shen be Mo Zhongxue's father.

When the child grew up, he seemed to have forgotten what happened when he was a child. He had been calling Mo Shen daddy for so many years. The relationship between father and son was also very harmonious. Seeing that things were developing in a good direction, the old man and Mo Shen made mistakes.

In this way, Mo Shen, who had never been married in his life, not only had a deceased wife, but also a biological son.

The speech of the outstanding student representative was also over, and Mo Zhongxue came directly to the lounge to find Mo Shen.

"Your grandpa said you haven't answered his calls recently. What's going on? Please explain."

Mo Zhongxue looked at him with a solemn expression and hesitated for a few seconds before answering.

"I found a job as a tutor, tutoring others from six to eight in the evening."

"Tutor? Why didn't you discuss it with me? Not enough pocket money?"

"It's not because of this. School is boring. I'm just idle. Find something to do for yourself."

Mo Shen sat back on the sofa with his long legs crossed, looking at Mo Zhongxue's unnatural expression, he smiled meaningfully.

"Well, pay attention to your safety. After all, you are from the Mo family, and there are many people who have bad intentions towards you."

"I know that I have grown up and can protect myself."

"Well, do whatever you want, and go have a meal with your grandpa tonight."

Mo Zhongxue glanced at him.

"You're not going?"

"I have something to do tonight."

"You have to eat if you have something to do, so come eat with me and grandpa."

Mo Shen stood up, closed his suit jacket and put on his windbreaker.

"The company is busy, so you and your aunt will accompany grandpa to dinner."

Mo Zhongxue looked at him with a sullen face, thinking that he must want to leave him and find the female star.

There are some things that cannot be said even if they are clear in the heart. Mo Zhongxue felt uncomfortable but didn't know what to do, so he could only whisper.

"Alright then."

After walking out of the lounge, Mo Shen strode across the campus with his assistant and secretary following behind him. "Check where Zhong Xue has been tutoring these days and who he is with."

"There is no need to check this. The student who just received you is Master Mo's roommate. As usual, he and I learned about Master Zhongxue's recent movements, and he told me everything he knew.

Look, the tutoring student that Master Zhongxue has recently come into contact with is her, a female artist named Jin Shu, 22 years old, an artist under Xinqi Entertainment Media. "

Taking the phone, Mo Shen looked at the young and beautiful girl on the screen and frowned slightly.

It looks familiar.

The secretary on the side explained with a very knowing look.

"She was also present at the previous dinner party with Mr. Liu, sitting next to you."

Later, he was photographed by unscrupulous media and caused some scandals.

But Mr. Mo doesn't care about this. He always puts his energy and time on more important things.

So the secretary didn't say much.

"Jin Shu..."

Is Mo Zhongxue just giving extra lessons to this woman these days?

What lessons should a female artist take?

Six to eight in the evening, does it have to be at night?
Jong Hak is young and innocent, but this woman made her debut five years ago. She has never even gone to college at the age of 17. She lives in a mixed circle and can climb to the status of a popular actress. She must be a little unknown. s method.

With her beauty and tricks, Mo Zhongxue, that fool, couldn't resist it.

"Contact Mr. Liu and come out to have a meal together."

"Well, okay. The next meeting is at two o'clock in the afternoon. Are you going to the company or having lunch at school?"

In front is the school's Swan Lake Restaurant, which has Mr. Mo's favorite pasta. Because Mo Zhongxue likes pasta as much as Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo simply donated a restaurant full of meals that suit Mo Zhongxue's taste.

"Let's go to the Swan Lake Restaurant to eat."

As soon as Mo Shen entered the restaurant and was about to sit down, Mo Zhongxue, who just said he had something to do and couldn't eat together, suddenly ran in after him.


"what happened?"

Mo Shen sat down and started to read the menu.

Mo Zhongxue had a sullen face and felt a little anxious. His eyes couldn't help but glance towards the lake, his mind was running rapidly, and his body was subconsciously blocking Mo Shen.

"I...I want to go out to eat."

"Then you go."

"You stay with me."

Mo Shen glanced at him, and a trace of doubt flashed across his dark eyes. Is this child so strange today?
Mo Zhongxue's face was already a little hot, and what he was doing now really looked like an ignorant child.

"What's wrong? This restaurant doesn't suit your taste? I'll have someone arrange it for you."

"No need, forget it."

If he does some strange behavior again, Mo Shen will become suspicious.

There was no other way, Mo Zhongxue could only sit down obediently, and specially chose a position facing the window, trying his best to prevent Mo Shen from noticing the white figure by the lake.

Mo Zhongxue thought he behaved quite naturally, but in Mo Shen's eyes, every move he made seemed like a deliberate performance, which could be seen through at a glance.

What is he nervous about?
There was something outside the window that he didn't want himself to see.

Mo Shen turned his head and looked out the window.

It happened that Jin Shu's overly fair and bright face turned around. She was sitting on a bench by the lake. She was wearing a white down jacket and slim jeans. Her legs were long and straight and particularly eye-catching. At the same time, there were three boys looking like flies. Surround her.

(End of this chapter)

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